Pain In Lower Back And Pubic Area

Pain & Pressure in the lower pubic region....?

THat is totally normal. I know it feels awful and feels like something is wrong, but what your feeling is normal. Since baby has dropped, s/he could be slowly lowering even more causing your pelvis to spread (which it's been doing for awhile) so you will basically experience everything in the lower region to be sore, have a lot of pressure and pain. Your inner thighs, lower back, hips, etc will be hurting for awhile.

As for checking for dialation, my OBGYN didn't check me until 36-37 weeks and that wa sbecause I lost my mucous plug. Checking for dialation means absolutely nothing just so you know. It gives false hope. They can say your 4cm 80% effaced and that you should be ready to go any minute, but then sit that way for weeks. Or you could be at 1cm 50% effaced and then go into labor a few hours later.

Try stretching that may help ease some of the pain, yoga, bouncing on a birthing ball, squats, and those type of things will help lower baby as well which can help you out more.

Pelvic pain, cramping, lower back pain! what could this be?

My shoulder was super sore a couple of days ago, and I took Aleve. It has been doing a great job. I usually take aspirin or Tylenol for sore muscles, but this time it was hurting so bad so I thought I'd try Aleve. I start with 2 Aleve, but then I take just one every 8 or 12 hours. I also apply heat to my sore shoulder when I go to bed and throughout the day. Sometimes, I use a muscle rub like Ben Gay to apply heat during my workouts; other times I use a heating pad. It helps quite a bit. I get my sore muscles from lifting weights. Good luck. Go for the Aleve.

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Sharp pains in lower abdomen and pelvic area?

first get a home pregnancy test if it says negative you may have whats called an etopic pregnancy go to your local emergency room just to make sure that is not the case or just wait and see your gyno they may have to run a blood test on you just to make sure.another thig they may have to do a pelvic exam and ultra sound to find out why you are having can be caused by ovarian cysts or something else but i would definately see your doctor a.s.a.p good luck

17 weeks pregnant with sharp pain in lower left side of stomach?

im 17 weeks pregnant and last night I was laying on my back when I suddenly had a sharp jabbing pain in the lower left siide of my stomach just above my pubic area...i could feel the pains in my vaginal area too, but as soon as I rolled over on my side it stopped...i have had the same pain a couple times today also and again it was just above the pubic area and I could feel it in my vaginal area...

I dont know if I it could be a UTI or what but I cant get into my doctor until monday and im freaking out...

Any ideas?

Dull aching pain in lower back radiating into groin and down leg, what could this be?

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The one thing that makes sense for both those things to happen is tight muscles in your back for they end up very close to the nerves for the other organs as they leave the spine. When the muscles touch the organs it causes them to act up or go into pain. If the nerves for your testicles are touched your pain would be coming from that. If the nerves for your kidneys are touched it can be making them over work to cause you to go to the bathroom more. Tight muscles in your lower back can also be giving you the feeling of pressure on other areas if the muscles are touching any other nerves down there. To get rid of the problems you are having you have to free up the muscles in your back and here's how to do that: Back: (do from a sitting position) Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side. For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Pain in the pelvic area may be a symptom of significant pathology and if it lasts more than 2 weeks, should be mentioned to your primary care provider at least. Having said that, it is a common complaint. Pain associated with gas may be due to pressure of a distended rectum or sigmoid colon against some painful condition within the pelvis. Distention and/or spasm of the sigmoid colon causes pain which is usually aggravated or relieved by the passage of gas. Spastic colon syndrome is commonly associated with gas and bowel irregularity and over time may lead to diverticulosis of the sigmoid and descending colon. A trial of a fiber supplement may reduce this discomfort over time by reducing pressure generated by a spastic colon. If the symptoms persist or worsen over time, further diagnostic studies might include a pelvic exam, sigmoidoscopic exam, stool checks for occult blood, pelvic ultrasound or CT exam.

Do you have pubic symphysis pain?

I am 37 weeks pregnant, and about 2-3 weeks ago I started having horrible pain in that area, along with lower back pain. It hurts so bad to walk that I hobble. It hurts to get dressed so I sit down while dressing. It hurts like hell to turn over in bed. I think the ps pain is what's triggering my lower back pain. I'm no stranger to pain, but this is interfering with my normal life (and making working very difficult).

Do you have pubic symphysis pain, and how bad is it? What do you do about it? How far along are you? (I'm sure some discomfort/stretching is normal....I'm talking about severe pain that interferes with normal life)

Hormones. Hormones are the second main cause of pregnancy-related lower back pain. During the first half of pregnancy, your body's levels of progesterone (a hormone that stimulates the uterus) surge, helping to loosen and relax the ligaments and tissues that are going to stretch as the pregnancy progresses.

NOTE: Please see your Doctor/GP to discuss &/or diagnose this further as there may be an underlying issue.Testicular pain after bowel movementA sensation of not completely emptying the bladder. Pain or discomfort in the lower back, in the area between the testicles and anus, in the lower abdomen or upper thighs, or above the pubic area. Pain may become worse during a bowel movement. Pain or vague discomfort during or after ejaculation.What is prostatitis?Prostatitis is swelling or infection of the prostate gland. It often hurts. The prostate gland sits just below a man's bladder and makes part of the fluid for semen. In young men, the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It usually grows larger as you grow older.There are several types of prostatitis. They vary based on how long a man has had the problem and what kind of symptoms he has.What causes prostatitis?Sometimes prostatitis is caused by bacteria, but often the cause is not known.ProstatitisI have also found another question on Quora, similar to the question you are asking with several different answer responses which I think may be also helpful to you (link below):Is it normal to have testicular pain after bowel movement? Why or ...