Part Between Chin And Under Lip Hurting Inside Mouth.

Jaw hurts after lip piercing?

I got my labret done 4 days ago. Now I took the barbell out to clean it & I have 2 sores where my lip attaches to my gum- one sore on each side of that thing that attaches my bottom lip to my gum. And my jaw hurts like no other. It is red and swollen- but the place said it looks fine. It is pussing- but not alot. Is this common?? The jaw pain or sores? I'm not sure how I got them.

Bottom front teeth hurt and the left side of my chin and lip are still numb. Normal?

This definitely sounds like paresthesia to me, which is a loss of sensation in your left Inferior Alveolar nerve. The nerve could have been damaged or compressed while the tooth was extracted. The loss of sensation could be temporary or it could be permanent, it depends on the extent of the damage. You can certainly attempt to sue. And if you could prove gross negligence on the part of the dentist you may even win. But since you were forewarned of this possible outcome and the dentist did provide you with informed consent, then it may be very difficult for you to be successful in your case. Good luck, I hope things get back to normal quickly.

My mouth, Jaw & neck hurt from kissing i havn't kissed in awhile & yesterday i did for very long & now my neck

Hahaha.. I feel your pain. I had like a sprained jaw or some crap for like 2 MONTHS.

..Except I wasn't kissing his lips ;D

I have line between my bottom lip and my chin?

I'm kind of self wondering if a women dislikes that? I'm 30 and going to start dating after a 10 year failed marriage. I'm told That I look like matt damon but I have this line should I get it taken out "plastic surgery or leave it be?

Why does the bottom of my chin hurt?

The bottom of my underneath my mouth..that area..where some people have double chins..I can't really figure out how to explain it. Anyways, it hurts. Not too bad, but really just when I lift my head straight up like you're staring at the ceiling. It feels kind of tight and under pressure if you know what I mean...and kind of hurts at the same time. Also, there is a white spot on the back side of my lower gum in my mouth. Right behind my front teeth on the was really small and like a normal mouth sore from accidentally hitting it with a tooth brush for a couple of days but now it's a little bit bigger and hurts when my tongue or food hits it....any idea??? :(

Do getting your bellybutton piercied hurt?what about the labert(chin/under lip)?

I'm a body piercer, and I've seen so many people freak out before they get pierced, and then walk out of the shop, laughing because it dident hurt.

Everybody is different, and everybodys pain tolarence is unique. remember to breathe and be calm and you will be fine.
With the navel piercing you can try and buy Emla cream to freeze the skin before you get pierced.You have to keep the cream on an hour before you get pierced. This works for most people, I did it on my own navel and nipple, and noticed I dident feel a thing. I dident even feel the clamp.

Unfortunately, you cant really, do this on the labret, because the labret is uauially pierced from the inside of the mouth to the outside. And you cant numb the inside of you mouth, Emla can only be used externally.
Good'll do fine

Hard bump under the skin inbetween my bottom lip and chin?

recently today actually, my chin started hurting and i started touching it and it felt pretty much like a bruise but there was nothing there, and now its night and there is a big bump under the skin, i dont know what it is but it hurts if i open my mouth too big
i put some ice on it and nothing has happened
is it serious? i have a physical this friday for my doctor, should i ask him about it?

Canker sore on lower labial frenulum or mouth infection?

a few days ago I had a head cold, which is now gone. However, I have a sore spot on my lower labial frenulum (the flap connecting your teeth to your lower lip) that is making the area between my lower lip and chin sore to the touch. The sore is a little white circle and my frenulum is red. The gums around my frenulum are redder than my top gums, but not sore. Nothing is swollen. The pain only got uncomfortable today, but I've had it for about a day and a half.
Is this a canker sore that will go away, or is it some other mouth infection I should have someone look at?