Omg Help Omg There Is A Large Spider In My Room Its Near My Door Omg What Should I Do Help Omg

Omg there's a huge spider in my bathroom?

surf it's web

Omg huge spider in my room what do i do!!!!!!!?

If it's that big, it's HARMLESS. None of the truely dangerous spiders get large at all, with the exception of the Sydney Funnel-Web, which only lives in a small part of Australia. I don't know where you live, but I have a feeling that this is a Huntsman Spider of some sort, since they are HUGE, they climb and cling to walls, and are common in many warmer parts of the world. They are harmless in spite of their appearance. If you can open your window in the bedroom, do so, and using a piece of paper or something, "herd" the spider towards the open window. You can also use the same method that "spider wranglers" that supply these things for movies use-a hand-held hair dryer! ALL spiders hate having air blown on them and will move quickly in the opposite direction that the air is coming from to escape it, so you can actually "steer" it to where you want it to go using a blast of air! Very few spiders can jump, NO spider will "attack" a human(in spite of what some of the cowardly no-nothings tell you), and all will try to avoid you if they feel threatened. If it's on the floor still, you can also place an upturned Tupperware container(minus leftovers, of course)over the spider, then slide a piece of stiff paper underneath the spider and carefully invert the whole thing, trapping the spider inside the container with the paper on top, then carry it over to the window and let it out.

NOTE: If you live in the United States, DO NOT CALL 911 over a SPIDER! You will in many cases be endangering the life of someone who is REALLY in danger by tying up the emergency lines over something that cannot HURT you! This is basically the same thing as a prank call, and you will not only make yourself look unbelievably stupid to the 911 operators, AND be putting other people at real danger, but you can actually be arrested or fined for this. 991 is for genuine emergencies, where a person or their property is in immediate and real danger, like when someone is having a heart attack or their house is being invaded by a person with a weapon, NOT for reporting things like bugs and spiders. In case you're wondering, an off-duty Emergency Responder who works as our school Resourse Officer is standing behind me, and he had quite a few things to say on the topic of people calling 911 for things like spiders, frogs, their own kids crying, and other useless wastes of the 911 system!

What do you do when there is a vicious spider loose in your room?

Spiders don't bite people for no reason, and in all my years of studying spiders, I have yet to see a vicious one. Many will aggressively attack prey, but humans are not on their diet.
I have never been bitten more than once by any spider.
A couple possibilities are a wasp sting, or a skin abscess that has ruptured. Many people mistake these for bites.
If you don't have a dead spider in your bed, or a wasp flying around your room, the abscess is the most likely source of your injury. These are not uncommon, and usually they heal on their own.

Omg lord help me spider in my backyard?

ok i live in ohio/pennslyvania like right between the two states. anyways i was in my backyard weeding because there was tons of weeds that grew up the fence, and i pulled one down to reveale this BIG FUZZY WHITE SPIDER WITH RED STRIPES. i forget where the stripes were, i am pretty sure they were on it's legs.

my dad said it looked deadly so he smashed it with a brick so i couldnt get a picture.

i am freaked out i saw a web that kinda looked like a funnel.

can someone tell me what spider this is and if it is deadly or not. i have a 2 y/o brother that could get bitten by this little demon.

How to get rid of lizards...OMG plz help ?

To attempt to answer your question I'll start by informing you that there is a powdery substance that's used to get rid of roaches. This product can be found at a hardware store like Home Depot or Lowes. But first ask the assistance from an employee familiar with your description. Like with any poisons, use caution and read the directions carefully. It is a blue powdery substance and the lizard don't appear to like it. I believe it has an acid based. So again, I stress caution in it's use and follow the direction on the label.

Next, check for cracks and any access points around your home. Properly sill these areas. If you don't know the proper way to caulk or sill, then ask the home owner to hire a professional.

Next, get rid of the things that lizards like - for instance, bugs that they eat. If you don't know the proper way to get rid of these bugs, then hire an exterminator for both the bugs and the lizards. Unfortunately, you may hear some of the same comments you've heard from other responders on this "they kill the bugs". But you'll be further ahead even if the exterminator rid you of the other pests, the lizard will likely move on because there's less for them to feed on.

For over 20 years I lived here and have never seen a lizard in my neighborhood until two years ago after new neighbors moved next door. I'm not accusing them, but you do the math. Since then, they have been repopulating and it was a constant battle to keep them away. So far, the powder has been a good deterrent. I hope my comments help you.

A spider came out my toilet!!?

OMG dont go!!!!!!!!! It'll attack u !!!!! Omg here's what u do.
1. Look at it see if its big
2. if it is call 911
3. If they dont come, get ur sibling and push their head in the toilet and say, " DO u see it? Is it big?" then geth their head wet
3. I f u realli have to go tht badd still after all that commotion you can drive over to my house .. or u can use the bushes ( those leaves are soft!)


I was laying down watching tv in bed and i see something move. I look and theres a FREAKING SPIDER RUNNING ACROSS MY BED. Instinctively, i grad my phone and airhead candys and run out. The thing was like one of them biggish black ones. Then i realize i left my coffee in there!!! I CAN'T GO BACK. I knew i had spiders in my room cuz under my bed is a mess. But i didn't know it would come SO FCKING CLOSE.

I don't know what to do. THERE AFTER ME. I didn't get a damn chance to kill it. Now its for me. AHHHHH I HATE SPIDERS. IM FREAKING OUT!!!!

Ill stay awake and just watch tv in the living room but this will always haunt me. You don't understand how much i HATE spiders. It must be revenge. Today i saw a spider outside and started crying and my sister had to kill it. KARMA NOW THEIR ATTACKING ME. WHAT THE FCK DO I DO?!?!?!

What should I do if there is a giant spider in my room and I'm sleep-deprived?

I scrolled past your pic-  which means I missed the question details-  but I absolutely cannot stand spiders.Here's what I can tell you:The vacuum will get rid of the spider, sure, but it doesn't necessarily kill it.  If you have one of those bagless, wind-tunnel type machines, there is a better chance of killing the thing, but no guarantee, so don't empty the vacuum into your trash-basket-  take it right out to the Dumpster.Spiders will DIE! if you spray/splash them with ammonia.  When I lived in Germany, with lots of half-dollar and larger "barn spiders" around, I kept a spray bottle with a strong "stream" type spray full of 3 parts ammonia and 1 part water under the sink.  One good squirt generally killed the beasts.A very good fly-swatter is better than a shoe for smashing the creature.  Personally, I can't even get that close with a fly swatter, but if you're able to do it, at least you'll be further away with a bit more control over your aim.Clean your entire room-  warily- moving all furniture, getting into all corners and hidey-hole areas.  Strip the bed, remove the mattress, and make sure you vacuum up under the bedframe.  Every single inch of the room should be examined and cleaned.  Be sure to check all books- especially those which are stored upright rather than lying flat on their covers;  spiders hide between pages sometimes.  Then, for that night at least, you can sleep soundly.  Maybe.It will cost some $$, but there are bug sprays which form a barrier which spiders cannot cross without DIE!-ing.  I've had the interior of my house sprayed with it before, and I have a monthly service for the outside-  I cannot stand the idea of them being inside with me.Good luck.  If it were me, I'd move.  They creep me out that much.

OMG my room is freaken infested with daddy long legs?

Okay okay I may be being over-dramatic by saying "infested" but seriously I have been catching so many daddy long legs outside my door, in the corners of my room, crawling on my floor, and all in my bathroom! I find them in my bathtub, on the ceiling of my bathroom, on my shower curtain, and on the floor. Ugh it sucks. Especially, since my two biggest fears are snakes and spiders. Yes, I'm aware that they can be helpful and they are not harmful blah blah blah lol...I don't want them in my room! I have to get someone in my house to come and kill them because I go crazy when I see one. I HATE the way they look! The bad thing is that I have seen spiders of different kinds too =P Small, medium-sized, big, different colors....UGH! We live in front of a swamp, so I know that's why. No joke, some weird looking spider was on my floor last night and of course I started screaming like a banshee. Psycho me started spraying it with the hairspray bottle by me. DUMB DECISION. The freak started running so I "squished" it with a cardboard box. But no it wasn't done! I lift up the box, the sucker is still crawling. I then take my foldable desk and squish it. But nooo that didn't work either. I lifted it up, the sucker is still crawling. Finally, I squished it when I slammed the desk on it. Like dang, that thing wasn't playing lol Could they be coming from the fan (the square things on the ceiling) in my bathroom? The drain of my tub? I'm so sick of coming out of my shower and seeing one or looking up after putting lotion on my legs and one be in my face in a web. Terminix is coming Monday, but I want to give them an idea of where they may be coming from. I saw a daddy long leg web right on the fan a few mins ago, so should I leave the fan on so they don't come out? I'm not sure what goes on in the fan and how it's set up so I don't know if it would suck them back to outside, kill them, who knows...Help would be much appreciated! Thanks!