Nobody Understands My Objectophilia

How does it feel when no one understands you and nobody believes you are depressed?

It feels “NOTHING”Believe me just nothing because you are already dead inside,it just add up to your belief of worthlessness about yourself. This feeling of emptiness , not feeling anything is the worst thing one can experience. Many times you don’t want to discuss anything with anyone but at some point even if you do feel like talking to someone , to reach out to someone its of no use as they don’t have the slightest idea of what you are going through. You will get a lot of advises, or a reality check of how you are ruining your life(which you already know), or few comparisons of how there are people more miserable than you or how you are spoiling things for your family and friends.If not all this you will be tagged as a person with ‘VICTIM’ mentality or an attention seeker or someone who is overly sensitive and just knows to cry.I am experiencing all this daily everyday. Even my own sister , my mom and some friends have said such painful things on my face. They never fails to remind me how pathetic and what a looser i am. I feel useless ,talent-less, aimless, directionless . I am scared to even go out now or to meet people. I don’t feel anything , I cant feel anything even if i want to. I just don’t have any desire. I am struggling very hard and i am just trying to be alive.I want to feel every emotion and get rid of this numbness.We often see in news the stories of suicides due to depression and behave compassionate or how a life could have been saved. But the truth is nobody is willing to help even their own family and friends going through it. Just firing advises won’t help, Look around you there are many struggling through this horror and if possible just sit with them and let them know there are people who care for them and help them count their worth.Thank you :)

I'm suffering from depression and nobody is trying to understand me?

Let's rewind my life back.I don't know how many times I have this feeling and how many times I thought to harm myself. Things happens. We don't get always what we want and sometimes nobody understand that what we need is just a tight hug and someone who understand us.​I am not going to give you some advice on what you should eat, drink and all that you can get all that when you Google it.I just can say that you should start to love yourself, Once you start to love and see yourself as not everybody wants you to be but what you want, you are gonna conquer this phase. I know thats not so simple as I am saying but once you start finding the joys in little things, miracles are not too far away from you. All the Best.

How do i deal with depression when no one understands me or my problems?

When depressed, you always need help from other people.  However, in your depressed state, you will typically feel isolated from everyone and feel un-understood.  There could be a grain of truth in what you say (many may not understand your problems), but it does indicate some bias if you say that "nobody" understands your problems.  This cognitive bias produces the typical social withdrawal behavior of depression.  The best way to deal with this problem is, 1.  Identify someone whom you can relatively trust and take their help - if not from your inner circle, then from your extended circle or vice versa.  2.  Suspend all major decision-making during this period if you cannot trust someone to take decisions for you.  3.  Seek the help of a neutral third person (mental health professional) whom you are more likely to trust since there is less likelihood of a reciprocal bias formed out of a close association.

I am depressed and unhappy with my life. I'm unable to achieve what I want. No one understands my feelings or cares for me. What should I do?

Really?If you think you are unhappy,depressed and no one cares about you. At least you have everything, at least have a home to live,food to eat and clothes to wear, then What would you say about them?What is your opinion about them?Street childrenHomeless personsOrphansand a those who spend their entire life in railway station.May be you are unhappy for certain reason, likeJob failureLess salaryNo statisfication in your placementLove failureDon’t have many friendsYou are not enjoying your life with fun,party,trip etcAnd what notBut what about them?They are homeless,hopeless, no family,no enjoyment ,no food to eat, and have no home to live.At least you are living your life far better than them. How can you be selfish and only thinking about yourself?About me- I also feel sad,depressed at some point of my life, But i have already everything?What have they?They have no options,They have no choices to choose their dresses, we have different choices and many brands to choose.We have a bed and mattresses to sleep on and they would wish that they find place to sleep everynight.We eat thrice a day delicious food, and they die from lack of food.We have everything, still we are depressed and unhappy with our precious life. But They always find different reason to be happy in their life.Then why can’t I, YOU and WE?We should be thankful to God for everything, he has given us.I just can;t explain I am typing and crying inside. Just can’t control my emotions for them.At last,Don’t be sad for anything, look around yourself and be thankful for whatever you have in this short span of life.Edit:(This is my small Request to all Quorans through this post): We can’t feed and help every needy around the world, but we can feed and help at least one in our society, near to us, near our living area. When every individual raises their hands for them, then think at least one needy can get help in the society ,block,district,state and a country. I have started a short journey for them and will try more.“Thank you”..