On Zoloft Feeling Worst Can

How does Zoloft make you feel?

I'm making progress on my Zoloft. Been taking it for about 3 weeks straight now. The first week was HELL. nothing but pure nasua, diherea, goosebumps, insomnia. Now most of that is gone for the most part. I still get insomnia but i fix that with a few xanax or sleeping pills. but during the day i feel kind of funny.

I feel pure apathy. I'm really slow, quiet, mopping around. I act like clint eastwood or something. I hardly get excited about anything, I find it hard to laugh. Just curious if this is normal. It's not helping my anxiety yet. is it to early in my process? How does it make everyone else feel?

On Zoloft feeling worst, can't think/focus?

Hi, I've been on zoloft for about two months now for major depression. I've previously been on wellbutrin, citalopram, prozac, and effexor. None of them really helped with my mood. What I've come to notice though, is that I'm finding it very difficult to concentrate. I'm in my last year of college, and I'm struggling. All I want is sleep. I feel so low all the time. What's been your experience like ? With depression in general? Does it get "better?" I just want to kill myself, really.

How does zoloft make you feel?

ive been on zoloft for about 5 years now.
when i first started it it did make my eyes dry out which went away in about a week.
I got bad headaches all the time, which ended after about a month but i still get them maybe once a fortnight.
I dont really have sore teeth but my jaw seems to ache atleast once a week, its been happening ever since ive started zoloft but im not sure if that is the cause.
most symptoms should go away within the month, if not talk to your doctor.

Can the medication Zoloft make depression worse?

Possibly. Sometimes antidepressants just don't work. Every patient is unique. Zoloft may work great for one person, but not at all for another person so if a person is taking Zoloft to treat depression and it doesn't work, I think it's possible the person could start to feel more depressed. That's when it is time to try something else. They is also a feeling in the medical community that taking antidepressants can actually increase symptoms of depression, even suicidal thoughts. There should be a med guide dispensed with every anti depressant dispensed. I would urge everybody to read this med guide when picking up a prescription for antidepressants

I’ve been on Zoloft for a few months now and I suddenly am feeling worse. I’ve also been having some dizzy spells. Should I ask to up my dosage so I don’t feel depressed again?

Others have probably already said this, but talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Dizziness is not a sign of depression, so upping your dose isn’t the answer to that. BTW, you didn’t specify in what way you’re feeling worse, other than dizzy, so I’m not clear if you’re indicating that you’re also depressed. Please know that an antidepressant doesn’t make you happy all the time, or your life perfect, or even keep you from going through stuff. You might want some help with aspects of your life. Again, talk to your doctor.

I'm on 50 mg of Zoloft and after about a month, it seems to have stopped working. When I first took it, it worked instantly. Now, all I get are some side effects, but I feel worse than when I started taking it. What do I do?

I will tell you my story. In my mid to late teen years, I took Zoloft. I don’t remember the dosage. After a few months of taking it, I didn’t feel any better or any worse. I was just there. I stopped taking the meds but I kept them in case I felt I would ever need them again. Well, one night (morning) after I finished my newspaper route around 6am I decided I had had enough. I took the Zoloft I had saved, which was around 1800mg at once, downed it some soda and went to bed. Was I ready to die that morning? Yes, I was. I worked 2 jobs and my boyfriend at that time was never there. Within about 20 mins I was throwing up and begging for help. The boyfriend called 911. I was sent to the ER where I was told to drink a charcoal milkshake to make me throw up the meds. It was that or have a tube put through my nose to pump my stomach. After I was deemed “alive” I got sent to the ward. This was all almost 15 years ago. I no longer take antidepressants. Do I still need them? Probably. I’m learning to cope on my own. Zoloft took an effect on me that I will forever have to deal with. I deal now with what some call muscle spasms or Grandma seizures. Doesn’t happen all the time but when it does, sure does make everyone around me worry. All in all, I suggest if you can learn to deal with life then please do. Everyone has ups and downs. Everyone has problems. If you can learn what makes you unhappy, then fix it. It will not always be easy. Life is not suppose to be easy. It is a lesson that everyone must learn in their own way.Please note: This is my experience. Some people do well with medicine, others don’t. Find what works for you.

How to get off zoloft? I honestly feel like its slowly killing me and taking over my life.?

I am currently getting of Zoloft as we speak. I started at 250mg (which I was on for 2 years) and it left me in a fog... my psychiatrist is having me slowly wean off of it. Tomorrow I will be down to 25mg and by wednesday I will be off of it for good. I've had some minor withdrawal symptoms (headache, irritability) but nothing major. Talk to your doctor first, but don't ever just quit a medicine. Go for the next 5 days on the 100mg, then five days on 75mg, 5 days on 50mg, and lastly 5 days on 25mg... this way it wont be such a shock to your system. Good luck!

I recently increased my dose of Zoloft from 50mg to 100mg. Is it normal to feel moody and depressed until my body adjusts to the new dosage?

It is normal, yes.Dose changes, whether up or down, can always lead to new or intensified drug effects. Neuropsychological drug effects are among the most common effects of antidepressants. These include things like mood swings, depression, anxiety, apathy, sleep problems, memory problems, or even more extreme things like mania, psychosis, violent thoughts or behavior, and suicidal thoughts or behavior. The period after a dose change is oftentimes the riskiest period of drug use with SSRIs—the most likely time to newly experience many of these things.That said, we cannot know if this is the Zoloft causing these concerns or if other factors may be relevant. It is always a good idea to report any new or worsened difficulties to the prescriber, and to let them know about any suspected connection to your drug use or changes in your doses or overall regimen. Some people are more sensitive to these dose changes than others, and the alterations caused by antidepressants are cumulative (meaning you may notice problems arising only after continued use, or only after multiple dose changes).Your body may or may not eventually adjust to antidepressants, or new doses of antidepressants. While a minority of drug effects which appear during the first weeks of use will fade partially or dissipate completely, statistically speaking, most will stick around and some will even get worse or arise only after you have continued to use antidepressants. When new or more intense drug effects follow a dose adjustment, these may or may not fade away completely, and it is important to keep your prescriber aware of the situation.Sometimes a higher dose does not help you any more than a lower dose does, and may cause more harms than a lower dose which offered the same level of benefits. Whether drug use is the best way forward, and whether this particular drug is the one to be trying to work with, will depend on the individual and their specific situation. We all react to these drugs in a unique way, and it cannot be generalized which drugs or drug decisions are best for someone. While what you mention is normal, that does not mean it is necessarily okay, or tolerable, or something which will work out in the end.

Quit Zoloft cold turkey?

I left on vacation for a month, But I only had enough Zoloft to last a week. I ran out, and now it has been two weeks without any Zoloft. I haven't been on it for too long and i was only on a 50mg dose. I feel completely normal with minimal withdrawal effects. My question is, what is the worst thing that can happen to me, Brain damage? Seizure? unstable mental condition? Your opinion is appreciated.