Pelvic Pain After Surfing Plz Answer Asap

Can Ovarian Cysts be dangerous?

For the last 7 years I have had problems with Ovarian Cysts on my right ovary. I have multiple other symptoms as well such as dandruff, hair loss, weight gain in the abdomen, depression, insomnia, hot flashes, spotting after orgasm/intercourse/exercise, extreme thirst and urination, and dark patches on my knees, ankles, and wrists.
I had my hormones tested and a blood sugar test and everything came back fine. So, they sent me away.
Now the last few days I have had extreme pelvic pain, a very sore right ovary, a twisting shooting pain down my right leg, mixed bright red/dark brown spotting, and this intense pressure pressing down on my uterus or cervix.
I know it is another Ovarian Cyst because it felt just like this the previous times that I have had them. I'm just worried about the amount of pain that I am having.
Could these cysts be dangerous if they twist or rupture? Is there something I should be looking out for? And last but definitely not least, does anyone know of a way that I can relieve some of this pain?