Not Loseing Weight But Getting Ansley

Why is my waist getting smaller when I'm not losing weight?

So where is Early Fat Loss Most Obvious?There’s a natural pecking order in your body when it comes to fat loss.For men, this is generally how fat loss progresses throughout the body:First to go: Pecs, arms, chest, face, legsLast to go: Back, hips, stomachWhen it comes to your stomach, the upper abs are less stubborn than the lower abs.For guys, the lower abs are where the most stubborn fat cells are located. So don’t get discouraged when your top abs come in and there’s a strip of belly fat below them.In the body fat royal rumble, your lower abs are the last man standing.For women, here’s the progression of body fat loss:First to go: Upper body, arms, face, stomachLast to go: Legs, hips, glutes (butt)Women’s bodies are built differently than men’s bodies, plus women carry more body fat than men.If you’ve ever seen a woman at the gym with a fit upper body and extra weight in her hips and legs, now you know it’s because her “last mile” is different from her male counterparts.How to Know You’re on TrackWhen you’re trying to lower your body fat percentage, the scale does not determine your success.You can drop weight and still end up skinny fat or fat jacked if your body fat percentage doesn’t change.Either outcome is going to leave your belly fat intact.Body fat calculators can give you a rough idea of your progress, but the easiest and most accurate way to measure your body fat percentage is with a pair of calipers. I use these.For visible abs, the level you’re aiming for depends on gender:Men: 10% or lowerWomen: 15% or lowerThose are the levels at which your abs will begin to show. Guys will likely need to get down to single digits before their bottom abs will become visible.I know…I know…after a few weeks you may be tempted to think, “That slimming body vest doesn’t look too ridiculous” or “my favorite Spanx are on sale this week.”Stay strong, my brothers and sisters in fitness, and do not settle for faking a flat stomach.Stick to your diet and exercise program and your belly will go from flab to fit before you know it.

Why am I gaining muscle but not losing fat (not getting lean)?

For a simplified model, you can consider your body as a heat engine: if you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. The composition of the weight you gain (fat, muscle, or likely both) will depend on the kind of activity or exercise you perform during that time. If you’re gaining muscle but not losing fat, you must be consuming more calories than you burn while also engaging in some sort of resistance training. Good for you!For novice trainees, it’s possible to build muscle while also losing fat, keeping your weight about the same. This is difficult to do, though, and the rate of muscle gain will be lower than if you consumed sufficient calories to gain more weight.If you want to lose fat, you will need to consume fewer calories than you burn, requiring your body to harvest stored energy (fat cells) to make up the difference. Reviewing our simplified model of the body, you can eat less (consume fewer calories) or move more (burn more calories). Both are necessary for the speediest results, and resistance training while dieting will help you keep more of the muscle tissue you have gained.

Why haven't I lost any weight even though I look leaner?

Losing weight and losing size are two different things. If you still want to loose weight, even after becoming leaner then you should start cardio, for better and faster results you have to take less calorie diet. What i guess after listening to your problem is that you are losing fat and simultaneously growing muscles. You are (to the extent i know) doing weight training, i.e. with maximum weight 5–12 reps in gym. Through this exercise what will happen … you will earn muscle and muscle will dissolve the stored fat in your body as muscles are alive, they breathe, they grow, they die and also they eat. Through these exercise you will have two benefits: you will left with high testesterone level; moreover remain energetic and full of energy.But besides these benefits, there are two problems also. As you still have fat (which is dissolved or is feeding your muscle) you can suffer with high stress as high sugar or glucose in blood stream increase cortesol level (a type of stress harmone); you may suffer from knee pain (in case of excessive high weight).So, from now onwards if your goal is to reduce size or fat lose then stop using measuring tape and mirror to analyse your growth rather, start using weight machine to record your growth. Stop the training which is to teach your self, how to lift more weight; rather start the training which teaches your muscle how to lift weight more repeatedly.

As a doctor what are 10 things you wish patients would stop saying during a checkup?

!. I have ______ rare disease because I checked my symptoms on the Internet, so I am just here for antibiotics.2. I don’t drink or smoke or use drugs (when they smoke a pack a day, drink every night, and use recreational drugs on the weekend).3. I changed to you because my last doctor was a quack and wouldn’t listen to me.4.I need a full exam, bloodwork, X rays, and pain meds. I don’t have insurance and I can spend $50.5. That can’t be right, doc. My neighbors aunt said it had (a different diagnosis).6. I am in 11 out of 10 pain and I need an oxycodone refill.7. Why do I always have to wait an hour? Seems like you guys could manage your time better (when the doctor has spent an unscheduled 2 hours working on keeping an emergency patient alive)8. All you doctors want is to make money.9. You get kickbacks from drug companies to use their products.10. You aren’t a good doctor because you won’t prescribe me a pill but instead tell me to quit smoking, drinking, and overeating and insist that I lose weight and exercise.

How can i look exotic like adriana lima and megan fox?



How many calories do I have to eat to lose around 1-1.5 pound a week? I'm 16, 168cm and 61 kg. My BMR is 1400 and I am a bit sedentary. I currently eat around 1200.

I am sure someone will shortly give you a large technical description of what to do. Or you can search through the dozens of similar questions already in Quora.I will point out that your BMR and being a bit sedentary sounds like horse shit.It already sounds like you are in caloric deficit & could do with more intake, but of course a lot of the data out there is only guidelines.Unless you are already genetically or biologically out of whack, you are still growing, and need to cut calories this drastically like a hole in the head. I will also point out that your metabolism will probably rebel about trying to lose weight if you cut calories and don’t work towards burning off the fat (that you may or may not actually have that is over what is perceived as healthy) and keeping muscles toned. You are just as likely to end up losing muscle and still not being happy. There are a number of anthropmorphic body shapes/types, and because of genetics they are never going to have the (presumable) shape you have decided you would like.Make sure you are eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and some brisk walking in. Find some simple stretches because keeping flexible is important and can mean the difference between good health and stance or months of misery.Daily Calorie Intake Calculator