Not Being Able To Swallow Food Without Gagging.

How can I swallow pills without choking or gagging?

there is a very simple technique to swallow pills and capsules in a much easier way.To swallow pills you need to know the fact that pills are much denser than water and hence would not float so put some water in your mouth and foot the bill in your mouth and look upwards. You will notice that the pill will drown in the water and as soon as it reaches your throat, swallow the water completely. The pill would have completely gone with the water .As for the case of capsules as for the case of capsules since it is lighter than water it usually floats above it so to swallow it put some water in your mouth and the capsule and look downwards. Due to this would it would reach the throat then swallow it without much problem

Eating vegetables without gagging..?

I'm 18 and rarely ever eat fruits or veggies, but I realize I need to eat them daily to prolong life and stay healthy. I tend to have a gag reflex problem every time I attempt to eat one. I'm just looking for advice from people who may have been in my boat at some time in their life.

Thanks in advance

I cant even swallow alcohol without gagging?

use a chaser. Take a swig of lemon juice out of the bottle then some alcohol then some more lemon juice. It takes the flavor right out. Hope you can have some fun now! Try it. Works for me! If your just drinking a beer?? idk. But if thats the case use salt, it makes it taste so much better. xxD

How can i swallow hard liquor without gagging before it goes down?

I really want to be able to drink hard liquor and party with my friends, but everytime i even take a small sip and try to force it down i start to gag a little. Please don't say you shouldn't be drinking. Just tell me what i can do or is that anything i can try that will help me be able to take it down easier or just be able to swallow it without gagging.

Is it possible to swallow a tablet/pill and choke to death?

Yes, it is possible.I know this is an old question, but I’ve choked on pills several times over my lifetime, and (I believe) almost died once. Each time I took the pill appropriately with water, relaxed, swallowed. Even when pills swallow “correctly” for me, they frequently take a long time for my involuntary throat muscles to carry them downwards, and it’s very uncomfortable. Sometimes this also happens with food.In all but one case, I was able to cough up the pill. Sometimes I have had to bend over a chair so gravity would help, or give myself the Heimlich (yes, that’s possible).Once I choked on a piece of hard candy, and I was around a relative who didn’t understand the international sign for choking (hands clasping throat) — he didn’t get what was happening until I coughed up the candy and explained I had been choking in front of him.The time I almost died, I had tried to cut a very large pill in half, as had been recommended by my doctor when I said I had difficulty swallowing pills. Looking back, I think cutting it in half actually made the situation worse, as it wasn’t a smooth oblong shape anymore that could easily slide down. For a while I coughed, which I knew from experience meant I was still getting some air. I tried to “troubleshoot” — coughing, bending over a chair for a gravity assist, self-Heimliching, trying to induce vomiting, and then trying to just swallow the darned thing, but nothing helped me either swallow the pill or cough it up. It moved a little bit and then I couldn’t cough anymore. I wasn’t getting air. I was alone in my apartment, and didn’t bother calling 9–1–1, because figured I’d be dead by the time they arrived… and it seemed so embarrassing to die from taking a prescription pill.After what seemed like forever, the pill moved just a little bit so that I could get enough air to stay conscious, and then all I could do was wait for it to dissolve. I sat on my kitchen floor taking very small, shallow breaths for a while. I couldn’t swallow food or water for a day afterwards.As for your second question, I can only make unscientific speculations that it’s more likely for people with a smaller airways or who have more anxiety around swallowing pills to begin with (anxiety makes getting pills down much harder), and who don’t know what to do in the event that they do choke. The body tries really hard to cough up pills if they get stuck! Choking can be scary, but as long as you are coughing, you are breathing.

I gag during and after eating food. Is this normal?

If I’m the one who prepared the food, it’s a perfectly natural and healthy reaction.

Why do I gag when I swallow pills? PLEASE ANSWER?

If you can swallow food and drink with no pain and only experience difficulty with meds it sounds like you have a mental block

Did you choke or a pill cause pain going down that may have prompted a subconscious fear?

I would take the advice of the first answer and put a small amount of water in your mouth first, the add medication and swallow.

Depending on med you may be able to split to reduce size or ice your tongue for a few seconds to reduce taste buds if taste an issue.

Finally they make a product called "Pill Glide". It is a glycerin based throat and mouth spray that help medication slide down easier. Seems to work well

Why can't I eat egg yolks without gagging/vomiting?

Reacting to a food texture is largely an emotional reaction. A personal unpleasant experience with a similar food, perhaps in childhood, may be part of why egg yolk seems hugely unpalatable and unacceptable to swallow. Hard-cooked egg yolks can be overcooked, dry and downright difficult to swallow; hot liquid yolks may feel too thick, too sticky, too cloy.I would hazard to state that most people will have several foods that don’t make it down the throat very many times before ongoing avoidance. My adventures with foods have not been as broad as I would have liked, but my top two Not-Happening foods are boiled okra and sea cucumber. These both offend my taste and feel into sensory overload and I struggle to not openly yak the mouthful back onto my plate.You are not alone in rejecting a food based on subjective revulsion in taste or texture. Since there is a broad range of meal options for every culture, every meal through a day, you’ll not be restricted in other choices.

Meats slowly becoming more gross and i need to to be not?

I was raised with lots of meat, pork, steaks, chicken, and fish, i can bare fish, but everything else has a horrible texture, with fat and stringy weird pieces (it was normal meat) which i can barely swallow without gagging, this goes for mushrooms too if that helps, ive looked multiple places for an answer, i saw one saying genetics might be a factor, but my entire family eats meat, all the way back, to make things weirder i used to love shrimp.
This isnt in any way connected to how i know the animals are treated, i havent liked meat ever since i was 4-5 and that was before i knew what the hell happened to animals at farms. This could very well be a picky eater thing but ive really tried to like it, i even tried to have chicken nuggets, which disgusted me even more with how stringy they are on the inside, and how there are small hard pieces in them (mcdonalds, burgerking, store brand you name it.) Im slightly desperate now, as half the dinners are meat and i cant just skip them all.

I can't eat anything without feeling sick?

This has been going on for a few weeks now. I'm 14, and no I'm not prego. You know when you try to swallow something like super gross and you gag and you feel like you're going to vomit? Yeah I feel that way with everything I eat, even stuff I like. I've also been able to eat like a bite of toast in the morning and like not eat till 3pm. I don't want to become anorexic but I've been loosing a lot of weight. My parents are upset when I don't eat and when I tell them about it they just say, "Oh you're going to die! Let's take her to the emergency room!" in a sarcastic tone. I'm usually really hungry but whenever I put something in my mouth I gag so much that I have to spit it out. I'm okay with drinking things like water, juice, soda, etc. but anything food, is a no go. I don't know what to do! Help?