Only Answer Them If You Are Really Sure About Them. .

How can we be sure all pollar ice will melt if we just leave everything it is and does the seal level really rise ?

The Arctic and Antarctic ice has natural fluctuations and right now both are expanding. The Sun is transitioning into a Solar Grand Minimum cycle, so be prepared for longer and colder Winters, crop losses due to early and late frosts and cost of living going sky high.

What's the most polite way to answer "can I ask you a question?"

If someone begins a talk with ‘can I ask you a question ?’ that person feel some anxiety about asking you and this is an attempt to calm things. I think it is more of an expression that really says, ‘I am not sure I should ask you this question, so let me know if you do not want to talk about this, please’I often answer something like ‘you can ask, but I can’t guarantee that I will answer you. If I am comfortable answering or if I know the answer, then I’ll try to give you an answer. “If that is too formal or rigid, you can always say, ‘let me hear the question’.

So mcafee told me something, and I'm not sure if I should take it seriously.?

Mcafee decided to do a random security scan, and found a "trojan" on my computer in c:\windows\system32 called "spwinres.dll". I'm not sure if this is actually something I should get rid of, or if mcafee's just drunk. I don't wanna accidentally delete something crucial to my laptop's functionality.

I'm not sure if i believe in God?!?

I m 14 and i don't think i believe in god.. i use to pray when something bad would happen and ask god to make it better and he didn't... it usually got worst... but that was when i was younger.. then i started to go to church with a couple of my friends.. and we would talk about god and i don't really think he is real! and I'm afraid that if i tell my christian friends that i don't believe in god they might not want to hang out with me.I also don't believe in any other religions so I'm kinda stuck..and i do want to believe in god but there is so much in the bible that doesn't make who made the dinosaurs nothing in the bible says that god also created Dino. so i Q? everything in the bible.. because we have so much science now that everything kinda puts god as a fake..

For who ever reads this I'm not trying to be rude and offend you by my opinion.. and I'm sorry if it does offend you..

How can I tell the difference between a mole and a tick?

There's a brown spot on my stomach and I'm not really sure what it is. It doesn't really seem like most ticks I've found, but I'm thinking it may just be burried deep. =/ If it is a mole, I don't want to try to pull it off.

How do you know when you’re in love?

You know you are in love when every time you start to think about the one you love, butterflies start flying in your stomach.

You know you are in love when you fine yourself shopping with that person and you feel like everything is right in the world.

You know you are in love when you can't stop touching that person.

You know you are in love when you feel miserable when you are away from that person.

You know you are in love when you start planning a future in your head.

You know you are in love when can't stop smiling every time you see that person.

I could go on with more examples. For me being in love is wonderful and yet painful. The man I love doesn't know that I do love him. He is my friend and for now that is all he wants because he is about to be deployed. Because I love him I am going to wait. Love is worth any pain and wait.
When you find yourself ignoring your own feelings and focusing on how someone else is feeling your in love. I find myself now looking at maps, tracing the distance between where he is and where I am. I now pray each and every night for him to come back safely to me.

BANANAS... can my dog (Mini Schnauzer) eat them everyday?

Sure, our Boxers love them!

We use them as treats insted of the fatty ones.

I also give them pineapple, apples and tomatoes.

Edit: What did he eat? Did you over feed him?

Please give more info, vomiting can be caused by many things. If he is vomiting blood go to the vet.