Not A Question Just Asking For Help. Guys

What is a really deep question to ask a guy? Mature Girls Help...?

Your relationship isn't ready for such things yet. For now, just have fun. When both of you mature, then you should start asking deep questions. But please, you're a couple, not theologians. Just stay light for now. If you force him to be deep, then he'll just be uncomfortable. He'll show his sensitive side when he's ready. But just some questions that'll make him think are probably "what's my best feature?" or "if you saw so and so, would you go for her" and just tease him.

Asking men hypothetical questions, please help...?

NEVER ask a question if you don't want to hear the answer.
Your response has taught him to lie to you from now on. Well done!

Guys, need your help w/ this question.......?

ive dated quite a few guys before, and about half of them have asked me out and the other half i asked out, im not into the whole, "if you like a guy you have to wait for him to ask you out"
whats your thought on this? should i wait? or doesnt it matter to you? whats your opinion, do you like to be asked out or ask out yourself?

Ps. would you date me just by looks? ( i know personality counts, but just say yes or no for looks please)
im 13

Guy Friend Asks too Many Questions! Help!?

I have a guy friend who i like a lot. My other friends have no idea but they think i flirt with him and spent a lot of time with him. (i do NOT flirt....) He got suspiscous because the are always singing love songs and whatnot when we are together. He started to ask questions, but i said it was a secret. Im really bad at keeping secrets and i accidentally gave him a little info, and know he thinks someone in my class likes him and is not shy but probably wont ask him out. I told him i couldnt tell him because my friend(me) will get mad at me if i give away her(my) secret. When i asked him why he wanted to know so much, he said in he little flirty way, he might want to ask them out. I think he really thinks its me and i am afraid if he figures it out it will ruin our frendship. We are like best friends. all my other friends think that he likes me but im not sure. Im just confused. should i tell him i like him? He is goin to figure it out. Any advice is helpful

Why don't men ask questions?

I realize you might be talking about single men who are on a date or something. I’m a married guy, and I don’t interact with many new people any more. But when I do interact with new people, I don’t ask many questions. Here’s why:I figure that if they wanted me to know something, they’d tell me.I don’t like “prying”. I might think of a question, then talk myself out of asking it, because I think the answer is none of my business.I’m afraid of asking the wrong question and offending someone or stumbling into an awkward situation. Me: “So, how did you end up in Chicago?” Them: “My first born child is buried in the cemetery here, and I want to be close to them forever.”I don’t like when people ask me questions in person, so I figure I’m treating them the way they want to be treated.Unless I already know someone, chances are, I don’t really care about their answers anyway. Asking questions just becomes a chore in remembering answers.I know this will sound bad, but there are four people whose sons have been on my son’s teeball team for three years now. We all mingle during the games. They do most of the talking, but I throw in a comment from time to time. They’ve mentioned their names and professions many times, and I never remember. In my mind, these people will never be close friends, so there’s no sense mentally storing information about them.

My guy avoids answering questions by asking the same question back or just not answering. What does this mean?

I've noticed over the last few months that the man I'm seeing rearely answers questions. He mostly just asks the questions back to me or changes the subject. It really gets to me. Most are simple questions that he can answer with a yes or no. What does this mean. I don't think he's just trying to get me to think about what I'm asking. It's simple "did you get enough sleep?" "Do you think I got enough sleep?" I curious if this is him trying to be mysterious or is he being evasive. Someone told me it means he's defensive. Someone help explain.

I ask him questions, he responds but doesn't ask me questions, is he interested?

I met this guy recently (friend of a friend), and have spoken to him a bit online via email. I ask him questions and he responds promptly. I waited a couple days between the last messages and he still responded within 12 hours. I'm not asking very detailed questions but he answers briefly and generally positively.

Do guys just tend not to ask many questions? Is he just not interested? If so why does he respond to my emails in about 12 hours?
Any suggestions for finding out if he is interested or trying to get the conversation rolling more? I asked him to get together last week and he said he was busy but maybe next week (this week).

Men: Asking a guy to help you with something as a way of flirting?

If you already have a good vibe for the guy and he seems kind and genuine enough, he'd be out of his mind to be annoyed! i think every guy wants to feel needed and important, (and appreciated), so no matter what you're asking this guy to help you out with, i'm sure he'll appreciate the fact that you're asking for his assistance-he should be happy to oblige.

As for the last part of your question, for me, personally, i don't look for anything. i personally just go out of my way to help people-that's who i am; that's my personality-i don't ask for anything in return. But, it's really up to you and how the two of you click / are clicking. If the two of you are flirting while he's helping you with whatever it is he's doing, i think the most he might do is lightheartedly suggest a date; but only if he's bold enough to go that far. But i think a guy truly in their right mind shouldn't automatically think "guaranteed date" or something else.