Nothing Beats Your Laughter Meaning In Hindi.

I intend to live forever, or die trying, what does this quote mean to you?

Leave the "or" out of this because, out of context, the speaker can't do both. Replace the "or" with "and" then re-evaluate the meaning. What he is saying is that he's going to die trying to live forever. With that in mind, the quote has been reduced to the reference of a hopelessly flawed life-long goal. Hope you didn't have to go through all of that to reach the same conclusion though.

Honestly though, I think it's just a funny little one-liner that a medical research professional might make in reference to his work. I don't think it really has an poetic or philosophical meaning that should be considered.

I am watching porn duing pregnancy?

Hi! I don't think it's wrong at all. I mean if it's something you enjoy doing and also, something that keeps you occupied while your husband is busy, then it's perfectly fine. It won't affect the baby at all. I mean, how can it? It does feel a little bad in a way to be watching porn while carrying a child but you really have to just go with whatever you feel like doing, if you really want to quit the bad habit, then you have to focus and do it ,and if not, then it's really not that big of a deal.