No Friends To Hang Out With

No close friends or hangout friends?

At school, i do always (kind of) have groups of people I "blend in" with. i'm not the invisible, quiet one of the groups but even as i'm laughing along and joining in conversations, i feel somewhat out of it. So i have plenty of acquaintances but none of them are people that actually care when i'm not there. And i'm not even at the point to get invited to their parties. I'm not one that constantly need to be out doing something but two whole years of high school without being invited once to hang out is pretty bad, and I think I'm a pretty average girl so this whole time I thought, "someone i can connect with will eventually come along". I actually got out there, joined clubs and got to know new people but nobody connected with me and i didn't feel connected to them.
What's really awkward is for school events where i have to sit with friends (random in school pep rallies), I have no one to sit with. Well, I can sit with some of my acquaintances but they always give me a weird glance like, "why isn't she sitting with her own friends" but the thing is, they're my only "friends".
It's really hard to make close friends at this point because people have already have their friend groups and are unwilling to let others in. And my parents, who obviously noticed I have never brought a friend over for a few years, are really awkward about it when the topic comes up and I feel like such a loser though I know that's not what my parents are thinking.
It's not so much about me being sad about being alone, because sometimes people do need some me-time, but I really want a close friend who I can rely on and not treat me as a last resort. I really want to look forward to going to school but I dread it so much because going makes me remember what a loser I am. Even the so called "outcasts" have friends, so since I have absolutely zero friends, I must not even be worth being an "outcast".

Is anyone in this situation, or has been? I really need advice and I am so sad everyday because of this...

Crying because I have no friends?

Lately I've been feeling lonely because I have no friends to hangout at lunch , I've always hung out with my boyfriend in lunch but this school year he's decided to hang out with his friends also, it's not that I don't want him to hangout with his friends, it's that I have no friends who will hangout with me in lunch , I don't like asking my friends everyday to hangout in lunch because they hang out with their own boyfriends or best friends & it's a horrible feeling to hangout with them and be ignored. I feel like crying because I feel lonely most of the time

Girls, Do You Care If a Guy Has NO Friends to Hang Out With?

I am a shy person and I am in my second year of college. I am at a different college than most of the students that I knew that went to my old high school. I have never seen them since. All of the students at my college just go to class and leave or socialize with THEIR CIRCLE of friends either in person, or more commonly, throgh their phone. I feel left out because I have NO ONE at my college and I have NO ONE to text regularly, and I seem like I don't fit in with everyone.

I also have NO EXPERIENCE with girls and since I have no friends, would that even matter? I am TIRED of being the lonely loser who will have NO ONE to celebrate New Year's with and I will more than likely spend another V-Day alone and single again. I am in college and I do NOT want to look back and view myself as a loser with girls like I am right now because everyone I know has GFs and I feel left out and ignored.

What to do for new years Eve if I have no friends?

I feel the same way you do. I am two years younger than you, 16 and i live in rural southern spain with my parents alone, with no friends and no other family or people we know. I am staying stuck a freezing house which isn't even ours with my parents. I asked a similar question last night about this & a man answered telling me he is spending new years at the accident and emergency again fixing up drunks who have hurt themselves or got into fights whilst his wife and her friends are out at parties, he reminded me that new year isn't just about getting drunk and making a mess of yourself and i should reflect on the year and celebrate it knowing there is a whole new year coming ahead of me.

He said there are many more to come when i am older and i will have friends and one day perhaps a family to celebrate it. Same goes to you. There are many people who are alone and won't be doing anything. It is just another night passing by, nothing different...everyone is made to believe it is such a big thing and everyone wants to be having fun like everyone else, i did too but its just because lots of people are. All those will wake up with a stinking hangover the next day though.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Before you know it, it will be all over and everyone will get on with their normal lives.

In the UK, a girl went missing for 10 days and she was found dead on christmas day, strangled and dumped in the woods. Her parents and long term boyfriend can't see their futures without her.
People like us complaning about things like

You will make friends in time, proper ones who you will have proper fun with. You don't need to be in the crowd making a mess of yourself... they get so drunk they can't even remember it.

Small occasions are the most memorable. You will have plenty time for the other stuff in the many years you have to come, you should treasure these years the most before you move along.

I am in too much of a rush too lol.

Sorry i couldn't help more

I'm stuck at home with no friends to hang out with and no money. What can I do?

I hate staying home everyday. I need to get out of the house and go somewhere. I been trying to look for a job and I kept on looking but still no luck. I have no friends but I tried looking for friends and when I called them, they never answered any of my phonecalls back. Wow they are not really my friends. None of my friends ever answer any of my phonecalls. I have plenty of money with me but I have to save it for my prescription medications. All I do is stay home all day with nothing to do. And I need to get out of the house. I'm sick of reading a book and reading is so boring. I don't like to read. I need the fun adult stuff for 18+ year olds. I'm 18 and I graduated high school and I don't have a job. I wanted to go to a college campus but I need my money for my prescription pills because my money will last me that's why I don't want to use up all my money to take the bus to the college campus. I tried to make friends no matter how hard I tried but nothing seems to be working. I've tried looking for that special guy that I could date but these men I end up meeting on these dating sites are always making up excuses NOT to meet me. I really do need to get out of the house instead of spending too much time on the computer or reading. I do NOT like to go to the library because it's the most boring place on earth. I prefer things that are much more 18+ or party or any kind of entertainment. But I'm not sure what to do with my life. Something is wrong with me that I feel like I'm the only one not busy in the world while the men I tried to get a date with are busy and always making excuses up NOT to meet with me. =( I feel like crap because I've been stuck at home this whole time with no where to go. I need to get out of the house and go somewhere, but NOT to the library because it's so boring. My life is so boring staying at home all day. I need to at least get out of the house everyday. I can't stay home all day. I feel like I'm imprisoned in my own home. I need somewhere to go and I can NOT just walk, it has to involve taking the bus somewhere, NOT just walking around my house or other neighborhoods around my house, it's so boring. Help please! =(