Nothing I Do Is Right

Why is nothing going right for me?

Bottom line? You are out of harmony with the universe and the law of your own being. Life is not meant to be a struggle. It should flow with effortless ease and simplicity.
Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is unnoticed.

Let your mind become clear, like a still forest pool. If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your turbulent mind settle, your path will also become clear. The secrets of the universe are only secrets to a noisy mind. Silence is the veil of God.

Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a great tree in the midst of them. Forget the people you are bitter against. Release it and go with the natural flow of things.

Seriously, if all that stuff is happening to you, it's because you are out of sync with your own being and are fighting yourself. It's a battle no one can win.
Don't take life so seriously. You're not going to live through it anyhow.

The universe is benevolent, not hostile. There is a beautiful place of satori or surrender where everything happens naturally to your benefit. Auspicious persons, events, and elements - at just the right time - will come together to aid you in achieving your desired outcome. When you have prepared yourself by proper alignment with the universal forces, these things will happen every day, simply because they happen. It's the way I live. Some poorly educated people call it mystical but it is not a mystery at all. It is a natural part of the scientific world.

Right now I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do!?

And by right now I mean this whole summer!
What can I do I am so bored all the time, there is nothing for me to do... I am turning 18 shortly and I don't have a license until then so I can't get out of the house past 7 and I have to be back by 10pm because my parents just don't let me out (that is why I don't have a social life....), all my friends' numbers were deleted( I only had like 2 friends that I use to hang out with and they both live together and I don't like them so I will find new friends when I move) I will move in like 2-5 weeks so I can't find a job or keep myself busy. I am tired of playing basketball by myself and there is nothing on my house to entertain myself with since I am poor... Only TV and I hate the television because that is the only thing my father does when he comes from work...

What can I do? I have nothing to do and this is doing something on my life... I will have to keep myself busy by causing trouble or by doing weed I guess! I have tried pot and hookah once and I loved it so I will find pot sellers in the area and keep myself busy by being a stoner until I get out of this....

What should I do when nothing is going right in life?

—January 2016Lost job because of some office politics.February 2016Joined a startup on 1st Feb on a massive pay cut.Got dumped by Girlfriend on 6th Feb and found out that she had been cheating on me for last 6 months.March 2016 - June 2016The job I had joined turned out to be a big mistake. The management was never serious about the company and/or people.It was almost a nightmare working there, but couldn’t quit because I did not want to be jumping jobs every six months.July 2016The founders finally closed the company as they ran out of funds to operate. Was jobless again.August 2016Joined another startup. Great work place. Some great people and things seemed to be finally falling in place. Also, met someone and she was just perfect.Everything was smooth for next 3–4 months.December 2016The company ran in some financial troubles. There was no money to be paid. Kept working there without being paid.Everyone was trying their best to make it work for a while but the no salary part forced people to quit the job. I along with 7–8 worked till February. (No payments still)March 2017The company had to be closed unfortunately. Jobless again and with a good debt.Got rejected by the dream company in the last round over some silly reason.Said no to another one, again over some silly reason.April 2017Joined another small company. Good people. Decent work place.May 2017 - October 2017Was busy paying off the debt from the bad times and also started to realize that the someone special wasn’t really as perfect as she seemed then.November 2017Was just waiting for the year to end but the devil had other plans. Met with an accident on 28th in hometown.Got a call from the special someone on 29th and offended her over something.December 2017Things ended bad with the special someone.January 2018 - February 2018Nothing major has gone wrong yet. Hope to keep it that way.—Now, What did I do when nothing was going right in life?I kept going. I kept waiting for the next bad thing to happen and a little stronger every time.I did not become CEO of a multi-million company or an Olympic gold medalist but I am still here, waiting for the next bad thing to happen and a lot stronger this time.Face it. Fight it. Forget it.Cheers.||-SuperMann-||

Nothing feels right anymore? What do I do?

help, i'd appreciate that more then you could ever imagine. I have no one else to get advice from really.

I'm a senor in high school. And basically i've been feeling lost, but most of it is due to this girl. Basically what happened, I had been alone most of my life. But Around my sophomore and junior year, I had started working out as hard as I could everyday. Next thing I know come junior summer, this perfect girl comes into my life. We would go on to hangout 5 times, kiss, all that. It was the first time I was truly ever really happy.
She broke things off once school started. It was complicated. A lot of different things, but she was really sick for starters. Also she has bad trust issues, and just a bunch of complications.

Last night was our homecoming. It was fun, I danced with a bunch of girls. she was there and she looked fine. She danced with every other guy, and I saw her make out with this black guy. That infuriated me. I hated her so much right there, and I still do. I saw her coughing from her sickness, and as far as I cared I hoped she died, I was so mad. I'm just so freakin angry and I hate her so much, I hate that stupid lying sl ut. Worst part is during a slow dance earlier, she pulled me in close and kissed my neck.
******** whore. She even almost killed herself because everyone called her a sl ut. I felt bad for her, now I support them fully.

But anyway she's not the real problem. The problem is now I feel like i'm back at square one alone again, and I don't know what to do. Everyother time of the day i'm either in pain, or if not the worst part is it just all feels mediocare.
The only good time of the day is when I exercise, it relieves stress, and it gives me hope of my dreams, getting that dream body that i've come so far to get to.

I'm angry, so angry, hurt and sad. But the absolute worst thing is when i'm not, life just feels mediocare. And that scares the hell out of me.I don't want to live my life like this, what do I do?

Do I turn left, when nothing is right Or Do I turn right, when there's nothing left?

Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200!