Okay So Firstly I Am Not Bulimic. But Yes I Do Force Myself To Throw Up Sometimes Because I Feel

If i made myself throw up once, am i bulimic?

i grew up as a heavy child and i finally lost 25 pounds last year. in the past few weeks i gained about 7 pounds and now im afraid that i will redo all my hard work. so after i overate and was feeling guilt i went to the bathroom and made myself throw up. that was the first and only time i did it, does this count as an eating disorder? i wouldn't do it again, though id like to lose weight

Is it okay to force yourself to throw up?

Okay...well I've kinda been gaining lots of weight lately..but I'm growing so I thought that's why. I'm around five feet and 110 pounds. The other day my mom said I'm fat. And she always talks about how overweight I am. So is it okay to force myself to throw up to loose weight. Cuz my mom won't even let me go on a diet or anything. She's so confusing. But forceing myself to throw up seems like the only option.

Is it bad to force yourself to vomit once?

The only way I would force myself to vomit is if I had something caught in my throat. Otherwise it will remain in my stomach. Forcing yourself to vomit is something that can become habitual. I’m hoping this I not something you are wanting to do. Eating disorders are serious business and can lead to a lifetime of health issues. Stomach acid can eventually wear the enamel on your teeth away. It burns your esophagus leading to ulcerations also from the acid. Longer term can lead to irregular heart rhythm. Then there's also your thyroid…your hair will fall out. Your skin becomes thin because the tissue can't be fed so it thins like an older persons.. So why take the chance? Stay with a healthy, well rounded diet and exercise program. If you're feeling pressured to do that, you might want to rethink some choices.

Is it okay to make yourself throw up if you eat too much?

I know its bad to make yourself throw up, but sometimes, me and my friends eat so much junk food, and last night my friend brought over weed(marijuana) and we smoked it and then we had munchies really bad and so we ended up stuffing our faces with junk food, and when my high was gone i realized i ate way to much so i stuck my finger down my throat and threw up everything i ate. That was the first time i've ever done it. I'm not bulimic, nor do i want to be. but is it bad if when i eat too much i make myself throw up, not just whenever but if i feel sick like a stomach ache or something. I know i should just control how much i eat but sometimes i just eat too much without noticing.

Bulimia... Why can't I throw up?

You need decent volume to vomit, so you may need to drink a few cups of water first.
Relax too

Ok so can purposely making myself vomit kill me if I do it only like once or twice a day?


1) Yes, you absolutely can die from doing this and it could happen in many ways. Aside from the heightened chanced of dying of heart-attack or stroke, you also run the risk of dying from something else like shock, directly relating to your bulimic illness. On top of that, you are dealing with a quality of life issue here. Your extremely (completely inevitable at the rate you make yourself throw up) poor health will lead to a depressing way of life and a slow painful death (regardless of your proclaimed cause of death in the end of your life); "most people" don't do this anyway. learn from them and don't delude yourself by comparing yourself to other people who have your sickness.

2) Health problems don't take long to be noticeable to the careful observer. Not only will symptoms of bulimia be apparent to those who know the illness, but symptoms of poor health and lack of self confidence will be (and likely are) painfully obvious. Do you want vomit-breath, tooth-decay, mineral deficiencies, anemia, dry and cracking skin, leathery skin, and an unpleasant-to-the-eye face?

3) "One of the more serious complications of bulimia is an electrolyte imbalance, which is caused by dehydration and the loss of potassium and sodium from chronic purging. Electrolyte imbalances can lead to an irregular heart rhythm and potentially a heart attack and death. Electrolyte imbalances are not rare."

You're kidding yourself if you think your severe problem is just something that can be "managed". The older you get, the less your body can put up with such abuse. You seem to have two routes: A) Lifelong misery and personal discontent by what you're doing now. B) Life-long happiness and self-fulfillment by accepting your bodies' unique features (guys almost unanimously LOVE curves). The second route is the clear choice and can be supplemented by real nutrition and exercise (Observe Jack Lalane. Read "Reclaiming Our Health" by John Robbins and perhaps try George Malkmus' Hallelujah diet) to address poor health and fitness. The first route is completely futile. Remember, none of this is easy in your position, but few things worth achieving are easy. You are 5'1", 16 y/o, 107 lbs and surely beautiful; don't blow it with bulimia.

How to make yourself throw up?

oooh, I just hate this. I am not going to lecture, I feel you already know all you need to about this. I am bulimic with anorexia behaviors. I am not young, and I have been this way for ten years. It is very very easy to learn to like it quickly and find it a way of life, until it takes your life, Ive been hospitalized many time. Sorry, enough of that, I am sorry but had to. Please, whatever you do, do not drink any of the stuff that makes you throw up, they will kill you. Sticking your finger down your throat does work and yes, you do throw up on your finger, also the puke splashes up on your face and in your hair, its very attractive. Bulimia will not nessasary make you loose weight, thus the anorexia will start. I am bulimic only when I eat, of course, makes sense huh. Anorexia will take your life over and make you very weak, so if that happens then you will not have to worry about your dance next year because you wont care about it anymore. If you really want to loose some weight really quickly, instead of eating and throwing up, try fasting some, drop your calories down to like 800 (now this is anorexic behaviors and I do not recommend them, but I do recommend it over bulimia) another really fast way to loose weight is do the 800 calories for two days, then go up to 1200 one day, then repeat. This is actually your best bet to have fat loss and not have your muscles break down, making you look fat and sloppy. When you bump the caloires up to the 1200, this gives your body a break and makes it keep from going into a starvation mode, causing ketosis to stop. Good luck, I hope I didnt preach to much and I hope I didnt cause more problems by telling you what I did, I am just concerned that you would go the bulimic path and that should not be an option for you, it does not work.

Is making myself throw up bad?

I've only done it maybe four or five times over the course of the last year. No eating disorder, twice to ditch school and twice b/c i felt really sick and was gagging coughing and thought i needed to. Please i won't do it anymore and don't be rude.

Does purging once in a while make me bulimic?

I'm about 5'3" and my weight usually ranges between 125-130 lbs. I don't think i am fat but i know that i have room for improvement.

I wouldn't consider myself bulimic but sometimes I do purge. It's not like a ritual where i eat tons of food and then force myself to puke; but sometimes i make myself throw up when i feel like i ate to much. And i only do it at home and afterwards i brush my teeth and and rinse my mouth out with listerine. Usually the purging (usually just once or twice a day) only last for a few days and then i stop for a week or longer before i feel the need to purge again. Maybe this sounds like i do it alot but it really isn't enough to be considered an eating disorder.

I was just wondering if there are really any bad side effects for someone who only purges once in a while like myself. I'm not excessive about it, so how bad an it be? Usually i feel more comfortable after purging. Does that make me bulimic?

(By the way, there was one time when i purged because i was really really upset. It seemed to give me some relief. But that was only that one time.)

Is bulimia a healthier alternative for the Super Morbidly Obese?

I would try the drug topamax first. You would need titrate the medicine slowly up to 200 mg to be effective and the best results are at the maximum dose of 400mg. Its a very hard drug to get used to for the first month, but if you stick with it, the side effects go away. I had absolutely no appetite while on this medication and had to force myself to eat. I took it after foot surgery for nerve pain and lost 30 pounds just lying on the couch all day. I would also recommend taking a small dose of antideppressant with it as it can make a person more angry and even depressed. I would also drink lots of water with it as it can cause kidney stones if you don't drink any water. I would also take the multivitamins that they give you for gastric bypass surgery available at Wallgreens.
Get the doctors opinion about this medication. It seems better than dying.
The second link is what people thought of the medication. They rate it on the left side on a scale of one to five.