Overdose On Coricidin

What happens if you overdose on cough medicine?

Codeine cough medicine can kill you, via respiratory failure. Your lungs will be as sedated as your mind, and they’ll stop pumping. If you have a nonfatal overdose, you may just get very sick for a bit, vomit, or remain unconscious for a while.Cough medicine containing dextromethorphan is less fatal. upwards of 2500 mg can be taken before risking death, and a very strong trip arises at 600–800. Any given bottle of DXM-containing cough syrup will likely have a max of 500–800mg in it.An overdose on this will mostly have you tripping out for a day (a couple days if it’s DXM polisterix, found in Delsym). This is a dissociative psychedelic, and has a very heavy body load. It will be an intense experience, but more than likely non-fatal, nor permanently damaging.

How much coricidin should i take to get a buzz?

soo its 2, i wanna be home by 4:30 because ya know, its easter...but ive taken like..10 and ive been like super outta it...
soo how much should i take to just get like a lil buzz??
thank youu.

How many coricidin until you overdose and die?

Well how about you try something different, drugs will ruin you, trust me, I can't run 20 feet because drugs ruined my respiratory system. Now, if you want to do something to make you really trip out without harming you, (actually may leave you in better condition), you could look into astral projection and lucid dreaming. Many people don't believe it. It's widely studied in many clinics around the world and is a great feeling. Astral projection is 10x better than drugs.
But if you're not willing to try it, I would smoke weed. No one has ever overdosed on marijuana and is only illegal because hemp products put timber companies out of business when Reagan was president.

Both will calm you. Popping pills isn't something anyone should get into because the day you take 3 hits of acid and it leaves you with nothing, you know to quit. Drugs are bad, spiritual enlightenment and herbal products are very good.

Don't smoke fake weed, that stuff could literally kill you.

Coricidin Overdose Now I Can't Pee.?

Last week I took 14 Coricidin Cough and Cold Pills to get high, I know stupid! Anyway, I took 14 four days in a row and on the 5th day I noticed that when I had to go pee I couldn't. I could feel it, and I wanted to urinate really badly but I just couldn't get it to go through. I went to the Doctor and told him about my problem and he said I probably have developed a bladder infection from the cough syrup. He put me on some antibiotics which are helping me urinate a little better now, but now I'm feeling a pain in my kidneys, and I had a bowl movement in 5 days. I don't know if this is a common problem from overdosing on cough syrup, and if I should go back to the doctor.

Can you die if you take too many Coricidin pills?

yes you can, but i think probably 50 would end you up in the hospital, i suggest you don't do it, if you are trying to get high of it, the feelings is terrible, people usually take around 10 others take 20 to 30 so it can act similar to k or pcp.

URGENT.what happens if you overdose on coricidin cough and cold for high blood pressure??

More importantly, why haven't you informed his parents? Self-destructive behavior should be reported.

Can I overdose from taking 10 coricidin hbp maximum strength flu?

I weigh 130. I have a half full tummy. I take fluoxetin 30 mg and I took that over 10 hours ago. I want to get high off them. Also please don't say things like Jesus will help you.... dont get high... ect, Please and thank you.

What's the best/nicest pill to overdose on?

Don't touch anything with Tylenol in it. You'll be crying in a hospital with a screwed liver. People use drugs to overdose because theres the chance you'll be saved.I had a coworker eat a barrel of a gun, and he's still alive just missing a really ugly jaw now.

Does it hurt if you overdose on pills?

Depends on what kind of pills. Short answer is Yes! A lot! A bottle of over the counter medicine has been adjusted so such things cannot occur. There are a lot of protocols these days at pharmacy and drug stores that will “sound the alarm”.Also, in all my years as a medical laboratory professional, I've had a one single case come in for overdosing on pills.Call the suicide prevention hotline if this question is asked for such a reason, please!Your body will react accordingly as if you ingested poison. It will try everything to expel the poison by vomiting, passing the pills through the gut quickly, filtering and neutralizing in the liver, excretion through the kidneys. You will have uncontrollable urination and defacation.Eventually the systems will be overloaded and begin to fail. Liver and kidneys will fail. Depending on the pills taken, failure could be irreversible.Meanwhile, you could be conscious through all this and it will be unbearably painful. Your lungs will probably feel like burning as your body attempts to compensate for shifts in your blood pH. Your head will feel like your eyes are going to pop out and explode. Your head could feel like a vice tightening from all the hyperventilating.If you manage to live through that, your liver is irreversibly damaged that you will endure a long and painful suffering of cirrhosis. Your kidneys both maybe failing and you'll need dialysis.You may have caused irreversible brain damage and will require help shitting, or be fitted with a colostomy bag. You're probably going to need a catheter or wear adult underwear. You won't be able to dress, brush your teeth, bathe, cook, eat, or other normal functions.If you didn't suffer brain damage but other bodily functions were affected, the above still hold true, but this time you're aware of it and witnessing it. The pain of that can be worse than the event to get there.Let us consider the other side for a moment.Is it painful to your mom, dad, brother, sister? What about the rest of your family? Is it painful to each and every one of your friends? How many people will be harmed? How many will suffer? The action of one person has a ripple effect. The answer to all those is YES!I often thought about pumping myself with pills. But there is one thing that stops me from doing it: Do harm to myself only if it does not harm others. But because that isn't possible, just don't harm others.