Outsiders Help Chapters 3-4 Literary Terms

What are some allusions that are made in the book "the Outsiders"?

Allusion A literary device that quickly stimulates different ideas and associations using only a couple of words. Allusion relies on the reader being able to understand the allusion and being familiar with the meaning hidden behind the words. Example: Describing someone as a "Romeo" makes an allusion to the famous young lover in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

1. As he lies dying in Chapter 9, Johnny Cade speaks these words to Ponyboy. “Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church. One line in the poem reads, “Nothing gold can stay,” meaning that all good things must come to an end.
2. Socs and greasers - short-hand for two groups that have unequal lifestyles, attitudes, and financial situations
3. Ponyboy first alludes to a work of literature in Chapter 1, when he compares himself to Pip from Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations.

What verses have been added in the books of the 4 Gospels?

A word, phrase or passage that has been added to the Bible is known as an ‘interpolation’. In some cases, interpolations are clearly evident, often because they are absent from some early manuscripts. In other cases, they are deduced because of an abrupt change in style, inconsistent Christology or other clues. In other cases, interpolation may be suspected but incapable of proof. In a short answer, it is not possible to list all known and probable interpolations in the gospels, so it is better for me to provide citations in most cases:For convenience, I will start by citing 6 Passages That Weren't in the Original New Testament:Mark 16:9-20John 7:53-8:11John 21Luke 22:17-21Luke 22:43-441 John 5:7-8While John chapter 21 clearly was not original, it may have been added as part of the editorial process by the same Johannine community in which the original was written and, if so, it is not an interpolation in the same sense as the others.In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Wescott and Hort identified some interpolations that they called “Western non-interpolations”. These were apparent additions to the texts of Matthew and Luke to help harmonise these gospels with John’s Gospel. James Tabor provides a good summary in The Bible and Interpretation.In Mark 1:1, the words “the Son of God” appear to be a likely interpolation and are not present in all manuscripts. It is interesting that in this, the first narrative gospel, the author is careful to have only outsiders refer to Jesus in this way. So, the demons, priests and the Roman centurion at the crucifixion could call Jesus the Son of God, but Jesus’ followers never did. God’s voice from heaven is reported twice to have called Jesus his beloved Son, but presumably the small Christian community was safe from persecution on this account. These words, if present in Mark 1:1 in the original version would have undermined that caution.H. J. Flowers, ‘Interpolations in the Fourth Gospel’, published in Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 40, No. 3/4 (1921), pp. 146-158, by The Society of Biblical Literature, and available online at discusses several interpolations in John’s Gospel, with particular reference to chapter 21.RationalWiki is more speculative and discusses many interpolations and possible interpolations on the balance of evidence.

On what date did China allow foreigners in?

Foriengers have been entering China for quite some time now, from time to time they have been expelled, run out or not allowed to enter for relatively short periods