Penn State Not Responding

How long this Penn State take to send admissions decision?

Penn State has a rolling admission that starts sending out admission letters Nov. 1. The earliest you can start applying is Sept. 1.

I submitted an online application on Oct. 30. I'm still waiting for the letter. When do you think it will come? How long does this school typically take to notify students?

Also, will they mail me a letter home first or notify me through the online application first?
On the online app it says they have received all my materials and are currently reviewing my application. I turned in all my supporting documents around the same time I applied.

How much longer do I have to wait?

How do members of PETA respond to Penn and Teller's documentary?

I don't agree with al of PETA's practices, but you asked for answers.

The animals are killed, arguably because a life of suffering is worse than no life at all.

PETA wants to outlaw fishing, circuses, zoos, and even guide dogs for the blind because they all are enslavement of animals. Although many people are in a mindset that using animals is fine as long as it helpps humans, many are not.

I personally do not go to circuses with animals because they treat the animals horrifiically. Fishing reduced biodivirsity in our oceans as well as damaging it. Zoos often do not treat there animals humanely, their main priority is entertaining the zoo's patrons. Just last week a zoo poisoned tiger cubs they couldn't afford to keep. Also, Animal reserves give the animals far moore room and a more natural habiitat than zoos do. Blind people can use canes instead of guide dogs, & many do.

I would say it is hyppocritical, but I myself only do what I can as a vegetarian. If she was dead she would not be able to stand up for the rights of animals.

I, personally, dont agree that vaccines involve the use of animals. However, I would use them until there is an alternative.

As to contrasting mages of the halocaust with images of the horific conditions of animals. They are NOT trying to minimise the suffering of humans. The holocaust was absolutely horrific, HORRIFIC. But the conditions these animals live in is also horrific. And 6 million jews died in the many years of the war. 35 million beef cattle are slaughtered annually, 100 million pigs are slaughtered per year. Millions more chickens, fish and other animals too. This is all PER YEAR and just in the US. and these animals are not in good conditions before hand.

Pen & teller are presenting this as a big "personal choice". Would you regard it as someones personal choice to enslave someone who was black, beat them, trap them in a cage so small they can't even turn around & then slaughter them for money? Would you say it's someone's personal choice to set their dog on fire?

Of course you wouldn't, you'd step in, becuase it's only a personal choice when someone else isn't being hurt.

I think PETA does many good things, but some people within it have corrupted it and done things I don't agree with. I don't necescarly think you should write them off because of this without further research into the good they do.

Which Penn State branch campus is the best?

It's really not possible to answer your question. Why? Because no one on Yahoo! Answers knows you. And which campus has the better social life will depend upon what kinds of things you enjoy. Are you a quiet, serious person interested in intellectual life? Do you like to party? Are you into art films and poetry? No one campus is best for everyone. In order to know which might be best for you, a little more information about you is needed.

If you can repost your question and say a little bit more about what you are looking for, you stand a much better chance of someone responding in a manner that will be useful for you.

Good luck!

Going to pennstate for engineering... mac or pc?

What you *should* be doing is contacting the college directly..

And more specifically, the Electronics and Computer services department
There's an email address. Use it. They can tell you more about what you need... it's their job.

end of line

Is the list of donors to Penn state public information?

Short Answer : No. Donors to universities are not made public. I don't know of any schools that will offer there donor list voluntarily unless they're a public state school and mandated to by law. (still a stretch, I don't know why this would be of interest to law makers or the general public) Penn State is not a public state school, it's a private institution that receives public funding due to its land grant status.  The donations come from alumni, by and large. It's a show of support for the embattered university's image, and a signal that we remain loyal Penn Staters who understand that the actions of a few cannot and will not tarnish the achievements of everyone involved with the institution.

What happens if you don't respond to a jury summons in Pennsylvania? I live abroad as an EU citizen, but am also an American citizen.

I think not responding is a pretty poor choice.  You could be opening yourself up to hardships if/when you return to the US.In Colorado, we have the option to postpone our jury duty by return mail should we be out of the country.  There is also a disqualification section on the return card which you would fill out if you met any of the conditions for disqualification (i.e. have a physical or mental condition, can't understand/read/speak English, etc).  Check the card you received in the mail to find out exactly how to file for postponement or disqualification.If you are not returning to the US any time soon, you will likely have to check with the jurisdiction issuing your jury summons about disqualification from service.  I can't guarantee leniency as there are very few factors which trigger disqualification from service.(EDIT) The original question did not have the question details:"I didn't receive anything, as far as I know. That is my concern: that I'm away and won't know if I get one."You should contact the city or county in which your US state driver's license is registered.  If you own a home in the US, contact the city or county in which your home is located.  It's easy enough to find on the Internet with a few quick searches.  Be proactive about it, and ask them about disqualification/postponement now, not when you've been summoned to jury duty.

Why are people so mad about that guy in Penn state?

If I didn't step up to do something while a girl was being beaten and raped, it would be because I would assume someone else had already called police. I would definitely be there with other people pulling the attacker off in the meantime.

I don't understand why people wouldn't be upset about someone not reporting the rape of a kid. It's a pretty screwed up thing to do, and the child molester could have gone on to rape someone else's kid. I'm astounded that there are people who don't think it should be a felony to know about child abuse, and just let it go on like it's nothing.

EDIT: Shock or not, I'd at least try to stop the man, yell for help, run and get someone, call the police, SOMETHING. Plus, "shock" wears off. Whatever shock might do to you, I know I'd at least report it after the shock wore off. There's no way in hell I'd let kids go on being molested.

I randomly told my mom I love her and she did not respond. Are there moms who don't love their kids?

Some people can't express thier feelings to their loved ones by saying words like“I love you”“I miss you”We have to understand by their actions.Almost every Mom always love her kids. Irrespective of their looks and behaviour. Because we are part of her flesh and blood.May be she is busy at the time you saying “ I love u mom”. (Or) may be acting like she not listened to you but definitely she feel very happy whenever you told that.