Osteogenesis Imperfecta And Military Service

Can you give me a detailed definition of Osteogenesis imperfecta?

about it you can find information from the following website

Treatments/solutions for Osteogenesis imperfecta?

It depends on the type but you can find tons of answers online. I personally have the most mild type (Type 1) and find three of the best "treatments" to be:

1.) A proper diet (such as someone with osteoporosis) and making sure you're taking the right supplements. Again, using the recommendations as someone with osteoporosis does help in choosing which ones to take.
2.) Avoiding strenuous activity or movement, such as running (for joints are loose) or other obvious things I could list. HOWEVER, you should encourage independent movement for immobilization really does makes things worse.
3.) Exercise with modification. Resistance training is *very* important in maintaining some pain relief for me personally. Plus, it helps with loose joints. Swimming is a very good choice for those with OI for the fact that it provides safe toning and cardio training.

If you're looking for anything additional, hearing aids (due to thin bones in the ears) and family support definitely help.

There is not a cure or solution for those with this disease, no matter what type or severity. All of my treatments that I use personally are very different with those with type 3 and so on. As a further note, since no one in my family took my condition seriously after I was diagnosed as a baby, a lot of these treatments I had to find out on my own. Those with type 1 look rather normal so this is where the family support comes in. With other, more severe, types.. it would be beyond cruel to leave the diagnosed without care.

I hope this helps but again, you can find a lot online.

Osteogenesis imperfecta and military service?

@ Abaddon: In response to:" In a pugil bout, if you are struck hard and you fall, will you get injured? Can your weaker than normal bones handle that?"

No, I will not be significantly injured. Yes, I can handle that. Falling (with a large heavy pack) **will not** break my bones. (In fact, I am used to carrying very heavy things around, which is why I mentioned that I have good upper-body strength.) I know that I am capable of doing the ***exact same things*** that people without OI can do. Osteogenesis imperfecta is something that lessens as a person gets older. It is more apparent in infancy and childhood because at that stage the bones are still growing, etc, etc. Now that I am older, I am stronger.

Also, I thank you for your reference to AR 40-501 Standards of Medical Fitness, but I already read it, and nothing about Osteogenesis Imperfecta was mentioned within.

@ Sas:

1.) I know because I was tested. Again, as I already mentioned, I am used to carrying very heavy t