Outside Of America Are Mexican-americans Seen As Just Americans

What do Mexicans think of Mexican-Americans?

I can’t speak for all Mexicans. I can only speak for myself.I understand that the Mexican- part is important to many Mexican-Americans, as the whole Italian-American, Irish-American, African-American thing works for other people.It’s a matter of identity. It’s a way to relate to others in a nation of immigrants.I agree to an extent.First and second generation Mexican-Americans? Those I get. The first ones lived in Mexico, so they know what’s up. The second ones have more than likely traveled to Mexico or have at least interacted with Mexican people to an extent that they understand Mexico and Mexicans.Third generation and on… it’s a bit more complicated.I will always respect their identities and call them Mexican-Americans if they want to be called that, but unless they’ve spent a good chunk of their life in Mexico, they don’t really register as Mexican to me.Here’s the thing…A while ago, a Quora user made a joke that went something like “Mexican is a state of mind.”, and I completely agree with that.It doesn’t matter where you come from or where you’re born, if you live enough time in Mexico you’ll become Mexican one way or another.You may not be Mexican in the legal sense, but you’ll learn how live in the country and, more importantly, you’ll learn how to act like a Mexican. At some point, you’ll be embraced by the community and you’ll be a honorary Mexican. You may have the strongest accent in the world and you may look nothing like all of your neighbors, but you’ll be Mexican as far as they’re concerned.Mexican-Americans whose only claim to “Mexicanitude” is a grandfather or a last name are a lot harder to relate with because they haven’t experienced Mexico. They’re missing this je ne sais quoi that can only be acquired with direct experience with the country or Mexican nationals.As a Mexican, I’ll have a far easier time relating with an Englishman who’s been living the last 10 years in Mexico than with a Mexican-American who’s never been outside of the US.I know that the “Mexican” part of their identity is important to them and I’ll always try my best to find common ground, but to be honest, talking to them is often the same as talking to any other American. As generations pass, there’s simply less and less common ground and the differences become more and more obvious.

Are Mexicans native Americans?

I live in California too. You can learn in detail by looking up the Mexican-American war, or the Annexation of Texas. Californians learn about this in school.California was part of Mexico prior to the Mexican-American war 1846-1848. At that time, Mexico had only been independent from Spain for about twenty years. The monarchy had little time or resources to engage in war. They gave incentive to Americans to move to their Texas territory with the idea that they would act like a buffer to protect the Mexicans from the native people from the American side (there was a history of attacks). Instead, those Texans tried to annex, become their own country, Mexico saw that as a problem, United States sent troops.... Two years of of cash... now California to Texas is part of the USA. Ok... That's the brief political history so you see why we are mixed races but still all Californians. Native Americans in California  who have been here for many generations, have been present during Spanish, Mexican and  American rule. Many Mexicans who move here have lineage from indegeunous people of north and Central America. You will also come across a lot of Americans who have Mexican ancestory but look nothing like indegeunous people. That is typically because their ancestors had the Spanish bloodline. Other interesting things that can help you understand Californians; some of the first settlers in Los Angeles were African Americans. Many Chinese came to build the railroad. Many punjabis came to work the farms. A large number of Japanese settled here. The government paid Mormons (who had been driven out of Missouri and were in desperate need of money) to come. Many of these new comers were drawn in by the gold rush, industry, newspapers, railroads. The local people mixed with the newcomers. A term we use to describe our mixed culture is "melting pot". I hope you're enjoying adding your flavor into the mix.

What if Mexico won the Mexican American War?

Well just for the thought of it, how would have the victory of Mexico during the 1800's affected time and history in the future???

Please i want your educated opinion...

I think that there would have been a bigger war or a much severe way of getting that land. Polk and mainfest destiny drove the Americasn to get that land, so if they were to lose, i thikn that more people would have been driven to take the land and thus, create an even bigger war...

saying this, other countries could have seen this as an opportunity to interfere and try to take power form America and so on.

Why do Mexican-Americans in this country root for Mexico and not America?

You answered your own question!

They are MEXICAN Americans!!!

Soccer or otherwise known on the rest of the planet as (football) is NOT the national sport of the US, so you can forgive people that are were not born here or even as first generation, to be inclined towards their country of origin!

However as an ENGLISH American ie I was born in England, seeing how my country of origin's team is about as good as a broken arm when it comes to playing for their country, then I whole heartedly support the United States of America team to soundly thump the Germans into holy hell and go on and win the world cup!!!!!


If you live in America, you're American, right?

I'm just saying that if you live in american you're American not African American not mexican American or any other ethnic group. What I'm typically saying is that say you were born in Italy and you live there for a couple years but then come to America and you live there for now on you're called American not Italian American just American because you live there. Also, I think there is no races just where you live is what you're called. Even if an American moves to a foreign country, say France, and you live there you are now called French. Answer back if you're against me or for what I think. Oh and I also think that if you live in America you speak English or get out

I have a Mexican mom and an American dad, but I was born in the USA. Am I just an American?

You are both Mexican and American, and none of that stupid “half and half” business either. All Mexican, all American.At least, that’s the way I’ve always seen it for me. I was born in the US, grew up in Mexico, and legally possess both nationalities as one of my parents was Mexican and the other American. I’ve spoken both English and Spanish as far back as I can remember and have always been deeply immersed in both cultures and heritages.I’ve had people tell me I’m not really Mexican or not really American before, for one reason or another (I mostly read in English, I grew up outside the United States, I don’t look Mexican, I don’t look American, take your pick), but in general while I’m never very rude about it anyone who denies my cultural identity as a Mexican or as an American is free to go soak his or her head. If you ask me, anyone who denies yours can go do that too.

Why are native americans not considered aztecs/mexicans.?

Just wondering why native americans are not considered mexicans/ aztecs. it seems to me that all life around the world seems to stem from the building of megalphyic structures. the cradle of life in the americas are the pyramids of the aztecs and mayas. now i know people like to say they crossed some land bridge from russia through alaska all the way down, but come on that sounds more far fetched than a pig flying. come on you really mean to tell me pre stone age people crossed thousands of miles of harsh living terrain on foot. mountains and snow. then kept walking all the way thorugh present day canada and the united states to settle in mexico. that would be pointless. youd think once they got out of the blizzard like conditions theyd be like lets just stop, but no they decide to walk across a desert too. are people really this stupid to believe that or am i just crazy. well im not crazy and anyone with half a brain and a outside the box mind could see life in the americas stemmed from present day mexico. the people we call native americans were just aztec mayans who decided that the grass would be greener elsewhere. the white man was the man who named them. they were all just different tribes of rogue aztec mayas. the white man was the one who mapped out the countries, hahaha ur mexicans now your peurto ricans and you are cubans . utterly ridiculous.