Not To Sound Desperate But Answer Homework Help

Desperate need of help with algebraic problem solving!?

Convert the facts from English into mathematical expressions.

"The perimeter of a mirror is 158in."
perimeter = sum of the sides
2L + 2W = 158

"The length of the mirror is 33 in. more than the width."
L = W + 33

By substitution,
2L + 2W = 158
2(W-33) + 2W = 158
2W + 66 + 2W = 158
4W = 92
W = 23

Use the value of W to find L.
L = W+33
= 23 + 33
= 56

The mirror is 56 in long and 23 in wide.
"A couple has walked a distance of about 1164 miles.
They have hiked three times as many miles as they have left to go."
1164 = 3x
x = 1164/3
= 388

They have to walk another 388 miles.
"The sides of the triangle are consecutive integers"
n, n+1, and n+2 represent three consecutive integers.

"The perimeter is 324 mm."
perimeter = sum of the sides
(n) + (n+1) + (n+2) = 324

solve for n
n + n+1 + n+2 = 324
3n + 3 = 324
3n = 321
n = 321/3
= 107
n+1 = 108
n+2 = 109

The sides of the triangle are 107 mm, 108 mm, 109 mm.
"bill was reduced by 18%"
x = original bill

reduction to bill = 18% of x
= 0.18x

"December heating bill was reduced to $255.84"
reduced bill = x - 0.18x
x(1 - 0.18) = 255.84
0.82x = 255.84
x = 312

The original bill was $312.
"She can rent a truck for a daily rate of $45.95 plus $.38 per mile."
m = number of miles
daily cost = 45.95 + 0.38m

"budget of $100 per day"
45.95 + 0.38m ≤ 100
0.38m ≤ 54.05
m = 142.2

Tamika can drive up to 142 miles a day.

9th Grade Science and Physics homework help?

I am not writing this so I'll get comments such as, "do your own homework" or "you won't learn anything from people answering this for you"

I am not interested in science or physics for this course. All I would really like is to get this assignment finished before the due date, which is very close. Whoever can answer these correctly for me will get 10 pts, because I am that desperate.

1. Heating the air will
a. not affect the speed of sound
b. block the movement of sound
c. slightly increase the speed of sound

2. Refraction of sound waves often takes place when
a. there are temperature differences in air
b. there are walls around a room to bounce back sound
c. sound wave frequencies are increased

3. A photon is a massless bundle of electromagnetic energy.

4. All the colors of visible light can be combined to form
a. black light
b. ultraviolet light
c. white light

5. During an exothermic reaction, energy is _______ the surroundings.
a. mixed with
b. released to
c. absorbed from

6. The equation C + O2 → CO2 is a ______ reaction.
a. decomposition
b. single displacement
c. synthesis

7. According to the law of conservation of energy, the total amount of energy in the universe is
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. constant

8. How many total atoms of sulfur (S) are represented by the chemical formula 2SO(v)2?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4

9. Nuclear fission is used in nuclear power plants.

Thank you

Help with grammar homework?

The most flexible form of verbal is the infinitive Infinitives are, in basic form, the verb, preceded by the word, to. They are, indeed, flexible as they can be nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

Noun: "I try to write English properly."

Adjective: "I have an article to write before I retire."

Adverb: "The students arrived to write the papers"

Confusing? OK, to write is an infinitive, and, depending on the sentence, can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

Sentence one: to write is the object of the verb, try, and is, therefore, a noun.

Sentence two: to write modifies the noun, article and is, therefore, an adjective.

Sentence three: to write modifies the verb, arrived and is, therefore, an adverb.

Infinitives can have one or more modifiers, for example, to write clearly' where clearly is an adverb that modifies the infinitive; in which case, the construction is called an "infinitive phrase." This raises the question that has occupied much space and discussion, the split infinitive in which the modifier comes between the word to and the verb, such as to clearly write. I shall add to the space and discussion, but only briefly. As a general principle, infinitives should be clear, suggesting that too many words between the to' and the verb could be awkward or confusing. It is still considered bad form to split infinitives in formal writing. However, even though a self confessed, rigid prescriptive grammarian, I think, in cases in which it can introduce no ambiguity, confusion, or awkwardness it is better to sometimes split (sic) the infinitive, than to create an awkward sounding phrase in order to avoid it (although probably not in the preceding sentence). I cannot convince myself that this rule serves any significant purpose.

How do you ask for a job during an interview without sounding desperate?

Different people have different ways of dealing with stress. Desperation and stress go hand-in-hand. My question to you is very simple, and, very complex: Do you know what your job is?It is less about knowing what the position involved is than in you knowing you and what you are doing there. You are protecting yourself. Having a position is part of that self-protection. To accomplish that objective you need to be actively, actively, involved in your well-being. If you are feeling timid or fearful you are letting the company and the interviewers drive the process.You need to go into the interview knowing you are going to interview the company, you are the interviewer. If the company and its apparent culture are wrong for you, you should be ready to excuse yourself and exit. Your time is too valuable. It is ok to let the company lead the questions. They relax and you get to view them in a more relaxed state. Typical questions are pretty much standardized across the spectrum of companies. They think they know what they want until they start asking the pre ordained questions and individuals answer individually. The variations of the answers can overwhelm the company reps.Mant of your questions might be answered in the comoany list. But, having your own list, and take notes, fills out things not covered. Make notes of things you had not thought of, make notes about nuances of questions to improve your internpviewer shills. Take behavioral ques from the company reps, mirror their general behaviors. Doing so you present yourself as a more professional interviewer, they may relate more to you and remember you for that reason.Always remember you are interviewing that company because it is your life on the line. If you are concentrating on your ultimate objective you won't have time to feel "desperate".

Homework question.?

y dont u ask these questions on might do ya some good......

I am in desperate need of help for english belonging... this is my last resort?

Just write pie. Everyone loves pie

How to text a girl again, without seeming too desperate?

Number one thing: DO NOT ask 'What's up?' It's predictable, and gets a little annoying. You'll get a quick 'Nothing much,' and then the conversation is a dud. Do ask her how her trip was and what she did, she'll be flattered that you were interested. Talk to her on the phone as well! It's a more intimate way to contact each other. By the way, going a week without texting her is not desperate. She might be waiting to see if you like her enough to pursue her. Good luck! :D

P.S. -that Corey whats-his-face obviously does not know anything about girls. We want men that will continue to woo us. It confirms whether or not you're real, and want a real relationship--- not just a fling. The worst thing you can do is nothing, because then she thinks YOU have lost interest. Trust me, I'm a girl. We tend to know these things. :)