Oddest Situation . But What Do I Do

Odd question about trains..?

That is NOT an odd question, I am glad you asked.

The simple answer is yes and no, the theory is that the metal object will shunt the rails and give the approaching trains a red (or stop) signal and you might be safe.
That of course has many many flaws, for instance there are thousands of miles of track with no signals at all, in which case all you did was turn that peice of metal pole into a deadly missile as it shoots out from beneath the train wheels. If you put the metal object on the rail, and the train has already gone by the last signal that could possibly do you any good, it wont matter, the train wont see any signal and wont be able to stop.

In a despearate situation, try it but DO NOT ever assume it will work, you are gambling far too much. Let the train hit your car, they make brand new cars every day, you get away and stay safe.
A star for a safety related question..

As an aside note: I happened upon a vehicle on a crossing once, and the responding highway patrolman placed a tow chain across the rail and said that would stop the train. I immediatly explained that we were in dark (non-signalled) territory and the next train was due shortly and would be doing 49 MPH, he moved his car off the tracks real fast.

Bob: sure, you can stay in the camper, and on the nights when I am in the "doghouse" you will have company.

What is the oddest situation that you have caught someone in or walked in on?

I believe I must have led a sheltered life as this never happened to me!

What are some situations you had to deal with because the oddest things one normally never has to explain and explicitly "learn" were disregarded?

The United States Presidential election. Respect for parents of fallen soldier? Disregarded. Respect for disabled? Disregarded. Tolerance of others’ religions? Disregarded. Compassion for the poor and people suffering? Disregarded. Basic respect for women? Disregarded.There was so much disregarded pertaining to human decency that I can’t remember it all.

What is the oddest/weird situation you have been in your life and what made it so strange?

Being stopped by the police on my way home from uni. They thought I have stolen a motorbike (even though I was walking).The main reason they stopped me, is because I had a black coat with a hoddie and looked like a guy who steals things:)My friends tell me to throw that coat away:) BUT IT IS SO NICE! :(

What are some examples of weird functions?

OK, this is not really weird, and, sadly, it’s not even a beautiful graph:This is the start of the graph of [math]f(x)=x^{x^x}[/math].Nothing to see here that’s interesting. It’s what you don’t see that’s interesting.Along the x-axis the units seem to be in inches, and the y-axis looks like the units are in centimeters.You can see that [math]f(0)=0[/math] and [math]f(1)=1[/math]. You can’t quite see that [math]f(2)=2^{2^2}=16[/math].So just going over 2 inches to the right gets you 16 centimeters high.You can easily picture going over 4 inches to the right. But what you can’t picture is how high this will be.It’s easy to calculate. It will be [math]f(4)={4}^{{4}^{4}}[/math] centimeters high.Take a moment to try to picture this height. Alright, that’s long enough.At 4 inches over, the height of this graph will be about a billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion times the diameter of the observable universe.Bet you didn’t picture that.

What is the weirdest thing that turns you on?

Sleepy Bearded Tall guys , Sanskrit slokas

What are some extreme situations you don't want to be in, but you will?

I guess you mean more than one huh? Ok;A war with N. KoreaA war with any other country✈️A Big Yellowstone volcanic blowup that takes out half of the USAlien invaders coming to our planet and not being niceThe poles on our planet reversingThe wall going up to keep  Mexicans outA Prague of sickness spending upon our land and a lot of people dyingFamine