Paper Topics Having To Do With Autism

Interesting 6-8 page research paper topics?

If you're interested in disorders, why not choose something really interesting like:

Progeria (people that age too fast...seriously, they are like 9 and look 80)
Schizophrenia (common and lots of info)
Muscle dysmorphia (ppl that don't think they are muscle-y enough and bulk up huge)
Autistic savants (people with autism that have really amazing superhuman skills)(check out the youtube link)

I'm writing a research paper about Autism, do I have to capitalize Autism?

No, the word autism is not capitalized. If it were named after a person, it would be capitalized. One of the first persons to study autism was Kanner, so sometimes there are references to "Kanner's autism", where Kanner is capitalized. Similarly, "Asperger's Syndrome", an autism spectrum disorder that is named after another doctor who studied autism, has Asperger's capitalized because it is the name of a person.

no prob jesse :P

What is a good persuasive essay topic about Autism/Special Ed?

"The need for Autism teaching in schools."
More and more people are being diagnosed with autism, yet the amount of people who understand it remains the same with a little varying up or down. Kids in school need to know more about the way people with Autism think and how and how not to treat them. Many Autistic children struggle at school because none of the children around them know how to handle them. Teachers included should also know how to discipline appropriately and praise when the child has done well.

What research paper on autism do you think would be valuable for people to read?

It’s like building a house. A good foundation is the most important thing and it has to come before anything else.There are some clearly defined and properly researched physiological facts like omitted synaptic pruning, a fold in the front lobes and others.Get such information together in reasonable detail and have some thoughts about how those differences could be presenting in behavior. Particularly in connection with right brain hemisphere being dominant.Go to a computer shop or get it together from Wikipedia and learn what a CPU, CPU memory, RAM, HD, south- and north-bridge are and what they are doing.Read LINKED - to learn about scale free networks, like the brain, any organism, the web and socializing. See reading list: – Wikipedia and pick up a copy of GAPS as well. The naked ape will shine light from a very different angle.So far the foundation.Read the original work of Asperger’s in German or dig up a true, not an interpretation or ‘edited’ translation of it which I never came across in all my reading.Done. Apart from the exhausting task to dump anything else, observe, learn and think for yourself from a new basis.Why? Because anything else lacks facts, proper observation and indulging in jumping to conclusions. That’s human, no problem but no good in science.NT brains trying to cope with issues that are beyond the mental capacity of an NT mind and so are filling the gaps in with stories that a dominant left brain hemisphere automatically produces. AA-Rangers have an tendency for being left handed.Dr. Asperger gave the kids for good reason the loving nickname: ’Little Professors!’ and the why is reflected in his work.WHere is why translations and impressions should be treated with maximum caution. English and German are highly incompatible although translating seems to be easy. Why-do-people-think-. . . . If you are interested too I believe it would be very productive to compare notes once you stand on solid ground.

Psychology paper topic and psychologist. ?

i have a 10 page term paper for my psychology class due in about two weeks leave it to me to procrastinate. but i need some good ideas. it has to be about a topic and a psychologist that works in that (the topic i choose) area. help please!

Writing a paper on PDD/NOS?

So I'm writing a paper for Early Childhood Education class in high school about PDD/NOS. I'm having trouble finding things about it all I find is things about autism. Things I need are:
Age when typically diagnosed
Special Accommodations in a preschool setting
Also any website links will help or anything else!

What is the best thesis for a research paper about autism and stigmatization?

Identifying causes of autism has been really a big challenge for the researchers. Scientists and medical professionals have struggled to understand the exact causes of autism for last 75 years after invention of autism by Leo Kanner in 1943. The genetic researchers demand the genetics as the cause autism. Whereas the environmental researchers claimed that the causes of autism depends upon environmental factors. So, the causes of autism can be a great topic of research paper.

How do you organize a research paper about Autism?

“How do you organize a research paper about Autism?”Perhaps you might begin with a hypothesis. What aspect of autism do you seek to study? That do you expect to find?Take what you expect to find, reverse it and set out to prove that wrong. That’s what is called a Null Hypothesis and is a useful tool for minimising confirmation bias - the tendency to see things that support your contention more than those that oppose it.If you suspect autism to be associated with higher abilities of some kind, reverse that so your proposition is that there are no higher abilities associated with autism, then set out to disprove that.

Senior project on autism???

Maybe something more directed towards treatment of/for autistic kids would be more rewarding for you. You could ask something like, "what sort of treatment and/or therapy is considered most effective for helping children with autism?" You'll find that there is more than one answer, and this kind of question would allow you to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches for dealing with the problem, and then you could draw some conclusions about what can be accomplished and how. You could also ask the question you stated, of course, but then you need to make sure to get beyond simply describing what autism is (symptoms) to addressing what that really means for an autistic child's life -- how they view the world, what their future may hold, etc.

I have to do a paper for school regarding special education. What are some hot topics/current issues I could explore?

1.  Effect of pharmaceutical drug use on the special needs community.2.  Educational issues surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorders....or for a more controversial topic:3.  Use of facilitated communication in the classroom, particularly for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.