Parents Are Really Irritating Me

What should I do if my parents are irritating me?

Stop being Nothing..Ofcourse not using Facebook and whatsapp is great..But browse something more useful on internet not only educational videos  and some great people's quotes , their stories [both success and failure].Read some good books..And discuss these things to your mom..{about Life , Great People message}..So that she will get to know what you are doing in internet..And one important things is Dont compare you with your cousin or anyone else in the world. Tell this to your mom also.Dont compare you with others. Say I m not like my cousin..Each one is unique..Search more about how to prepare for exam without fear , frustration .Prepare yourself without minding others..--This is more important.Prepare yourself without minding othersKeep your mind very calm."Slow and Study ,win the race .Preapare with fully dedication mind.You are preparing for exam not to show "who you are" to other who insulted you..You are completely want success for your desire..Not for others..Not to show you are great or talent etc..Because of these reason, i didn't do well in my exam..So dont do these..All the Best..

How do I stop getting so irritated with my parents when they lecture me?

Anon's answer is great if you are a younger person living at home.  Your question doesn't specify your living situation, but the nagging continues long after you have moved out.  I live in a different state from my parents and I still hear the same things over and over and over and over.  "Call your grandparents, they miss you.""Don't go out so often you'll get a VD.""Why do you drink so much?""Have you met any nice girls yet?""When are you coming home?"Each of these come with a solid 5 minute lecture on why it is important or how it affects my younger sister or some other shit.  It is super annoying.  But, I know they do it because they love me.  I am OK with the hour phone call were I spend the entire time defending myself.  I am OK with the prying emails.  I am also OK with every once in a while forwarding their calls, or accidentally deleting an email thread.  Most of the time I put up with it and accept it for what it is, but I still reward myself with a break every now and again.The funny part about that is their parents used to be horrible about getting involved in their lives.  They finally had to sit down and tell them to stop being parents and start being grandparents.  Now my grandparents have stopped lecturing them as much and now lecture me!  So, maybe if it continues into my 40s I will say something, but for the time being, I just know they care about me and respond with canned OKs, Uh-huhs, and You're rights.  They love me, that's all.

How do I stop getting irritated towards my parents?

Its all fine. Everyone get a little bit irritated of their parents if not they used to be sometime in their life. Actually there will be always a age gap between you and your parents you need to remember this.For resolving or overcoming this you have to make more efforts as compared to your parents because you should always keeps some points in your mind-Your parents will be the only people who will take your stand in any circumstances or phase of life.They never want you to be unhappy in life. They just want you to keep smiling and happy.They always have more experience then you.Except parents no body want you to do good in life.Coming to your answer, you can do following things to control these type of situation-Never argue with them, try to understand what actually they are asking u to do.Always give a though before saying to your parents. You may not know how much your bad behaviour hurts them.If you are correct then also you have to keep calm at that moment, then after some time u have to make them understand what was your point.Also, i would like you to share that your parents have so many expectation from you. Make them smile because you don’t now how much efforts they are making for your small wishes.Have a great time :)

What is the most irritating thing your parents make you do?

Many a times, people visit us at home who i don’t really know and have no intention of doing so.So, when they are seated in our drawing room, and i have to pass the drawing room for some reason( going to other rooms etc ), i try to do this very silently, making zero eye contact with any one in the room.It is when i come very close the my objective( the other room), when my parents suddenly say "Beta, uncle ko Namastey to karo" ( Son, greet our guest).I mean, you can see that i was silently going to other room without much interest in talking to these people who i will probably never see again. Why, then why do you insist on me talking to these people.It gets worse when sometimes they leave for 3-4 minutes in between, saying "Aap isse baat karo tabtak"( I will be back, you talk to our son till then), which is followed some useless questions like "How are your studies going" etc and then an awkward silence for 2-3 minutes.Some similar situations-When some guests visit, i open the door and take them to the drawing room, offer them their seat and my mom say "Arey aap, beta uncle ko namastey  kara ?"( Son, did you greet our guests ?", and i am like, "Thanks mom, for reminding this random stranger how ill mannered i am".When we encounter some old dude somewhere whom my family knew some 25 years ago and my mom says "Beta, uncle ke paer choho" ( Son, touch this random old dudes feet for no reason). and i am like, "He could be some kinky old dude with weird fetishes for all i know, i don’t know him, even you don’t know him".When my mom asks me what should she cook for dinner, then rejects everything i say and finally lands on something that she had in mind from the very beginning.When i am talking with my friend on landline, my mom picks up the phone from some other room, asks who am i talking to, and starts chatting with my friend, and i suddenly become the person in the conversation whom nobody wants to speak to.When my mom asks me to pick up something ( neem leaves, curd etc)  from the aunty who lives across the street, and i am like "No man, i can go the end of world, i am even willing to knock on the gates of hell for you, but please don’t ask me to go that aunty’s house mom" and she asks me "Why" and i say "Well, she is creepy"Ps- This answer is meant to be taken a joke answer, not as a rant of a spoiled brat (because i am not one) :)


I had/have the same problems, and I'm 17 in 3 weeks! It's all according to your age too. Most parents are the same. They see you as their little girl, and how you were, not how you are and not an adolescent who needs to space to grow up. My dad does the same to me. Anything new and suddenly it's wrong, because he's protective of me, same as your parents are. Nowadays anything can go wrong, and your parents are only trying to do right by you...because they care :)

Maybe talk with them and say how you feel and see if you can co-operate around the situation and maybe to ask if they could be a little less restrictive on some things. BUT, be prepared for them to say no, don't keep on, back off and accept it because the more you nag; the more they get annoyed and the worse off you'll be.

Seriously, dating isn't that much fun at a young age, it restricts you and forces you to grow up fast, just have fun with your friends. Though it allows you to learn about responsibility and gains you an insight into a new experience, there are plenty of years ahead to do that. As for make-up... why? Natural beauty is the best way to go, not to look like unrealistic and un-natural/fake whatever you want to call it :) Lastly, it depends on what you call ''fun''.

LOL, ever thought you irritate them? Sometimes you need to sit down and realise your actions aren't only going to affect you. Parents have their own problems too, and you need to be considerate of what they think too. As for ''WE NEVER TALK'', how about sitting down and trying to talk, start a conversation up. If they're not going to, then you need to be the one to get the ball rolling so to say.

Good luck!

Why am I always irritated and impatient with my parents?

I'm 20 years old and I am in school so I still live with my parents. I've noticed that about a year ago, maybe a little longer, I am constantly irritated with my parents. I don't like when they try to talk to me after coming home from work or school, I just wanna go in my room and unwind. I never feel the urge to hug them after not being home all day but I'm like that with everyone. When I'm in my room I don't like when they come in to talk to me, I want to be left alone. I get sooooo pissed when they ask me simple questions that the answer is obvious to. When they are talking to me about anything I always feel the urge to walk away because I get antsy and tired of listening really fast. I hate when my dad and I aren't home all day and then he asks me to go to the store when he gets home when he could have just gotten it when he was out. That just gets me so hot you have no idea. He definitely irritates me the most, our relationship has always been rocky. I do love my parents and I used to be a lot more patient with them. Is there something going on with me that I am not realizing? Is it just time for me to move out because I feel like that would alleviate a lot of my headache

My parents annoy me just by existing. How do I deal with this?

By realizing that at times, you have annoyed them just by existing.What, you think it only happens to you? Trust me. Your parents have wanted a full nights sleep, more money, more free time, more space, more privacy, less work to do, less drama to deal with.It's part of being a family. You are with these people constantly. They get on your last nerve. Just because you are related does not mean you have the same thoughts and feelings. The difference is that they are much more experienced at life, and know a lot more about it than you. They also are required to keep you safe and teach you how to care for yourself.The problem is that literally EVERY person ever at around age 15 or so believes that they are grown enough to know anything they need to know. But the truth is that nobody knows anything until they are about 25. That is when you start learning something about life. Even if you are living on your own, working, married, or have children, you are still clueless.And do you want to know something? The fact that children of that age do not want to listen, do not understand what it takes to raise a child, do not see dangers that are obvious to us old folks, annoys the living sh*t out of us! We are trying to teach you and keep you safe and we get attitude and arguments. Parenting teenagers is literally the most annoying thing ever.So suck it up. You may feel oppressed and misunderstood, but that is nothing compared to being a parent and watching your child make terrible mistakes and turn your good intentions against you.I saw a lot of coddling in other answers. But this is the truth. You are not some special child prodigy who knows everything. You are not the only one suffering from this situation. And there are many young people who would love to have parents who cared enough to be annoying.Parents have reasons for everything they decide to do. Some of those reasons are none of your business. But unless they are actually abusive, your best bet is to just listen to them and try to learn from them while you can. But as you simply stated that they are annoying, I doubt you are being abused. Only raised. And the thing that annoys you is that you think their job is done now. But clearly it isn't. Because being annoyed by the existence of someone is not a thing. At least not for grown adults.

Why are my parents so annoying?

My mom stalks my Facebook and asks me what my status' mean (she says "If the rest of the world can know why can't I?) and she always yells at me for the littlest things. Like we were about to leave for a horseback riding lesson and there's a McDonald's on the way so I asked if we could eat there because we were having waffles and I don't like waffles. She started screaming "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO EAT OUT? EAT THE DAMN WAFFLES!" Then she slammed the door in my face. My dad always agrees with her and yells at me more after she's done yelling at me. And today my dad asked what kind of cheese I wanted on my burger and I said that I didn't care and so my dad thought I was being rude so he screamed "CHOOSE ONE OR YOU GET NOTHING" Why do they act like this? Why are they so mean to me and not my siblings??

Why do Parents get So Irritated when others Pronounce their unusual Child's Name incorrectly?

I work at a pharmacy, and when prescriptions are done, we announce the name to the waiting area. Yesterday I announced that Kaile's presciption was done. I said Kay-lee becase that is what it was spelled like to me. The mother got up very irritated and was like that is said Ky-lee, then spelled the name exactly how it is shown - K-a-i-l-e. It was very rude and condescending. I apologized even though it was her attitude was unacceptable.

Another name Mireille. I said it like Mir-e-ell. The mother again very rudely got up and said yelled it's Mir-ay, it is French! Why get so mad over a simple mistake? Especially when the name is difficult to pronounce? Parents should name their child Mike or David if they can't deal with mispronounciations.