Newspaper Headlines About Smoking

Is reuters UK a newspaper? or a magazine? what exactly is it?

"Nellie R" is correct. It is a British-based international wire news service, but it is now more than just that.

Originally it was Financial news service started by Baron Von Reuters and later expanded into being a wire news service. It always maintained an economic service.

In 1984 it started to also have a news photo service and in the late 1990's it took over "Visnews Limited", a British-based international Television news syndication service. Previous to that it only had a one-third share in Visnews with the other two-thirds being one-third BBC and the remaining one-third being a combination of other British commonwealth TV news outlets (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation etc).

Creative newspaper article title?

I'm doing an article about the respiratory system. My article's audience is an athlete, or athletes. The article is meant to inform the athletes about their respiratory system, and how their lungs work, and some factors which can affect their lungs/ breathing. so far, i have "The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Respiratory System- A Guide for Athletes"
but it sounds lame

so far, i have "The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Respiratory System- A Guide for Athletes"
but it sounds lame

Does smoking affect our IQ level?

That would be hard to prove one way or another.But it’s like the headline that our local newspaper ran years ago stating that smokers were more likely to get divorce.While I have met a few people who said they divorced over smoking, it really was about something else — about their lying about smoking, or about not supporting them in anything, including quitting.Most likely the reason why smokers are more likely to get divorced is that 50% of people who smoke also have drug/alcohol problems and mental health issues — people with those problems are more likely to have interpersonal relationship issues as well. So it’s not the smoking, it’s the person.Same with IQ. People with lower IQ’s more often smoke than those with a higher IQ. So it’s not the smoking that is affecting the IQ, as much as it is about the person.

What would happen in the event of an English Premier League football manager smoking a cigarette when they are in charge of a team during a game?

We have had a prohibition on work place smoking for a decade, but it is for indoor workplaces. That fool manager might have some argument that the touchline is an outdoor workplace. Unlikely however.Perhaps all stadiums, even those completely outdoors, have ‘smoke free environment’ rules. Managers would not be allowed an exception. They would be public representatives of the rule.I imagine that the FA would use this as a publicity campaign. Perhaps not at the level of the racial “Respect” campaign, but it would be an easier issue to sell to the public.He could make a load of money sponsoring a ‘stop smoking’ program/drugs, like Nicoret patches or gum. Hell, today they might make a reality TV show about it.In short, I think the manager would be comically out of touch, probably would be acting illegally, and certainly would be the poster-boy for an FA campaign, but he might cash in through cutting out his smoking.Oh, course, he can take a break for a fag out in the car park during half time, which is unlikely to go down well with the supporters.

Why do I feel dumber after I’ve stopped smoking weed?

Depending on your personality and brain chemistry, it could be that weed legitimately balances you out.I have pretty extreme ADHD.I like to think of my mind as a spherical fish tank filled with bouncy balls moving at extreme speeds.The fish tank is my brain, the bouncy balls are my thoughts.When I smoke weed. The fish tank gets larger, the balls become larger, and slower.This allows me to focus more on what I need to do, helps me understand complex concepts, and slows my mind down enough that I’m not bouncing around from subject to subject in my everyday conversations.There’s a lot of negative information on marijuana on the internet.Just keep in mind the laws created to make marijuana illegal in the U.S. were created for these reasons.Hemp was threatening the paper industry as a cheaper alternative to paper.People who own paper manufacturing facilities ALSO owned newspapersTo compete with hemp, they spread propaganda about how “weed will make your wife sleep with a black man”. This was literally a headline in one of the newspapers owned by anti-hemp advocates.The majority of the negative information we’ve been fed from a young age was based on propaganda circulating long before we were born.This is an actual advertisement that was placed in major publications.Ya feel me?As Americans, we often forget that nations we’ve fought against arent the only nations that use propaganda to manipulate their citizens. We’ve been manipulated more than many countries, the US is just much better at it than most.This is the same government that distributed PHARMACEUTICAL COCAINE and marketed it as a “miracle drug”— until the people exporting it to US soil started making more money than the people manufacturing it locally.So, if you feel you’re more productive a joint or two deep, smoke on my brother.

What percentage of adults in the US smoke cigarettes?

The figures are a bit hard to pin down for several reasons. Antismokers will tend to cite larger numbers when they’re milking the government for tax money grants or trying to make newspaper headlines about the “plague of smokers” attacking “The Children” out there, and smaller numbers when they want to demonstrate their “success” and “importance” in fighting said plague. Plus smokers will often downplay their smoking to make nice to and please whoever it is asking them about it — or simply play a psychological game with themselves by thinking “Well, I only smoke three or four a day usually so I’m not REALLY a smoker!” And finally you’ve got anyone out there with children or who works with children and who are scared silly that people will think they’re poisoning the poor little things with their second, third, and fourth-hand smoke!Personally, I believe it’s likely more than 15 and less than 20% averaged across all US 18+ age groups under 65 or 70. Here’s a link to CDC figures the significantly higher levels in the 25 to 65 age range than in the 18 to 24 range … putting the lie to the whole universal “they get addicted as children” meme)and to the UK’s similar figures: are considerably higher within the 24 to 35 age range at just about 20% or, in some areas, edging up toward 25%.As noted at my start, I believe these figures are likely at least somewhat lower than the reality (despite the image of accuracy portrayed by the decimal points) but absent widespread cotinine and hair nicotine measurements it’s difficult to tell.MJM, one of those post-65 smokers…