Overeating One Day A Week

Will one day of overeating make me gain weight?

I am normally a really healthy eater and I exercise 5 times a week for about an hour at a time. I'm not overweight for my age/height (I'm pretty tall for a girl) but I have struggled with an eating disorder in the past. Today was the first day of my menstrual cycle and I completely overate and literally had cravings to just eat everything. As I stated, I don't normally eat like this. Will I gain a significant amount of weight from today? Should I go exercise to make up for it? I'm kind of freaking out right now and any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

Is one day of overeating bad?

not at all, its called a 'cheat day', just dont let it become a habit. if you feel bad, go for a walk or something. that will get your metabolism working on the food you ate.

What are the effects of overeating one day?

I have been adapting to a healthier lifestyle, eating a lot better than I used too. I only had a bit to lose, and I have been eating perfectly all week- 1600-1650 calories a day, well within the reccomended amount for my BMI. However, today I went absolutely brain dead, and gave in to the cravings. Along with my three meals, I consumed an extra 1200 calories. Now, this is not something I plan on doing on a regular basis, and I will certainly be working out EXTRA hard tomorrow, but my question is; have I undone all my hard work from this week?

Is overeating okay......................?

One weekend of splurging is absolutely ok, that is provided it's not extreme food binging where you eat 4 times what you should..But generally it's fine. Of course don't make a habit of it because it could work to negate your healthy lifestyle.
Also, it was only one weekend...Don't be obsessive about your eating/exercise habits because it could lead to problems of becoming too thin or developing eating disorders. Just have fun but take care of yourself in general and you'll be great! :)

Will two days of overeating make me gain weight?

Im quite underweight but im going to 2 parties this week they're one day apart from eachother so im not overeating 2 days in a row, but will i gain weight from this? please no stupid answers thanks

Can you gain weight from 3 days of overeating?

So I've been on vacation for the past couple of weeks. Near the end of it I lost control of my healthy diet and ate excessive amounts of carbohydrates and sugar. I've probably consumed more than 2500 calories each day for the past 3 days. If I go back to my healthy lifestyle, will I still gain weight? And if so, can it be lost quickly since it was gained recently?
Thanks! :)

If you overeat one day and then undereat the day after, does your caloric intake balance out?

Short answer - yes the caloric intake does balances out.  But this is not necessarily the best approach.  Please note on average a typical adult male would need around 2500 calories to maintain weight - doing a diet of 2500, 400, 2500, 400 - only averages out to 1450 per day - that is still trying to starve your body and isn't a healthy diet.Will he die of this - not likely as the minimum needed would be around 1300 per day.But here's the danger, trying to survive on minimal energy means you would not have spare to handle anything else - when you get sick your body would not even have the spare energy to combat the disease, when it gets too cold your body has no spares to generate heat.All your other parts of your body starts to waste away - the first to go is the muscles (and not fat as some people like to think).  Your body's reaction to starvation is to deplete your Glycogen storage (in the liver first - which is Sugar) and then your Proteins (muscles) and finally your fat.A person surviving on minimal energy will find it difficult to move around as he would be extremely lethargic.  Putting your body through starvation cycles (as this is what your BF is trying to do) actually makes your body primed to absorb more nutrients as and when it gets an opportunity to do so and it will attempt to store as much as possible (as fat).If his intent is to lose weight or fat - it would make more sense to simply stay on a regular diet and just exercise more.  You can't really starve your fat away (as that is the last energy store your body activates)tldr: no he won't die, but he'd be miserable and putting stress on his body that may cause damage (some forms of damage may be very difficult to recover from - gastric damage, liver damage, muscle deterioration)