Only 14 Constantly Burning Up Weak All The Time Help

How much weight will I lose by not eating for a week?

I did this once, well I didn’t eat for 10 days. I made sure to keep pretty hydrated and probably excersised about 1–2 hours on average a day. I lost 5kg and I also lost my period. I didn’t notice any other physical changes although when I did start eating normally again (because I didn’t have an eating disorder but a more complicated psychological problem) I gained back all of the weight I lost in about a week, eating normally so about 2000 calories a day because of messing up my metabolism.I wouldn’t recommend doing this as after a few days I stopped feeling normal hunger and instead would get extremely painful cramps and pains in my stomach for around 15 minutes a couple of times a day. I got out of breathe from even walking, was very dizzy all of the time (honestly surprised I didn’t faint)They also wanted to send me into a hospital but luckily I started eating again so avoided being an inpatient. All in all you probably shouldn’t do this but if you do I lost about 5 kg but I don’t know if you would loose a similar amount or not

I think I'm having a heart attack. HELP?

Your 14 you really shouldn't be worrying about a heart attack. Unless you have a heart condition, high blood pressure or have ingested or inhaled something you shouldn't have, the chances of you having a heart attack are too tiny to even consider. You could have pulled a muscle, have something pressing on a nerve or just slept funny on your left side. But here are the differences in symptoms for a heart attack and heart burn.

Heart Attack

Crushing pressure or pain in chest
Feeling of fullness in chest
Usually occurs with exercise or exertion
Pain may move to shoulders, back, neck arms, and jaw
Irregular heart rate (pulse) may occur
Shortness of breath
Cold sweats
Lightheadedness, weakness or dizziness


Burning, irritation below breastbone
Pain usually does not move to back, shoulders, neck, arms, and jaw
Usually occurs after meals
Gets worse when lying down
Antacids will often make pain go away
Rarely causes shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, or cold sweats

I noticed blood when wiping, and my anus is burning a little.?

during the past 2 months, it happend 3 times that when I wiped, i noticed blood on the toilet paper.
(not huge amounts, but you know). What was different this time is that still 24 hours after the incident, my anus feels hot, and i have this weird (but weak) burning feeling on my anus (a bit from the inside).
Thought might be hemorrhoids, but there is not sign of bump, pimple thingy...
what is that? is it from the colon, or from the intestine? is this dangerous? can it wait for after my finals?
Thanks, I appreciate it.

Can you build muscle by flexing constantly?

Technically yes, but it would be very inificient. But this is really 2 questions, so let’s break it up.Building muscle by flexing:There’s a common (mis)conception that muscle is built by breaking down muscle fibers through exercise, which are then rebuilt by the body while you are resting, and are built bigger than they were before. It can be argued that this is technically true, but really it’s simplified to a point that makes it scientifically inaccurate.There are two processes constantly working within your muscles: muscle breakdown and muscle protein synthesis. If you think of amino acids as bricks, and your muscles as a wall, old bricks are constantly being replaced by new bricks in order to keep your muscles fresh and working properly. If this cycle wasn’t happening constantly, there would be problems such as a buildup of misfolded proteins in your muscle tissue and improper function of actin and myosin fibers (muscle fibers).The way you build muscles is by activating muscle protein synthesis (usually through exercise) to “outperform” muscle breakdown and cause hypertrophy in the muscle cells, which is just the growth of cell size. Activating muscle protein synthesis is essentially telling your body that it has good reason to use the amino acids from your diet to build more muscle.While relatively inefficient for activating muscle protein synthesis (MPS) compared to exercising with weights, flexing has been shown in multiple studies to activate MPS on its own, and so you can technically build muscle by just flexing.Burning fat by flexing:The only thing required to burn fat is to be in a caloric deficit. For example, if it takes 2500 calories/day for you to not change in weight at all, then eating less than 2500 a day will cause you to lose weight. Flexing repeatedly, although not ideal for burning calories, still takes energy, and as long as you don’t eat more to compensate, flexing can technically lead to fat loss.Keep in mind that muscles also have a resting tension, or muscle “tone”, that is a “muscle's resistance to passive stretch during resting state.” This can result in a bigger (muscle-mass) or leaner look, and can be enhanced through exercise frequency, and probably residually through flexing frequency.

Despite sleeping for 7-8 hours every night, I feel extremely sleepy each morning. How do I change this?

You can get 7–8 hours of sleep but not get quality sleep. Getting an extra hour or two of sleep is a big deal, and some people need more than 7 hours of sleep. People who are depressed tend to oversleep, and that can cause further fatigue.If you don’t have depression, you should track your sleeping patterns to see if you are actually getting deep sleep. If you keep waking up at night you are not getting enough deep sleep. Also try to sleep 8–9 hours instead of 7— an extra hour or two can make a huge difference.It’s also normal to wake up feeling sleepy, even if you slept well. Our beds are comfortable and we don’t want to start the day. It’s more enjoyable to stay in our warm bed. It also takes time for our brain to wake up. Taking a cold shower, having coffee, forcing yourself to move fast and get your blood flowing, getting a morning workout in— can help you to wake up faster. Doing cardio, strength and flexibility exercises helps you to wake up in the mornings without feeling stiff. Having good circulation and a strong body helps you to jump out of bed quickly. Not eating the night before and having an early dinner, can help you to wake up more easily. You feel more motivated to wake up when you are in bed and your stomach is grumbling for food.I need 8–9 hours of quality sleep to function at my best. I usually don’t get that much quality sleep, so most of the time my mind and body is not functioning at optimal levels. At 6–7 hours of sleep I am moody, forgetful and have slower reaction times. At 5–6 hours I am very irritable and get very little done, even when I try to get as much done as I can. My mind is just not working. Sleeping 4–5 hours or less per night for more than 2–3 nights in a row, is dangerous for me. I’ve almost fallen asleep driving during weeks when I couldn’t get much sleep.I wish I was one of those people who are productive and healthy when they get only 5-6 hours of sleep every night, but I need at least 6–7 to remain sane, 7–8 to be healthy and 8–9 to have optimum mental and physical health.

Can my anxiety really make me feel this ill?

Yes, anxiety really can make you feel that sick. If you've been to the ER six times in 2 weeks, that says to me that you are a really, really anxious person. Someone without anxiety would have maybe gone to the ER once, had a bunch of tests done, been told they were fine, and gone home. Most people probably would've waited until the next day and made an appointment with their regular doctor, thinking it was the flu or a virus. But the ER six times in just 2 weeks? That screams "anxiety disorder" to me.

All of your symptoms are really typical of anxiety. The rapid heart rate, tingly/numb feeling, lack of appetite, digestive problems, fatigue, insomnia, flushed feeling (feeling like you have a fever when you don't), dizziness, tense muscles, dry mouth... those are ALL hallmark symptoms of anxiety. All of this happens because your central nervous system (CNS) is flooded with adrenaline when you become anxious, and that adrenaline kicks your bodily systems into high gear. It makes everything in your body go at a faster rate - your heart, your breathing, your digestion. Your blood circulates faster, making you feel flushed, and you suddenly have a rush of extra oxygen in your blood, giving you that sort of light-headed feeling.

After doing this for too long your body gets tired, because it's literally as if you've been running non-stop. Imagine if you spent all day at a constant run, never slowing down or taking a break... you'd feel pretty damn tired! But because your CNS is still over-stimulated by the anxiety, which tells your brain there's something to run from even when there isn't, you can't sleep. Your brain doesn't want you to sleep because it has you on hypervigilant mode, it wants you wide awake to keep an eye out for danger. So you get crappy sleep, which makes you feel even worse, and become even more tired.

Did any of the ER doctors refer you to a psychiatrist or a psychologist? If not, then shame on them, they are not doing their job as doctors. Ask your general care physician to refer you to a psychiatrist and a therapist who you can begin seeing. Don't just go to the psychiatrist, the therapist is really important as well. Talking to them can help figure out WHY you have such bad anxiety in the first place, and they can help you correct your anxious thoughts and stop them from coming back.

Good luck!

Hickey making me feel ill???

This though not common is a result of the blood breaking down in the dermis where the "hickey" was applied. Suction on the skin actually breaks small blood vessels in the dermal layer and blood leaks in to the skin. This is what causes the red bruise like appearance. Most people are not made ill but sometimes the result of the hemoglobin molecule in the skin can create flu like symptoms which may last a few days. You will likely be okay though next time your girlfriend wants to suck on something tell her to go very easy.