Pain In Lower Left Side Of Abdomen

Lower left abdomen pain?

My guess would be intestinal gas. I worked in an ER for a few years and remember a couple of people coming in for it ... they were a little embarrassed when they found out it wasn't cancer or something horrible, but they were relieved and it went away. Sometimes it hurts without added pressure.

Where it was only a 15 minute bout, that would be my best guess.

>>>I saw your additional comments. Definitely sounds like gas pains ... there is a reason babies cry so much when they have gas - it really hurts. Adults generally get the severe pain less often, but, though it makes me laugh (maybe I'm sophomore-ish), gas can be very painful.

As far as appendicitis, this doesn't sound like the case at all. Wrong abdominal quadrant, not a long enough duration of pain, and appendicitis pain generally is most severe when you release pressure from pushing over the appendix (something I learned while an EMT).

Try just passing it, if you can. If your someplace public or just can't, try Mylanta or some sort of gas medicine. You probably ate something that caused it, and may want to take Mylanta or whatever if you eat that food again.

How do you get rid of sudden pain in your lower left abdomen?

I am not a physician, but I do have experience with left lower abdominal pain.I had pain in my lower left abdomen that lasted a couple of days. I finally went to the emergency room when I felt that there was nothing I could do to make it better. After a series of tests and X-rays, they determined that I had diverticulitis. They put me on some very heavy duty antibiotics and told me to eat soft foods. The pain was gone within a day or two. I now know that I have diverticulosis which can turn into diverticulitis if I don’t eat enough roughage or chew grains and peanuts well enough. Sometimes I will get a (much less) pain in the same area and I will switch to soft foods and drink lots of water and it goes away, but if it doesn’t go away, or if the pain gets worse, I plan on going to the doctors office or emergency department the reason is below.My good friend had the same symptoms, although I didn’t hear about it until after the fact, he waited to go to the ER. the pain became unbearable so he finally went. He had severe diverticulitis. He ended up having to have part of his colon removed, and had a colostomy for six months. Simply put, a colostomy is when the surgeon routes the colon to the outside of the abdomen, a special bag is placed, adhered, over the hole and that is how you poop.I suggest you get your pain checked out by a medical professional.ColostomyImages from Bing

Lower Abdominal Pain on left side?

it could be appendicitis or a kidney issue, or it could just be gas, bt you need to talk to your doctor to be sure, and i would do it pretty fast, because if it is your appendix, it could rupture and and put you in sepsis, which could likely lead to death if not treated quickly.

What causes pain on the lower left side of your abdomen?

The left lower quadrant is the region just below your belly button. Organs in this region are the small bowel, a section of the large intestines, rectum, the left ureter and the left ovary with its section of the Fallopian tube. The skin and nerve of the area complete the list of vital organs here.The next time you want to ask why does my left side hurt? Take note of the organs in the region. There are endless causes of pain on this section of the abdomen. The causes include complex combination of factors that contribute to the sensations. There are most common possibilities, though. For example, pain in your gut has several causes.This article analyzes causes and possible solutions to left side pains; we suggest what you can about the pain.Abdominal Pain in Left SideAnatomic BasisThe Left Lower QuadrantChest Pain in the Left SideBack Pain in Left SideLeft Side Pain; Symptoms, Causes & Home Remedies

I have a persistent pain on the left side of my abdomen and lower back. I have consulted many doctors, but the cause is still unknown. What could it be? (See description)

Congrats on having no abnormalities found after such extensive exams (personally, if you were my patient, at 23 yo, I wouldn’t have done so many exams).Many people having an irritable bowel syndrome feel their sigmoid colon, located in the left lower part of your belly, cramping, this pain radiates to the back, groin and thigh.These are measures that you can try to alleviate your pain:-if constipated do something about it, e.g. by-taking lots of food fiber e.g. metamucil® 4 tablespoonfuls with lots of water a day which can be effective in non constipated people too-spasmolytics e.g. Duspatal® (mebeverine) -some people I treated did quite well often on super low dosed tricyclic antidepressant (imipramine, nortryptiline) starting at 10 mg at night, after 3 to 6 weeks if no success slowly more 25 mg (to a max of 150 mg/day). It only works after 3 to 6 weeks, so patience is needed. This we know from our chronic pain clinic experience.-some patient did very well on cognitive behavioral treatment.

What organ is on the left side of your abdomen?

You have the following structures on the left side of the abdomen:The stomachThe Spleen (Hidden behind)The left lobe of liver partly projects towards the left side of the hypochondriumCoils of jejunum and ileumThe descending colon with the sigmoid colon

I have lower left abdominal pain?

See your health care provider as soon as possible (gastroenterologist), for consultation. Left side abdominal pain is often more common in women and young adults, as a cause of abdominal pain. The causes of a left sided abdominal pain are legion and runs the gamut from diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney infections, kidney stone, bowel problems, like diverticulitis, and constipation, to pain arising from muscles and skin over the left side of the abdomen.

Any disease process affecting organs or structures on the left side of the abdomen can cause pain there. Left side abdominal pain can also result from organs or structures far removed from the abdomen or near it, or even from pain spreading from other part of the abdomen.

As in other parts of the body, pain on the left abdomen can occur from disease affecting the following organs found there. Organs and structures found in the left side of the abdomen are:

Left edge of the liver
The Spleen
Body and Tail of the Pancreas
The Stomach
Left half of the Transverse Colon or large intestine
The Descending Colon
Sigmoid Colon
Left Adrenal gland
Left Kidney
Left Ureter
Left Ovary in women
Left Fallopian tube in women
Muscles of the wall of the left side of the abdomen
Nerves on the left side of the abdomen

If the pain persists or if the person believes the pain may represent a serious problem, they should see their health care provider.
A heating pad or soaking in a tub of warm water may ease the pain.
Over-the-counter antacids, such as Tums, Maalox, or Pepto-Bismol, also can reduce some types of abdominal pain. Activated charcoal capsules also may help. Otherwise, acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen may be used for pain.
I hope this helps you. And good luck.

Why do I get a pain in the lower left side of my abdomen anytime I eat?

Lower left abdominal pain after eating is relatively common. In most cases, the pain's source is benign, and you can treat the problem quickly. In some instances, the pain is indicative of a more serious problem. To understand your lower left abdominal pain, there are a few aspects of the problem to consider.Lower left abdominal pain after eating is commonly caused by irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. One of the symptoms of IBS is a sharp pain in your lower left abdomen after eating. The pain can be more pronounced after eating, though it will likely also recur at other points during the day.Once your doctor determines the cause of your post-eating abdominal pain, treatment typically consists of dietary regulation and medication. IBS occurs when the intestine's muscle movement is impaired, either from illness, stress or poor nutrition. To treat this, you must increase fiber and fluid consumption, exercise regularly and reduce your stress level with counseling or medication. Anti-diarrheal or laxative medications are also prescribed in some cases. Diverticular disease occurs when small sacs on the colon called diverticuli become inflamed. To fix this problem, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication or surgery are in order.

24 weeks pregnant - lower left side abdominal pain?

Good Morning Everyone! Over the weekend, I did some cleaning and walked a lot. Last night, I woke up to a stabbing pain in my lower left side of my abdomen. I have had the abdominal ligament pain before, but nothing like this. If I got up, it would stop me in my tracks. If I would turn over it would hurt, but also if I tried sleeping sitting up, I would get a 30 sec. sharp pain on my left side. I am leaning more towards severe abdominal ligment pain, but not sure if it could be painful braxton hicks or some kind of infection. Has anyone experienced something like this come to find out you had an infection or something else. I had the pain the entire night ranging from very painful to dull. This morning the pain is dull but still present on my left side. I called my docs. office, but they probably won't return my call til NEXT YEAR. Any advice? p.s. no extra discharge and baby was moving this morning.

Pricking pain in lower left abdomen, what could be the reason?

Pain in lower abdomen is common specially teenage girl and in many cases of boys too. There may be several reason for it.It may be infection in urinary tractMay be indigestionMay be cystMay be due to underlying condition in reproductive system.For more reference check Know Your Body Type ( Prakriti) - Saint SamAccording to Ayurveda in VATA nature bodies are suffering more than average other personVata treatment give immediate relief Such as Aloe Vera , Dry ginger with jaggery. dry dates boiled in milk and many other home remedies are available.Better if you know your body nature . In the above pic blue color area is dominated by VATABetter avoid unhealthy food. or unhealthy combination of foodOpposite Combinations-Unacceptable Combination - Saint Samuse this diet plan to get life healthy Food Chart - Saint Samreference