Online High School /

Best online high school?

If you are after an accredited high school degree, then you need a school accredited by one of these:

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Northwest Accreditation Commission or Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

If you are looking for an all in one package sort of deal, one of the cheapest, regionally accredited high schools is American School. This school is accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. That's REAL accreditation!

American School
Indiana University
University of Missouri
Laurel Springs
Oak Meadow
Texas Tech University

Should I do online high school?

I'm sixteen and a sophomore in high school. I have terrible anxiety, particularly relating to school, and depression mostly stemming from my anxiety.

In school I don't have close friends and am just generally unhappy. My therapist and parents have suggested online high school and I'm really thinking about it, but am hesitant.

I feel like online high school might make me socially awkward because I wouldn't be interacting face to face with people, other than my family, on a day-to-day basis. I just want some other opinions and maybe stories if anyone has shared a similar experience. Thank you!

Keystone online high school?

My nephew did this. He left HS after the freshman year and did Keystone. I don't see that it worked out well for him. He wasn't disciplined so he fell way behind. He didn't feel he really learned much. He is what you would call socially awkward from spending so much time alone. It also took him almost 6 years and I am not sure he ever actually graduated.
HS is not only a place for 'book learning' you also learn how to deal with people--something that will serve you in future jobs, living in a neighborhood, dating, dealing with stress, deadlines, pressure in the world.
My sister in law said that he would have to go to community college before a 4 year after Keystone so they could see that he could successfully go to college and to fill in any educational gaps. I, personally think that a competitive college wouldn't pick a Keystone grad as their first pick but if it's a state college and you do well on SATs, they might have no problem. Best thing would be for you to make some phone calls about it though.
My older son failed HS chemistry and took that class through Keystone so he wouldn't have to repeat it or go to summer school. That worked out perfectly for him but he did tell me recently that he found most of the answers online and barely touched the book and he received an A for the course. He wanted to finish HS online but I wouldn't let him and eventually he was glad of it and proud that he finished HS on his own.

The best and easiest online high school?

haha, I was going to say that best and easy do not necessarily go together.
You need to look at what you want. Do you want to just slide through and do no work? Well, I'm sure you can find something like that.
Or do you want an education? If you are asking about distance learning, correspondance type highschool, then it can be very demanding of your time.
Texas Tech offers an excellent distance highschool program. It is intense, but do-able, and not only will you receive a quality education, their diplomas are widely recognized and accepted by universities across the country. 98% of their ODE students go on to college. That's impressive and I would say that would be the "best", but definitely not the easiest.
The easiest would be any website that says, send your money and we'll mail you a "diploma" I've seen them. Stay away from those.

What is the easiest online high school/homeschool?

I am in 11th grade currently and I hate it, I want to start homeschool. I am looking for an easy online high school or homeschool.

What are the easiest schools?