On A Scale Of Ugly To Beyonce How Pretty Am I

Is there really such thing as "ugly people"?

I'm one of those people who thinks everyone's pretty, even if it takes some time to search for it. I haven't really thought of anyone ugly unless he/she was a terrible person.

How can I get a body like Beyonce?

Well, unfortunately, you can never get a body exactly like someone else's.
There are healthy ways to get curves like, exercising with weights, protein filled diet, eat vegetables, keep hydrated, using fish oil (some chicks get phenomenal results rubbing fish oil directly on the buttock, I didn't go that route though cause....ew) Maca root worked wonders for me (bought mine off I used this website for butt lifting:

Unhealthy ways, like surgery, butt shots, fat transfer, extreme corset training. Basically results with no effort aren't results at all.

Just as a reminder read this article and look at those pictures:

If you're skinny I think that's awesome! That means all you need is to uplift that booty and it'll look damn good. Might just need to put on some weight and muscle. Like this chick, she's skinny but has curves.

Are there more physically ugly people than beautiful people in this world?

There are more average looking people in the world and there are physical characteristics that are considered objectively beautiful.  There is a  10 point beauty scale that is sometimes used to measure someone's beauty.   The characteristics that are universally considered beautiful are big, wide set eyes, full lips, high cheekbones, small chin, small nose, oval shaped face and clear skin.   The population beauty distribution and categorization is as follows: Bottom 2% Very Unattractive,  15% Unattractive, Slightly Below Average 10%,  Average 46%, Slightly Above Average 10%,  Attractive 15%,  Beautiful 2%.  Beautiful people and Ugly people are rare but most people fall into the average category.   Information taken from the book Appearance is Everything by Steve Jeffes.

Why do pretty girls have ugly boyfriends?

Let me just say this:You may think Jay-z is one fly guy, but in all honesty, he’s also not one of the prettiest ones. He’s no Tyson Beckford, Dolvett Quince or Michael Ealy. However, he’s probably got more money than all 3 combined (do verify though).Beyonce ain’t dumb…Jennifer Lopez isn’t dumb either and Marc Antony ain’t pretty either. I know it’s done, but she was convinced at one pointDid you know even ugly and fat accused rapists and sexual harassers have attractive significant others? Here’s Harvey Weinstein. He would probably tell you that if you want it, you can get it. And until he got called out recently, he was trying to prove that point - to society’s detriment.However, PLEASE don’t use this as an excuse to be the asshole he probably is. NO man should harass a woman and men who rape women should be castrated. Brandon Na's answer to How liberal are you?Obviously, these are gold diggers, but is more proof that you don’t need looks to get a hottie:Anna Nicole Smith (J. Howard Marshall)Hugh Hefner and CrystalV. Stiviano and mystery lady (to be updated)Mark Vanderpump and Brazilian RosanaSo, why? It’s because they have more money come out of their rear ends than most of us do combined. And these women are not stupid…they need to take care of themselves and so they get fulfilled in other ways that physical fulfillment fails to do.And a handful of not so famous examples show there are other reasons:I would imagine there is a thing called love. And that not every single woman on the planet is motivated by money. There’s a little hope.However, in a patriarchal world, what do you expect? If everything was equal, there would be less need for women to frankly chase money or the men who create it.The world has many things that feed into our psyche. Here are a few:Men chase after something in the physiological category that’s not listed here: sex. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have a world that sustained its population.Women are aiming for the rest. Then again, women have a bit of the aforementioned, but I would argue they are smarter. They don’t need it as much and again, they are smarter.

How do we know where we land on the 1–10 scale?

As long as you’ve handled the major problems which include:AcneBad Hygiene (you don’t shower, your hair is greasy, your clothes smell, you have foul smelling body odor)Terrible grooming: your haircut is either terrible or outdated or both. If female, your dye job is showing your roots to an extent that it looks like you haven’t gotten your hair done in years.Clothing: you wear clothing that is stained, dirty, out of style and not form fitting. Also, you may look like you have absolutely no idea how to dress yourself by wearing bizarre clothing combinations.Fitness: you are fat or skinny and obviously not trying to do anything about it IE skinny and bent over or fat with tiny arms.Personality: Yes this matters because boring fucking people have very few friends. Get some hobbies, study shit that has nothing to do with school and make yourself interesting.Humor: Are you bland as fuck? Do you tell boring stories and people run the other way when you walk up?Selfish/Narcissim: You’re a shitty person who can’t think of anyone but herself. You’re boring, are terrible in the sack and yet ALL MEN seem to not be good enough for you. The male version of this is an InCel.Now that you’ve handled these things and you’re pretty good at all of them IE, you’re in decent shape, get good haircuts, know a few thibgs about matching clothes, keep yourself clean and groomed, have a few hobbies and can bust out a few jokes, congratulations you are beating 60% of the human population ALREADY! Because most people are absolutely fucking useless.You can pretty much become the hottest person in any room by being fit with low bodyfat and having good skin tone.As a former bartender I’ve met and hooked up with a lot of women across the scale and I can tell you this. I would far rather date the 7.5 girl who’s fun than fuck the 9’s. Female 9’s have almost zero personality, they never had to develop one because her whole life, people just threw her attention.Also let’s break down the attraction level.I am into fitness, I LOVE athletic girls, I love a nice ass, not big, but fit. I like a girl with smaller breasts. I’m also tall and I like girls who are my height. Some guys would find that girl intimidating, especially if she has some muscle, but since I’m a large man, north of 250lbs, that tall athletic girl is tiny compared to me.Attractiveness is all in the eye of the beholder once you get past the 6 mark.

On a scale of 1-10 how attractive is Jay Z?

.0 (not homosexual)

Why do people think average white girls are gorgeous and pretty black girls are called average?

I’m going to guess that you’re the girl in the photos or you like her and maybe your friends haven’t shared your interest when you showed pictures and was saying how pretty she was.To be honest, it’s because black beauty is not as widely accepted or seen as ‘beautiful’ because most people in the US are white, and will flock toward a white girl who is pretty vs a black girl. You also forget symmetry is important in every aspect of beauty. If your face is not symmetrical, or your body- you can’t be beautiful. You’d look off.Another aspect is body shape. Black women generally either are pear shaped or are bigger breasted/hips without much definition at the waist. I’m not sure if it’s because of where I live, or the fact that if black people are poorer due to lack of access to higher education in lower income areas- that they would eat cheaper, more processed and higher calorie food. Just like white people who live in poverty.So not only is beauty an issue of perception but of income, and above all it’s an issue of race and preference. But to be blunt, the woman in the photos has an uneven face, one side has more curvature than the other and seems longer. The brows are a bit “surprised” looking, creating a sunken in look for her eyes. Her eyes have bags, making me think she’s getting older or maybe just doesn’t sleep much. It looks like she’s had lip fillers but might have already had nice lips to begin with. Overall she looks slightly masculine and I’ll freely admit that I’m white- however, these features are not ideal and so that’s why she may not be perceived or called beautiful. However, she seems like she’d be attractive to a black person because she fits more standards of beauty in black culture.Think about it, skinny blonde white girl, big eyes, slightly tinted brows, smaller but cute lips- nice clothes and makeup. It’s just a preference. The average white girl? No, she’s probably a white girl with money or parents who have advantaged her with braces, good skin care, good healthy food and sports. She’s just slightly blessed with either makeup or better genetics as well as all of this.