People Avoid My Eye Contact While I

Why do some people avoid eye contact?

For many people, when someone is looking directly into their eyes, it makes them uncomfortable. So they simply avoid it.Someone looking directly at you when you are speaking means (hopefully) they are listening to every word you say, along with tone, inflection, etc. If you are speaking on a topic you are unfamiliar with, or just bsing your way through it, you are fearful that they will see right through you, or ask a follow-up question that you simply can’t answer. As such, you avoid their eyes.The opposite is also true. If someone else is speaking and you are avoiding eye contact with them, this can indicate to them a number of things. You are not confident of your knowledge in what they are discussing, you have poor mastery of the language and do not understand their words, or you lack the knowledge to respond to them in the proper manner.Lack of confidence in yourself/language/knowledge is the issue.Or.. they could just be shy.Or they could just be hiding something they don’t want you to figure out.And... alas… then we have the “human” aspect.There is something about people looking directly into the eyes when you are speaking that turns on the “uncomfortable” switch in lots of people.How much easier would it be if you had to give a speech in front of a large group and all the audience members were sitting there with their eyes closed.

Why do people avoid eye contact with each other in the elevator?

because the space is tight. eye contact usually means some other form of contact...and most cultures do not like people in their zone of comfort--for me it's 3 feet, unless it's a female that i'm interested in.

What do you think of people who totally avoid eye-contact?

My reaction about somebody totally avoiding eye-contact would be to do nothing special or different, I would not really have a reaction to it.
My thoughts would be to think that the person has some kind of problem (extreme shyness or whatever) which is none of my business and I would still try to communicate normally with that person. You can still talk, listen and be heard, without looking in each other’s eyes.
The eyes are the windows of the soul, and some people really see the soul right away and it’s scary. Other people avoid eye contact because they’re in love with the person and they don’t want him/her to know and they’re afraid their feelings will be plain as day if they do eye contacts.
If you’re just shy, a good way is to look at the person for a fraction of a second and then look away, and repeat that every few seconds. It will look like you’re making eye contacts, when you’re really not…but the person will feel more comfortable than complete avoidance.

Why do white people like to avoid eye contact with others?

I have noticed that if you are walking down the street and there are white people, they usually look another way. It seems that if they don't think you are sexually attractive or wish to do business with you they rather look down or away. Other races acknowledge you and give you a bit of eye contact but whites do not like to do that. It's both men and women. I have noticed that blacks and Indians (from India) acknowledge you when you walk near them. Asians are a bit in the middle but not as bad as whites, most of the time the acknowledge you. I even notice that women from other ethnicities love to learn this stupid game that white women like to play especially when they are Americanized. The dodge eye contact game. If they even manage to look at you they look angry. They act like only they exist at that given moment. When there are whites walking down the street I have to look down or something.

Why do white people completely avoid eye contact with other people that they don't like? Read below1?

I have noticed this by both white men and women. They only make eye contact with you if they are sexually attracted to you or if it is strictly business related. White people will act like you are INVISIBLE if they don't like what you look like, both sexes do this I have noticed. So to remedy this problem I also play this "eye game" when I am around those kinds of people. One thing I have noticed about this eye game is that some white folks don't like it when "they see others who they don't like" playing that game on them. When I first caught on to this game that they play, I was kinda of confused and that is when I noticed how rude and offensive this game is. This game is very offensive to others who are not aware that this game exists among northern white people. By behaving like this, the other party feels rejected and like their presence is not being acknowledged. It makes the other person feel as if they are "invisible" and the white person keeps walking and behaving like they are the only person in the room. Has anyone noticed this "eye game" that I am talking about? I know it is very rude to act like some one else is invisible but these people don't seem to care and carry on like this. I guess for someone who is not familiar with their norms then they wouldn't know how to deal with this behavior. My suggestion is to battle this with the same medicine that they use onto others by also making them feel invisible. ANyone out there ever encountered what I am talking about, I'd like to hear from you.