Nothing To Eat Late At Night Or Ever

Is it really that bad to eat late at night?

Depends how big the meal is I guess.
I personally don't like eating late at night because when I go to sleep, the food settles on my stomach and is uncomfortable.
But hey if your hungry, then eat!

Why does eating late at night cause weight gain even if you eat healthy or low fat food?

It doesn’t. It’s a myth, possibly stemming from the fact you tend to “binge eat” later at night so are more likely to overeat and end up in a positive calorie balance and therefore gain weight.Technically speaking you could eat nothing but a chocolate bar before bed each day and you would actually lose weight due to the fact you would be burning more calories over the course of your daily life than you would take in (although this would be a pretty unhealthy way to lose weight!). It’s energy balance that matters not when during the day food is eaten.

How to get rid of late night food cravings?

im trying to eat healthier and get in better shape. i've been exercising and trying to eat right but i get major food cravings, especially at night. im not on a diet or anything, but i usually only eat junk food twice a week and i find that when i give in to my craving and i have a small piece of chocolate or candy, i'll eat more than i want and i find it hard to start eating healthy foods again.for example the last time i ate junk food was wednesday, then thurs and fri i ate healthy, then saturday i had a craving for chocolate so i ate a chocolate granola bar, then later on that night i had a craving for candy so i had some of that, then i was eating everything. and the next day i didnt want fruit or veggies i just wanted to eat junk food. how do i stop eating all this food at once? and how do i get rid of these cravings? i've tried drinking lots of water, chewing gum, exercising, keeping myself busy so i dont have time to think of food, but none of this is working.
btw im not bulimic i just tend to overeat, and ive never made myself sick afterwards.

Effects on health on eating food late at night (11pm-1am)?

I've heard a lot of people say eating after 8pm or 9pm especially junk food is particularly bad for your health and sleeping after you eat late night is even worse. I used to have that habit...eating late night and now because the excess fat has cost me my good health I have decided to permanently cut the habit. But with that said I see lots of college kids and HS kids go out to Applebees or Diners late at night to get appetizers like Nachos an Mozerella Sticks and Buffalo Wings at 11-12pm at night...are they going down the same road to an unhealthy life?

Is eating late bad for my health?

lately iv'e been not eating all day (skipping breakfast, lunch, and anything esle), until it gets late. then i start to eat. is this bad & could i gain or lose weight liek this?

Is eating late, after 1am bad for health?

In a sense, your digestive system does not “know” what time it is so it does not make a difference what the clock says when you are eating.But practically speaking, there are a couple things that worry me about you eating at 1:00 am.First, if you sleep right after eating, there's a greater chance of your body storing the body as fat than if, say, you ate and then took a walk.Second, if you're eating alone, you may be more inclined to binge than if you're with people. This isn't always true. Some people eat significantly more when they eat with others. But certainly if you're getting up at 1 and raiding the fridge, that won't be good for you.Third, I'm concerned what your food options are at 1:00 a.m. Are you cooking? Are you eating at a restaurant? Are you eating convenience store food? Most people will have many more options in the daytime. If you can make yourself a salad or another healthy meal, kudos to you. But usually when I see people eat late at night, they eat junk food. Or leftovers.EDIT: I forgot about cortisol. That changes a lot of what I said. Cliff’s Notes - Cortisol is a hormone. You can think of it like a caffeine pill but one your body makes on its own. It gives you more energy early in the day and wears off as day ends so that you aren’t stimulated as you go to bed. High cortisol can make you store fat and low cortisol can make you burn fat. Even though your digestive system doesn’t “know” the time of the day, the changing cortisol level affects digestion in a way that varies based on time.

Will I gain weight if I eat a banana late at night?

Are you thirsty? When I get hungry at night, I drink a huge glass of water, then if I'm still hungry I eat a piece of fruit.

But I usually don't eat more than 3 hours before bed.

Also, I use to make the mistake of not eating enough during the day, and then being so hungry at night. I had to start making myself eat adequately during the day so I wasn't hungry. So make sure you eat enough at dinner.