Noticed Some What Looks Like Grey/translucent What Could This Be Pics Included

What do semen stains look like?

Ok, just so you know, yes this does seem like semen to me. I have seen and felt it before. It will be white or crusty . Some clear just depends, on black it IS white. and yes it does get bubbly from time to time if they have been washed but didn't clean the semen all the way, semen is very hard to take out of clothing, is it like dog and cats when u get them together hard to split up. Semen doesn't like to get off of clothing .

Horse's Skin Condition/Allergies (pics included)--Anyone know what this is?

what you describe and show in the pic's looks like Culicoides Insect Hypersensitivity (CIH) aka Sweet Itch. What it means is... He reacts to bug bites with an allergic reation. Anywhere a bug bites him especially under the mane,face, ears, lower legs, and eventually belly ect he will get a red sore that weeps serum, he may begin itching them too. you can try :
1) Spray and wipe down horse with insect repellents, especially in the early morning and late afternoon.
2) Install a fan or be sure that your stall has plenty of airflow since the small culicoides are not strong fliers.
3) Keep affected horses stalled in the barn from 6pm to 8am to reduce exposure as culicoides are most active at dusk and dawn.
4) Enclose the stall with a fine screen to prevent the entrance of the insects into the area.
5) Cover affected horses with a "fly sheet" and "fly mask" to prevent new bites.

a vet can give allergy shots if its horrible

I've seen warbles. gross little buggers. You'll know if thats what you got by simply cleaning the serum off the top of the sore. there will be a hole and you can see the insect sticking its head out to breath. God they are gross, seen them in horses, deer and rabbits

Do double grey ticks on the WhatsApp mean the person is online?

WhatsApp ResponsesIn WhatsApp what does one grey tick next to the photo means?How about 2 grey ticks besides the photo means?What does one or blue ticks besides the photos mean?What does 1 grey tick next to the message means?What does two blue ticks next to the message means?Some times we see members photos in full colour and some we only see Grey outline only. Why does this mean?How do you tell if the person is still using WhatsApp?How do know if some has blocked you? How do you Distinguish this?If you left a Group can you receive and send messages from the group?Here are some quries I hope you can give your thoughts and share your brilliance with Everyone!WhatsApp AnswersOne grey tick - message has NOT been delivered. (The other party has not received anything)Two grey ticks - message has been sent to he other part but has Not been Read yet.2 Blue ticks - msg has been ReadGREY outline - either means the profile is set to Private and No photo or picture at all.How to tell if a person still using WhatsApp? Possibly 2 Grey ticks, meaning to say msg is being delivered.How to know of blocked? - if you noticed that there is Only one Grey outline and All Messages that you sent only shows One Grey Tick only.If you Left a Group, you will Not Receive any messages or contact the group. You have to request the Administrator of the Group to Add you back into that Group.Now you have some idea about WhatsApp responses or indications.Have a nice day and like Donald Trump regularly declare, have GREAT weekend too!

Why do the legs appear transparent in this photo?

EDIT 3:I shared this post on Quora with my CompGraphics professor and he thinks it could also be related to a noise suppression algorithm. This makes sense as those sorts of algorithms combat noise in low light areas by looking at surrounding areas for textures that can be extended.EDIT 2:Turns out, the Nexus 5 in Auto mode uses HDR+ in certain situations -- even when not explicitly turned on. I'm almost entirely certain that this is because of a HDR processing bug. It's not an uncommon issue in image post-processing.EDIT: I had a hunch it was related to Beier-Neely image morphing, and upon looking for a relation between their compositing method and the HDR mode on the Nexus 5, I found this article: camera software must have thought the leggings were an underexposed area, and tried mapping the texture of the brick wall to compensate. Problem solved. There's more information about Google's specific implementation of HDR+ here: HDR+: Low Light and High Dynamic Range photography in the Google Camera App However, apparently the camera was not in HDR mode at the time of taking this picture. The under-exposed areas in the back seem to agree (but it isn't like the Nexus 5 had an amazing camera pipeline to begin with). The strangest thing I noticed was on Google's HDR+ page: a bunch of the sample images develop similar artifacts in dark regions with HDR enabled. I do still think this artifacting is related to compositing artifacts -- it's the simplest explanation for the texture mapping being done.Original Answer BelowThis really interested me as I'm working on an image post-processing project right now. There's a particular image compositing method called Beier-Neely Morph that uses line segments to align and merge two images together. I saw you mentioned in the comments the camera used was a Nexus 5, and I recall one of the selling points being Google's implementation of "HDR+." HDR usually involves taking multiple pictures and stitching them together the best they can, but there's also a time constraint -- it's a cellphone camera and it needs to save the picture as fast as it can.My best guess is it's just a HDR processing artifact.

My two front teeth on the top have grey lines at the bottom?

Your dentist is right...your teeth look great!

The edge of the front teeth is one place where a little grey is a good thing...usually. Teeth have layers of color that all merge together to make the pearly whites we all love.

Enamel: The outer coating of your teeth, Enamel is grey in color and rather translucent.
Dentin: The inner bulk of your tooth, Dentin is a yellow color and opaque.
Pulp: This is the living part of the tooth and is red with blood. This imparts very little color to the tooth.

SO, at the tips of your upper teeth that grey translucent line is nothing more than your enamel. In youth it is more prominate because you have not ground it down. IN FACT, when we make veneers and crowns we put that grey, translucent line on the edge in order to make a more youthfull beautiful tooth! Yours are natural...LUCKY!!

The white spots are called fluoresces. Many people have this and it is nothing to worry about. Your first effort to minimize them would be to do some whitening. If that does not even it up enough then a small aesthetic filling after removing the fluoresces will sometimes work.

Next time you are visiting your dentist grab and mirror and ask these questions while pointing to what you are concerned about. He/She can reassure you and answer any specific questions as to treatment.

How will you be able to tell what gender and age a clear pied cockatiel?

Hi, I just got a yellow clear pied cockaitiel a day ago (whom I’ve named Spiff) and I’m not sure wether they are female or male. I’ve also noticed that Spiff has a metal band around his leg although I can’t really make out anything from it. The photo below is Spiff, I have noticed some very light barrings under his tail and what the 'breeder' (I say this loosely because he doesn't really seem reliable yet we had no where else to buy birds from, he literally placed turtles and budgies in the same cage and like 50 or so birds in the same cage which led to some getting pooped on.) said was that 'he' was about 8 months. I have felt his toes and it seems very soft which I've read is an indication of being young? Is this true?

Causes of my front teeth becoming transparent? How do I restore the 'whiteness' of before?

I had this problem too, so i asked my dentist about it recently on my last checkup, 2 weeks ago. She said that it was most likely as a result of acid erosion, wearing away the enamel on my teeth. This was most likely from fruit juices, ie orange, apple etc which have high acidity levels. My advice would be to cut down on acidic juice intake (but not completly, as orange juice and suchlike are great sources of vitamin c), and eat the real fruits instead. Be sure to rinse your mouth out after eating sweet foods (also offenders of acid erosion). This will also prevent bad breath, which is sometimes caused by dry mouths.

Another potential cause would be grinding of the teeth, which many do in their sleep without realising, which cannot be prevented, unfortunatly :(

I would invest in some high quality tooth paste, maybe pro enamel? although this will not completly sort out your problem, it will help protect your teeth enamel and prevent further erosion. It will most probably help make the 'transparentness' less visible

good luck (sorry for long answer) :)

Elastic color for braces?

I have braces and I always lean towards the grey or periwinkle (light blue)! Steer away from black! It looks nasty! Stay away from white and clear as well! Those colors turn the color of the food that you eat!! Not too cute!

I found this weird peice of plastic like.... Gray hair, on my scalp today..., im 14 though... What is this?

My mom noticed a peice of gray hair that was kind of weird because it felt like plastic in my hair. Is this how normal gray hair feels, or is it just some weird hair growing from myself D:|.
It felt kinda like the clear string you can buy on spools. Im 14 though, and im not sure if this is the right age to get gray hair >.>