Pain In The Outer Parts Of My Left Thigh Only When Touched

Indent on outer left thigh?

I started working out about 2 months ago and notice on my left thigh the outer part I have developed a indent not a muscle indent about 6 inches below my waist but on the outer part of my thigh its like the fat disappeared but only in that part so it leaves a big indent in my leg about the size of a tennis ball it looks horrible I asked my trainer and she doesn't even know its like the fat dis burst and left a hole any suggestions?

My outer left thigh has no feeling?

How long has it been bothering you? If it has only been a problem for one evening, you might have just sat in a position that compressed a nerve, and your symptoms should resolve in the next hour or so.

If you have been experiencing this problem for several days, however, you might have stretched or damaged a nerve in your leg. It isn't as serious as it sounds; it could just nerve root S1 or your sciatic nerve. If you fell and got a bruise on your hip ("hip pointer"), this could cause temporary nerve damage.

Nerve damage is often characterized by burning, tingling sensation, or a numbness. It can cause muscle twitching. It is caused by direct force to any area in which the nerve runs, so getting hit or falling on your back, hip, or leg can cause it. Disc lesions or a compressed vertebrae can also cause it, although these are less likely the case.

If the problem persists, I would go to a health clinic or set up an appointment with your doctor/physician. The doctor will probably just tell you to rest your leg, but it's important to make sure you don't have a problem with your vertebrae applying pressure to your spinal cord, which could be causing the burning pain. If you are an athlete, and you know a physical therapist or athletic trainer, they might know a bit more to help diagnose you without seeing a doctor.

What could be causing pain in my outer left thigh?

For about a year now I have been getting pain in my outer thigh of my left leg. It comes at random times, when I am laying down trying to sleep. It is usually just a tingling sensation, as if it is "asleep", and sometimes develops into shooting pain. The only way to stop this tingling feeling is to lay on my left side. Sometimes it is very tender to touch, and my leg feels hot (not just normal body heat, actually hot). Any idea what this could be?

I have pain in the inner walls of my vagina when touched. It also seems irritated. What could this be?

It sounds like your vagina is inflamed for some reason.If you want to hold off seeing a doctor, you can try resetting your vaginal pH. There are home remedies for this, but I recommend using an OTC gel called RepHresh Vaginal Gel. It’s possible your pH has been upset, and so you aren’t producing the moisture or protection your vagina needs to stay healthy and happy.If that doesn’t work, it’s time to see your primary care physician or OBGYN. You may be suffering the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis, a common vaginal infection that affects roughly 2/3 of women at some point in their life. It is easily treatable with antibiotics.Of course, you also want to rule out more serious conditions, like Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis, and/or HPV, so if your symptoms do not resolve in the next week or so, schedule an appointment with a doctor.

Should I see a doctor? My left thigh muscle is KILLING me! Pain is in front outer part of thigh and above knee

Have you been very active prior to this? Or, did you jump into this without much warm-up or having exercised for a while?

Here's my diagnosis. First, you shouldn't have taken that step class after you killed your quad muscles in the cycling class. You're not going to work through the pain, only make it worse. Sounds like you've got Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness(DOMS). When we work out, we are constantly tearing our muscles so they can re-build which makes us stronger. Those tears are tiny though-not enough to cause injury. You probably went too hard and have strained your quad/tendon that attatches to the knee. If you go to a doc, he's going to tell you to rest it, ice it, take ibuprofen, and take it easy. I just saved you that trip. Because you didn't land funny on your knee or anything, there's nothing with the ligaments. It's muscle.

So, like a doc might tell you, rest it, ice it(sit in a cold bath), stretch it a lot(your quad), and drink plenty of water. After a while, you'll want to alternate heat and ice. When my legs were killing me from a workout, my trainer told me to drink a lot of water to flush that lactic acid out. The other issue you might want to think about is that while cycling is a good exercise, it might not be right for you. Sometimes, if your legs aren't strong enough or one side is stronger than the other, you're doing to develop pain in your thighs and knees. Runners get that too because their stride is off. If your inner thigh muscles aren't strong enough, the outer ones will do all the work, they will be sore, and your knee is going to be sore because those outer ones are constantly pulling the kneecap and they'll be some irritation there.

Why does the upper front part of my thigh hurt?

The upper front part of my thigh has been hurting for about a week now. I do play soccer so maybe that has something to do with it. It hurts when doing certain exercise like pulling your foot behind you toward your butt and sometimes when I'm just getting up from a chair or running. I can't run as fast because it hurts. It's only my left front thigh that does that. Does anyone know why and do you know what that muscle or whatever in that area is called? thanks

Why does it hurt when i try to do my toe touch for cheerleading?

try stretching all of the parts of your legs first then bend down and touch ur toes it hurts because that muscle is probably tight and when u bend down ur muscle is being pulled thats why it hurts. to make your toe touch higher u can stretch it daily by sitting down straightening your legs and pulling ur hands to your feet

Severe skin pain without a rash, itching or redness?

My skin looks normal but does not feel normal!

For about 3 weeks now my skin has been severely painful. The pain has been all over my body on some instances and other times has only been in select places. The main areas for this skin pain have been on my legs (all over), my arms, chest, and the palms of my hands. There is not a day that goes by that this pain isn't somewhere on my body. One day the skin on my arms will be in pain and a day or so later my arms will not hurt, but somewhere else will. Currently my lower left leg and collar bone is affected.

My skin is so sensitive it hurts severely when anything touches it, even air. If something touches my skin on the affected area, it feels like pins and needles and sort of burns. I guess that's the best way to describe the pain... it just hurts alot! It aches when nothing is touching it.

I have not had any rashes, bumps, blisters, swelling, crazy looking veins, no itching and it's not even red. Like, I said, everything looks normal.

So if any of you know what I'm talking about and have an answer to my problem I would be so grateful if you could fill me in on what this is and some at home rememdies, if there are any. I do not have any money (no job- thanks to the depression) and no medical insurance. I went to the ER and they couldn't tell me what is wrong with my skin. Maybe it's some kind of nutrition deficiency or problem with my nerves?

I've also had very bad back pain on the upper (cervical) part of my spine and the surrounding muscles, if this helps. I don't know if the two could be linked, but my upper back and neck have ached so much I've had problems moving my head up and down, and on some days left and right. The skin and back pain began about the same time. I dunno, any answers would be great! Thanks!