Our Government Is A Lie

Why Does Our Government Lie To Us?

I mean the Cover ups, the secret areas, the secret experiments, the false information I mean why would they do this what happen to the old rules back in the late 1800's (I'm just guessing the year cause I forget the year during the civil war time)

List of the US Government lies?

It is anything that Obama say.


How much does the government lie to us?

To answer this, one would have to believe that there is a stark black and white line between truth and lies. The fact is that in an awful lot of cases there is not. And this is most strongly so in the case of politics, because politics is what happens when people want different and incompatible things.Western governments very rarely tell direct lies. But they use euphemism, misdirection, ambiguity with wild abandon. In which they only do what we all do, but on more subjects and in front of more people. Every time a politician speaks, they will choose the aspects of their policy that will please the audience they are speaking to. They will make glowing promises, qualified only quietly by phrases like “as soon as financially possible”, “when we can”, “provided circumstances don’t change”. They will switch money from A to B and announce “new funding for B ”. After a quiet interval, they will switch it back and announce “extra money for A”.The important point to remember about politics is that things only come out in public when people disagree. Most of government is routine work that nobody argues about it. So the civil service gets on with it, with no more than ordinary incompetence. So if any action of government comes to your attention is because somebody else wants the opposite of what you want. And government wants to keep you path happy (and voting for them). So they are going to use weasel words automatically. If you are, or feel, they lose, they will promise to make it up “when possible” (probably never). And when they don’t, you will see them as liars.So government often appear to be liars, but very rarely are.

Did our government lie about the Waco Siege?

In order to answer your questions lets go back to ohhh WWll seems a nice place to start. People have always been held sway over by the ones that can always seem to express their ideals. The who named himself Hitler was of such a kind. He knew how to ramp up the fear, hatred and prejudice of his country men. He gave them a target to focus that hatred on, they were called the Jews. People today are still so enthralled with him that they claim the Holocaust never happened, despite the fact that most of the films and writings that were proven to be of the Third Reich own doing. Then there was a man named Jim Jones, even after Guyana some of the people that beleived in him said that the Government was responsible for killing the people there not him. Even during the "stand-off" people were villyfying the Clintons and claiming that the Branch Divideians were nice people. You must remember David Koresh as Jim Jones as Hitler convinced people on mase that they were the good guys, dispite the evidence that says different. McVeigh didn't bomb the building, where I will remind you innocent children were in the daycare, because of Waco he did so because he believed the Goverenment was going socialist (hmmmm where have I herd that before??) and he envisioned himself the leader of the pack. He would strike the match that would bring the revolution. They all want to be known for doing so. Now did the FTA handel the Waco situation badly? Hell, yes ! Someone tipped off a reporter who tipped off the Divideans that the ATF was comming. After the initialed raid failed the ATF pulled back and waited ten days trying to nogotiate with Koresch to let the people go. But in the end Mike we are the ones left to bury the innocents and wash the blood away. And when we sit and try to say this one was to blame or that one did this, we start down the same path of me right, you wrong and where does that really get us
Peace be with you. J

Why does the Government lie to us so much?

They lie because it is their nature and they know
that the truth is far from them!! The bozo's who pretend to be our elected scum bags are afraid of WE THEE PEOPLE.
I;m sure that they are planning another false flag
'crisis' to instill fear. What They do not realize is that DOOM will be their recompense!!!!!!
What they gain from most of the sheep is compliance , however there are many Citizens
who are pissed off enough to start fighting back.
Many states are already preparing to invoke the TENTH AMENDMENT on the feds and have a little tug of WAR with these jackals.


Why do governments lie so much?

Simply, there is either no punishment for lying, or governments gain an advantage from lying to their people. Here are a couple possible reasons why this is the case:We're conditioned to being lied toEven for those who know nothing about their government, it is a universal feeling that governments and politicians are a bunch of crooks and liars. The only other occupations that even fall into this category that I can think of would be a used car salesman or a lawyer.  We expect to be lied to, so governments see that as a free pass to stretch or fabricate the truth.We want to be lied toHold on! Hear me out first! The fact is, if governments and politicians told the truth everyday, the world would be a very dark place. For example, do we really want to know that kind of cuts that it will actually to take to fix the economy? Do we want to know the amount of wasteful spending down to the finest detail? Do want to know that America has limits, and that we can't fix every problem in the world. Some may think they want to know, but once politicians have to start telling these hard truths it's a pandora's box that I'm not sure we want to open.

How much does the U.S. government lie to its citizens?

Governments do hide some things from the public, but in most respects democratic Governments are pretty open about things. We have freedom of the press which often reveals things the Government would rather we NOT know.Sometimes there are reasons why the Government tries to hide things, like the weapons it is developing, they don’t want their enemies to know. Sometimes there is secrecy because the Government doesn’t want to reveal what it does to save the reputation of the people who made the (in retrospect) poor decisions.Americans typically distrust their Government, while people in Canada or the UK actually trust theirs. In my lifetime, the US Government hasn’t really hid that much from the public that doesn’t eventually come out anyway. But Americans don’t see it that way, they distrust authority

Why did the British and US governments lie about the cargo that the Lusitania carried in 1915?

That ship was a passenger ship carrying war supplies. The US and Brits played it up as if it was just a passenger ship to enrage their citizens. They wanted it to seem as if the German U-boats were attacking innocent civilians.

The best way to get people to want to fight is to paint the image that they are under attack and they need to fight out of self-defense. This was their goal. To make Americans feel the effects of war and willing to join.

Why did the government lie to us about the Gulf of Tonkin?

Yup, and it wouldn't be the first time, either.. Elite politicians and big corporations make big money from war. That's why. 9/11 is basically the same thing. Another false flag operation. There have been many in our government's history. Too bad most American people are so gullible and plain stupid to look beyond what their government tells them.