No Matter What Type Of Alcohol I Consume No Matter How Much 2 Days Later I Get A Migraine.

Why is it that I always get migraines on Sundays?

I'll usually start to feel one on Saturdays sometimes, but they usually hit on Sundays, and carry over to Monday. It's not making me look very good when I have to call in on Mondays because I have a migraine. What could make me always them at the end of the weekend? I don't drink very often, so I know it can't be from alcohol or anything. I'm just curious. I don't have health insurance, so I can't go see a doctor. Somebody please help!!!

How long should I wait to drink alcohol after taking medicines?

Ah this one question!There is no simple one liner to this for we have a plethora of medicines and ways they react with alcohol.Now if it’s a 20 years old asking this one or a 60 years old?!For the elderly, highly recommended to stay away from any form of drinking atleast for 72 hours. As we age the capacity of liver to metabolise the drug itself reduces, let alone alcohol.And for the rest of us, let’s divide it into categories for a quick glance.1)‘Don’t even think about it’Here are a few causing a reaction so strong they have coined a term for it- Disulfiram like reaction. Headache, vomiting, chest pain, breathlessness and worse!•Nitroimidazoles (Metrogyl mostly)• Cephalosporins (Third generation)•Antifungals•Propanolol•Vasodilators•Cotrimoxazole•Antidiabetics•Antiepileptics or antipsychotics•Immunosuppressive drugs2) Over-the-counter AntibioticsThose reading this, I assume, are not sick anymore and just forced into finishing the course with a party to attend!Here’s the deal- alcohol in moderation can be taken with common antibiotics (Amoxicillin/Azithromycin/Augmentin). But I doubt if it’s going to be a pleasant experience since the mild side effects like metallic taste are just going to worsen.3) Cold n’ Allergy medicationsNo matter how fancy the claims, almost all of these cause mild sedation. Alcohol exerts a synergistic effect only making you sleepier with a longer reaction time.Let atleast 8 hours pass before you hold that drink. And in case you’re going to drive- drop it altogether.4) PainkillersThe golden rule with NSAIDS (Ibuprofen/ Paracetamol/Aspirin) is never take them empty stomach. And whether you should mix them with alcohol depends on the duration you’ve been taking them for!•Close to a week- your stomach mucosa is too vulnerable to be exposed to alcohol. It might lead to an ulcer or GI bleed. Stay off.• A day or two- couple of drinks won��t harm. Just make sure to eat along.The obvious be stated- it’s all a game of moderation. And I’m sure everyone knows where to draw the line. Stay safe.Cheers!

Why do I always throw up after I drink alcohol?

I used to have a similar problem--anytime I would drink (even if it was just a single glass of beer), I would throw up not only right afterwards, but up until the next day. I'd also have a headache and feel awful in general for days afterward. Eventually this just frustrated me so much that I almost quit drinking altogether. Then, a few months ago, I spoke to a doctor about it during my yearly physical, and he informed me that I am simply allergic to alcohol. I was, of course, horrified by this--I thought it meant that I could never drink again! But he told me that that was not the case--I only needed to take a few precautions beforehand. He told me to try an anti-hangover pill like Chaser or RU-21, which must be taken before you drink and are available at most pharmacies. He also told me to make sure not to drink on an empty stomach (a given, of course), and not to drink cheap alcohol (such as vodka in plastic bottles), because that tends to produce worse hangovers than the quality stuff.

Anyway, I found that after taking one or two anti-hangover pills, I could drink up to several beers, a few shots of hard liqour, or 3 or 4 glasses of red wine without feeling sick. (If I attempted any more than the stated amounts, though, I'd get nauseous again.) Still, I was grateful for even this small favor! And now I can drink happily again, as long as I don't overdrink.

And so, even if you find out that you're not allergic to alcohol, try these strategies; they might still work for you! Good luck, and I hope you figure out a solution that let's you have fun on your holiday.

Why do I get a headache after drinking just one alcoholic beverage?

I enjoy drinking the occasional beer, amaretto sour, margarita, or glass of riesling wine but within a few hours I develop a headache that can only be slept off.

Otherwise I am a very healthy individual who eats a good diet, does not drink caffeine (I am sensitive), and drinks water constantly.

I am curious as to the cause as well as any possible solutions. It would be nice to enjoy a beverage from time to time.

How long after taking 2 Excedrin Migraine can I have 1 glass of wine?

You Don't Drink the wine.

If you take any type of medicine you should not drink any type of alcohol.
They don't go together. You could end up making yourself sick. Never mix the too.

Headache day after drinking alcohol?

I started drinking the beginning of the year. Not a lot, but probably once a week (socially).

Since the summer started, I've cut back to maybe twice a month. The past two times I've drank, the next day I've woken up with a headache that REFUSES to go away no matter how much I hydrate.

Last night I had a few shots with friends, not a lot, but enough to be quite buzzed. Drank a lot of water before going to bed, drank water in the middle of the night, but still woke up with a headache.

I assumed it would go away as the day progressed, but it hasn't.
I've taken 2 Aleve in the past 3 hours and still no relief.

No light sensitivity or anything, just a terrible headache.

Any cures? Anyone know why?

Why do I have a hangover two days later after I've drank? What causes this?

Hangovers or withdrawal from alcohol inebriation, can be in a few hours after cessation of drinking, or days. Nothing can prevent hangovers other than not to indulge in alcohol. Some people have vicious hangovers, while others hardly any at all. A small amount of alcohol the next day might help with tremors and the usual headache, but time is the best healer. The best way to prevent hang-overs is to avoid overindulgence in booze. All alcohol can cause hangovers so switching types of alcohol will not help. Some measures to minimize hangovers and avoid drunkenness is to limit the amount of alcohol taken in a period of time i.e. two drinks an hour or less in more time. Eat before drinking. Eat during drinking, snacks, etc. If hangovers are severe or persist, do not drink. Thank you.

Why don't I get drunk no matter how much I drink?

You are not the only one.Just came from a party where I had 18 (!!) shots of tequila (30ml each), 6 double whisky (60ml each), 2 double Campari (60ml each), 3 double Martini (60ml each), and some champagne and wine (2–3 glasses).All my friends are drunk as f* — don't know how much they had, it was a big group. Of course I've heard many jokes about how I haven't been drinking anything, but I know very well how much I had to drink — I'm not looking to show off. My last 4 shots were just an “experiment” to see if I would get dizzy — had them alone at the bar, about 2 hours ago.Nothing, not even dizzy.This is not the first time I drink very (very) high amounts of alcohol without even getting tipsy. I always had a high tolerance to alcohol, but I used to get dizzy after much (much) less. However for the past 3–4 years, nothing.However, I always “feel it” inside my body — my stomach aches, my muscles feel a bit cramped, and I am very dehydrated. I also always feel it the day after, like very badly — when I wake up I have these huge hang overs, just like you would expect after getting massively drunk.But my brain, reflexes and ability to perform precision movements, coherent speech, awareness, problem solving (etc) is completely normal — as if I didn't drink anything. No dizziness, no loss of balance, no nothing.I don't smoke weed. The 3–4 times I tried it I didn't feel anything from it. Just like a light cigarette — yeah, I’ve heard the line with “it was bad weed then”, and no, it was good exemplified by my stoned mates.I don’t think this is normal. Feeling a bit concerned in regards to possible risks.

After drinking alcohol - right side of head hurts?

More times than not - when I drink alcohol - no matter what kind - I wake up the next day or in the middle of the night with a headache only on my right side and feel like mainly in my eye area but can feel it run down the side of my face at times. Lasts for hours and have to take many tylenol throughout the day to get rid of it. Sometimes the headache is so bad I'm nearly in tears. Why do I get these almost everytime I drink?

Is it normal to feel hung over the next day even though I didn't drink a huge amount the night before and never felt drunk?

Yes. And it is due to more than mere tolerance. Whether you eat after drinking and consume substantial non-sugared, non-alcoholic beverages during and after will make a substantial difference in how you feel in the morning. Quantity consumed, of course, familiarity with drinking in general and the kind of alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) and the variety of those (sparkling wine, still wine, gin, tequila, scotch (as you say,) brandy, vodka and so forth. Now even for what you're used to, are you used to the mix of wine and scotch? And if you're uncommonly a drinker, that means you really aren't used to anything and thus anything will surprise both brain and bloodstream. If you drank any of this in cocktails, they often contain more sugar, and sugar WILL make the hangover worse. If you were already tired, that has an effect too. And that's pretty much the whole equation! Drinking a whole glass of whole milk before bed very often will help decrease hangovers, sometimes to an extraordinary degree.And thank you, Mr. Derek Schatz, for a question I am well-qualified to answer!