No One Knows How Depressed I Am

I'm depressed, no one notices..?

seems you are pretty tied up with no one to share and fall back on.. at these times i think u should have at least a fren ( if you cannot fall back on ur mom and brother) whom u can sincerely share your feelings.
And secondly you should shift your focus. Believe me when you have these things in mind not only one but every sector goes crap.. i had almost similar condition last year though am not a teenager and my problems where different what i tried was a vacation first to divert my mind off then when back from my trip i really got a new vantage point and sorted out things that had to be taken care of.. and as far as being alone is concerned you can begin befriending someone and if not writing a diary is also a good way that what i do normally talk with my diary and share with it.........

if you have the insomnia for long try some meditation or exercise.... cause insomnia would be the last thing you want in these situations.

I'm depressed but no one believes me?

From what you wrote, I believe you. It's not that no one believes you, you just haven't told the right people. Honestly, most people don't know very much about depression. You do have a lot of the symptoms (loss of interest in most things, very frequent crying, self harm, and of course feeling sad).

Depression is sometimes called an "invisible illness." It's a lot harder to see than a physical illness. And people with depression can, and often want to, appear normal in front of others. Yes, depressed people can laugh. And still be depressed. Don't expect people your age to understand what depression is like unless they have experienced it themselves.

It's important to let the right people know what you are dealing with. It's a good idea to treat depression soon because it can create patterns in your brain that only get harder to overcome. You may want to tell your parents that you want to see your doctor. Depression is something they diagnose and treat just like things like the flu. You don't need to go see a therapist or psychiatrist right away, but you doctor may recommend it. If you don't think your parents will believe you or will refuse to take you over "just your feelings," maybe just tell them the reason you want to go is personal.

I don't see why it's so important for your friend to believe you, but getting diagnosed by a doctor and (most likely) being prescribed an antidepressant will definitely help convince her. Maybe you should do it for you though because feeling depressed all the time sucks.

What do I do if no one believes that I am depressed?

I agree with Natalie. You can’t worry about what others think. My experience in life has been that other people may say they want to be there for you and help you but the reality is that they can’t. Let me explain. They may have good intentions but they may not have the capacity to help on the level that is needed. Therefore, they withdraw from you. Don’t be angry or resentful towards them. Some people just won’t or can’t understand what depression is and how it affects a person. You have to do things for yourself and not rely on others to help get you through. Find hobbies and your talents. If you don’t know what those are then sit down and think about things that you are curious about and then go on a quest to learn them or learn about them. This will help to get your mind of those triggers.I have dealt with depression all my life. I have always felt worse when I relied on others to make me feel better. They always let you down. Start with yourself first. Practice mindfulness and meditation. I have been advised that exercise helps by releasing endorphins and serotonin, those “happy hormones”. Take care of yourself. If you start to feel overwhelmed call 1.800.273.8255.

Depressed. Should I go out tonight or not?

Well I was about to go out last night. I end up not going as my friend went to a bar instead. I decided to try to relax and think about the past week and why I was depressed by going to my cabin and have a small fire and sleep there. Anyways, I heard later on that he went to the party and "forgot" to mention that he was indeed going to me. I spent the entire night fuming and pissed at him and end up breaking my toe or really jammed it from kicking the fire ring pit. Anyways, I finally went to bed and woke up with a more clear thought. I was still angry at my friend to kinda ditch me like that but oddly, I am feeling great now. I think because of what happen last night I got my angry and depression out of my system. Thanks everyone who gave answers. I appreciate it.

Oh and the reason why I was depressed... I'm not sure really. But I do have a long history of depression through out my entire childhood all the way up to my senior year of high school.

Why do I cut myself when i am not depressed nor sad? need to know.?

Cutting is addicting...Just stop now please. I used a knife to cut my wrists and threw it back in the kitchen drawer so i wouldnt do it agian. Theres no point in cutting really. Your not sad or emotional..then whyd you start? I replaced cutting with crying really. Instead of hurting myself i let out my emotions. But I stopped in march and now guess what? Its summer time and i cant wear a tee shirt because no one knows!! Please stopp good luck..

Oh and you could replace it with an elastic band snapping your wrist