Not Being Able To Get A Girlfriend Is Making Me Depressed And Angry

Why do I feel so depressed and angry when my girlfriend is on a holiday without me?

It's clear that you care deeply about this woman. And that is wonderful.But it's also clear that her presence fills some need that you may not have had before. More accurately, it seems that you weren't aware of a deprivation that you had prior to her being gone.The remarkable thing about life is that we can be centered, happy, and things can be going well, and yet we can still not be understanding the opportunities available to us. It is a bad day for me when I don't go to bed with my face hurting from having smiled so much, a bad week where I have not cried tears of joy for my gratefulness at the work I do and the opportunities I have to make a difference as I had dreamed of for as long as I can remember. And even I still on occasion find areas that are surprising.The most important thing to do in situations like yours is to recharacterize what is happening to you. Spin a different narrative. You love someone and you are missing them desperately. It's romantic. And you are having growing pains, discovering something new about yourself, some new capability that you have. Because, in fact, every new need you fulfill inside will lead to a new capability.Spend the time, do the work, and you will see where this experience pulled you. When you stop worrying so much about not being depressed any more, and accept that it's okay to miss someone you care about and indeed a part of the human experience, the power that it has over you will disappear in an instant.

Im very depressed over not having a girlfriend?

You wanna know something, I just had a girl who I thought would be the one for me for the rest of my life and she said she wants someone else.

There is no point in being sad, it sucks no doubt. It isnt always great being single. But you know what? If your not happy now what makes you think you ever will with someone.

You got to love yourself and be happy with who you are and not need to depend on someone else for happiness, because no girl,guy or anything will do that.
Get deeply involved with your lifes purpose! This is the most powerful thing you can do! When you can really be making a significant and positive difference in your life, as well as others you'll be happy.

Things do work out for the best in the long run, if you can remember anything you were sad about somehow you also remember you grew out of it.

Does my girlfriend have bipolar/manic depression disorder or something else?

I don't even know where to start with this. My girlfriend seems to exhibit signs of bipolar disorder and some other emotional problems. The smallest thing will piss her off, and the anger only builds up until she becomes extremely negative towards me and everybody else. She will insult me and just put me down in general; saying whatever she wants with absolutely no regard for my feelings. Take last night, for example, her computer fries. She is pissed off about it. I ask her to calm down, and that I'll get it fixed for her later, and she literally tells me to **** off.

That isn't all, either. She will randomly become depressed, and this has been happening for almost a month now. It usually happens every night, around 9-10 PM. I asked what is making her so depressed, and she told me that she did not know. While she doesn't have any suicidal thoughts, she did cut herself for the very first time just a few days ago.

Background information:
1. She is 17.
2. She lives with her dad, but will visit her mom every now and then.
3. She has one brother, who lives with his mom.
4. Her mom and dad seem to treat her fairly (though there were some personal problems with the family when she was younger).
5. She had a really bad past, lacks a fun childhood, and reflects on her past a lot.
6. She can be very vindictive, and sometimes takes things a little too seriously.

We're both still in school and are unemployed. Both of our families are very poor, and there is no way either of us can afford professional help. Are anti-depressants a good idea? If so, how much would it cost to get her a prescription for some? Basically, I just need any advice on what to do to help her. I'm being as supportive as I can but her random depression doesn't seem to be going away. I love her more than anything and do not want to lose her. Help?


Anxiety/Depression makes me angry?

I Just started on anxiety/depression meds and so far i'm still not seing anything working. I sem to be angry all the time.....i even yell and just became a monster.....and i'm not ahppy of it. My question is this whats making me so angry.....i always yell at my gf.....i guess because she's the only one anxiety/depresion is beating me up , made m push my girlfriend so far away please hlp....plz

I love my girlfriend but she's always angry at me?

A few minutes ago my gf just got upset and mad at me because I did not reply her when I was walking back home. I don't think I'm ridiculous. I was walking. She's always upset at me for some ridiculous reasons like the call isn't clear enough or I fell asleep while we were texting or talking on the webcam. She always says hurtful things to me when she's upset. It really does hurt me and sometimes I cry about it alone. Sometimes I feel like my love for her is slowly going away because of the way she treats me. How do you love someone who constantly gets upset at you? I've talked to her about it but it's impossible to change her. When she wants to walk away, she just walks away. It hurts to see someone who say they love you treat you like that.

Then there's this other girl. She's really nice to me. When I have problems I can't talk to my gf about it because most of the time she will be upset (don't ask me why I don't know too). So I talk to this girl about my problems since she talk to me about hers. I feel that I like her more everyday. Is it because this girl is always there for me when I need someone and that my gf is always mad at me? I don't know what to do with my gf. I do love her but she's making me love her less. She even gets upset at me talking to my own sister. I don't know why. She talks to other male friends but she doesn't allow me to talk to other female friends. Help please. It's making me really depressed.

My ex girlfriend keeps sucking me back in.?

OK honey, this is going to sound a bit harsh - but you're in need of a good kick in the pants.

This girl is sucking you back under her spell because you allow her to do so. Why you do this is another matter. You haven't reached closure - in that you caved in to your family's wishes (even though they are really sound about this vampire) instead of making up your own mind about her.

You really need to speak with a professional counselor about this because, as you said, you're really stressed about it - even to the point of gaining a pile of weight over her.

As for Saturday. Uh, you changed your mind. Oh, and you had some things to do that were really important - such as block her calls, emails, social networks, etc. etc.

Then, no matter how hard it is, erase her from your social habits. That means even if she wants to talk to you - say "no. we've had enough talks and I'm tired of the baloney you've put me through. It's best that we have nothing to do with each other." Then - hard as it will be - let her cry her crocodile tears and walk away.

Oh, and you're not in love - you're just in heat.