Owners Of A Recreation Area Are Filling A Small Pond With Water.

Can you stop a fire rescue helicopter from getting your pool water?

Having done this myself a few times (scooped water from a pool by helicopter not blocked a helicopter from a pool…) there are a few things to consider.By region or country, water enjoys different status in terms of who actually owns it. I have flown in places where water was deemed a state resource, meaning if we could fit the Bambi bucket in there, we were coming to take your water.I have flown with 'small' 400L buckets on a LongRanger and I could quite easily fit them into your average family pool.Trying this with a 3,800L Mi-8MTV bucket, the pool would often not be deep enough to permit the ballast to rotate and submerge the bucket with enough clearance to fill. Here we'd look for a hotel pool. Like this:In some cases the support guys would deploy portable refill pools but these were tricky because they had to be filled by tanker trucks and this was often simply too slow. Affectionately called the Pumpkin.I have only ever had one instance where we got into 'trouble' for picking up water and that was at a trout hatchery. In this single instance they were being billed by the local municipality for river water and since we very nearly emptied one of their ponds it was only fair they were reimbursed. I think the tab was paid by insurance but it wasn't a ludicrous sum. And yes, I believe we picked up a trout or two but I can't confirm this. No cooked fish were found on the fire-line.I can't think why someone would deliberately stop a rescue service from performing their duty? It's a bit like asking me how to stop an ambulance stopping on my drive if my neighbour is having a heart attack?The pilot has VERY good situational awareness and by simply walking up to the helicopter and waving your arms in a 'go-away' fashion will be enough to communicate your objection. We aren't mean people and will probably try to find somewhere else to refill.But if we can't, your objection will be communicated to the ops radio frequency in moments and I will be clear to ask someone to keep the area safe and there is every chance an official will show up before I'm back in the heli to make sure I can continue.In closing, remember this: I'm picking your pool because it’s the closest appropriate water source nearest the fire. Odds are, the fire is therefore really close to you, the contents of your home will already likely be of more concern to you than the contents of your pool.

Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water?

They are adding water at the rate of 25 liters per minute. There are 700 liters in the pond to start. Let W represent the amount of water in the pond(in liters) and let T represent the number of minutes that water has been added. Write an equation relating W to T.

My neighbors are filling a large pool via well water, causing my pump to run dry and they’re not close to finishing. What can I do?

When I filled my pool, I didn't use my well for fear of depletion. I called the fire department and they came and filled the pool for $100. The city water was treated so there was some residual chlorine so I got a head start on stabilizing the water. Try suggesting that to your neighbor.edit: I forgot to mention that price was from 1986. It might be a wee bit higher now….sorry.

Please help me with this algebra 1 math question?

Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water. They are adding water at a rate of 35 liters per minute. There are 500 liters in the pond to start.

Let W represent the amount of water in the pond (in liters), and let T represent the number of minutes that water has been added. Write an equation relating W to T

I need help writing an equation for a word problem. Please help!!!!?

sorry, I forgot to enter the numbers. Here is the problem again:

Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water. They are adding water at a rate of 25 liters per minute. There are 500 liters in the pond to start.

Let W represent the amount of water in the pond (in liters), and let T represent the number of minutes that water has been added. Write an equation for this problem.

Eating: Are piranhas tasty? What does piranha taste like? How tasty is their meat and how difficult are they to prepare? How can one prepare piranha dishes?

No, not much. Now, we have to make sure to be clear on this: the piranha is a family, not a specific fish. Some are eaten, some aren't.Piranha taste very fishy. Think "five days in the sun salmon" fishy. There's a pungent aftertaste of seaweed and blood, as well. The most commonly eaten piranha is the Pygocentrus nattereri, the "red bellied" piranha which is found in the Peruvian and Brazilian waters near the shore and lives off cadavers in the water. They're attracted by blood and fished by the hundreds into nets that have been primed with a bull's head.The best way to prepare them is grilling or smoking, steaming exacerbates the fishy smell and taste.Take your fish and remove the digestive tract and organs. Stuff with herbs and vegetables and let rest for ~12 hours in a near freezing but not freezing, cooler. Remove the fins and some of the scales, then season lightly with pepper and paprika (not salt, osmosis is a bitch). Over an open grill grill both sides on high heat for 60 to 90 seconds, then move to medium indirect heat and let cook for another 3 to five minutes. Serve with vegetables and a paprika beurre blanc.

How do I do this Graph and Equation? Algebra ?

W = 30T + 500

The graph would have a slope of 30 (up thirty units over 1 unit to the left), and would intercept the 'w' axis at 500.