Now That Women Are Working And Often Making More Money Than Men .

Do women really care about how much money a guy makes or are they looking for stability?

Yes, but not in ways you would expect all the time.When I was very young, I used to think it's BS that women look for rich guys till I spoke to a girl who said to me, "I didn't think ____ was attractive till I saw what car he drove. All of a sudden he looked sooo good to me." I almost started laughing like it was supposed to be shared absurd joke, but then I realized she was serious. And she was speaking to me like I would understand. Because the percentage of other women who 'understand' is so high, as I've learned over the years. Since then I've seen women who:Marry exclusively for money while being rather honest that they don't particularly care for the guy (sometimes, even to the guy himself).Marry for money, while outright not liking the guy and being miserable in every aspect but living standards.Pick out the richer guys of the lot when looking for men to date.Operate exclusively on the 'Someone's got to be with the rich guy, why not me' principle.Marry men they love, but wish (just a little) that they made more money.Marry for love, but end up outright resentful that he doesn't make as much money as other men they may know (regardless of what they themselves bring in).So in short, women care. Apparently, they care a lot.This is not to say that it doesn't vary from woman to woman. I know plenty of women who are also happy to be with the men they love through the ups and downs. When I got married, my husband had a very low paying job as a corporal in the USMC, and had no savings. I paid for the entire wedding, our first car and apartment. But yet, I knew his poverty was more age related than ability related. He was 21- a very intelligent, ambitious, hard working and focused one. So I can't say with absolute surety that I would have picked him had he not had those traits. Sometimes it's not directly about being rich. It's about having the qualities that will make you rich.Over the years, we have gone from me being the primary earner to him taking that responsibility  on. He went on to become a trader, set up his own firm, nearly sank in the crash of 2008, lost his company for other reasons, and is now rebuilding again. He wasn't rich for the whole ride. But he was all those other things consistently. Women care sometimes because they want smooth sailing. Plenty of other times they care because the traits that make you successful (and often rich) are very desirable traits.

Why do women get the house, kids, car, and money to live on after a divorce?

Women do tend to be good at pretending they care, push come to shove they care about equal rights mostly for what extra they can get out of them. They have selfish attributes and because they have the nurturing hormones men tend to conceded that they get the biggest slice of the family cake.

The legal system enjoys the law, making the man pay maintenance and pay again to hire a lawyer if his family rights have been abused by a selfish woman, who often has a new partner and is getting new money from him.

I doubt if the system will change much as most men suck up to women so much it really does make us look like prize pricks. So if a man does try to stand up to a woman often he is accused of abusing her.

Lastly I do feel sorry for a women if she has genuinely been abused. Everyone should feel safe in their own home. The law should protect her and society should help the man understand why he is an ********.

Why do men hate hardworking women or women who make more money than them?

Men do not hate hardworking women or women who make more money than them, men just love soft, feminine women of strong character. If she also happens to be a hard worker and makes a lot of money, great! So long as that is not how she presents herself. If you are graceful, charming, feminine, and soft and let a man be a man (ex. don't remind him how much you make, let him be a gentleman), then men will not disappear but will want to be around you all the time.

Do men get paid more than women?

Actually, women working full time -- not part-time, not on maternity leave, not as consultants -- still earn only 77 cents to a full-time working man's dollar. That's an enormous gap, and it has been stalled in place for more than a decade. It's not closing on its own. It affects women at every economic level, from waitresses to lawyers, from cashiers to CEOs.

Precisely because our nation believes so firmly in fairness and personal responsibility, many Americans assume that our workplaces do offer equal opportunities for all. And so, for the last 40 years, most theories about the wage gap have blamed women for underearning. Obviously, the older theory has had to be tossed out: Women earn as many degrees, have roughly as many years on the job, work as hard, and need money just as much as men do. So why do women still get paid less?

Here's the real reason women get paid an enormous percentage less than men: because they're women. In other words, because of sex discrimination.

Sex discrimination isn't necessarily intentional; much of it happens through mindless bias and careless stereotyping. But however it happens, it's unfair, illegal, and widespread.

Take a look at sex discrimination cases, never before collected, which you can now find at You'll be shocked if you look at how much employers have to pay out each year in sex discrimination cases, through awards or settlements -- not 10 or 20 years ago, but in 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. These cases show how deeply entrenched discrimination is in every region of the country and every sector of the economy.

Why do women get paid less then men?

The glass ceiling has actually been shattered in many professions. Women have come a long way since 1960s when they had to fight to be respected as people capable of doing most jobs as well as a man. What many studies show is that most women who do not earn as much as men also do not choose to work in the same professions as men. There are many jobs that women do not choose to do, and if a few women choose to do these jobs, many of them do not want to be in a supervisory position.

If women were actually paid less money for the same job as men are, then no one would ever hire a man to do that job. Here's another thing to consider. Women typically want to date and marry men who earn more money than they do, so being financially successful can hinder a woman's chances of getting married and having children which is a primordial drive. The biological imperative of gender may compel some women to choose to earn less than a man to enhance her chances of pairing up with a man and having children.

Why do women still get paid less than men?

I understand why they used to be paid less. Women would usualy have a husband to earn the main wage and any work a woman did was just pocket change.etc.

But now there are alot more single women supporting familys and i dont see why this hasnt been changed. Why are women still being paid less for doing the same job?