**people In University**

How can I mingle with people in university?

Your question is a common one among every student around the world. Here are my thoughts.Many people feel alone or "might miss out" if they are not able to meet people. This is so big that some students will leave school before graduation.There physical things you can do make it easier to "mingle" .  Universities know of this problem and schedule social events for people to meet other people. Go to them,Read current events especially about a youngish person who is known at the school. People like to meet other people who think alike with another . When you meet compliment one thing about them and then follow with a gentle question./s/Richard HomLinkedInHttps://

Are there any Telugu people at Amrita University?

Seriously?Haven’t you heard about the Telugu people here at Amrita.In all the campuses Telugu people are the second highest other than the campus’s states people.In Bangalore Campus you’ll find only a few other south Indians who are not Telugu.We make about 40–45% in each campus.If you are willing to join but have a fear that no Telugite might be there,don’t worry thammudu.Mannolu prathi choota untaaru..(Telugu people are everywhere)Itlu,(Regards)Mee Telugu Annaya.(Your Telugu Bro)Cheers!Wish You All the Best..!!

Are too many young people going to university?

Yes, in the US too many young people are choosing to pursue four-year degrees. Only one in four is going to be successful.Think of the process as clearing three consecutive hurdles—each one higher than the last:Being accepted at college. (This is the hurdle most teenagers obsess about. In actuality, it is not that hard to find a school that will accept you and your parent’s money.)Graduating with a marketable major. This next hurdle is much higher. These majors tend to be tough academically.Getting hired for a well-paying job. Half of those who graduate end up under employed or unemployed.Success!Over 45% of high school grads enroll at four year institutions. Obviously, many of them are marginal academically.At the same time our economy still hasn’t recovered from the Great Recession of 2008. (The average GDP for the last nine years is an anemic 1.4%.) There aren’t anywhere nearly enough suitable jobs for the prodigious army of graduates.Thomas B Walsh's answer to Is college dead? Do too many kids go to college?

Why do Ohio State people insist on "THE Ohio State University."?

This really isn't a compliment. Translated, this phrase doesn't mean "we are THE university in the U.S.", it means "of all the universities in Ohio, we are the most significant one."

Wouldn't a school with their tradition want to be known as something more than the best team in Ohio?
I mean, being better than Cincy and Youngstown State is nice, but not exactly impressive.

The smartest people in a university are generally the mathematicians and physicists. Who, then, are on the other end of the scale?

An answer …Professors of art history can make great art historians and professors of math, astronomy, medicine, literature, and virtually any other field are routinely asked to lead important enterprises related to that field of study.But …I have never heard any political campaign have an effective message along the lines:Vote for Our candidate … the only candidate to to be a Doctor of Political Science.Why is that?If I needed a chemist, the best chemist, I would consider any professor of chemistry. Likewise with any other field of study. But in politics, we swarm to lawyers and MBAs.Why not PoliSci? Who would best perform the functions of a politician than a person who has dedicated their lives to studying them.Unless …

Is a degree from University of the People taken seriously?

I’m a junior (3rd year) computer science student of the UoPeople. I’m pretty satisfied until now. They use free material but the content of the courses is no inferior than those used in other universities’ syllabus. They give you whatever you’ll need to be a programmer. You learn python, java, algorithms, software engineering and architecture and some info in the popular popular fields like data mining, artificial intelligence, computer networks etc. Go check the catalog and courses.University Catalog - UoPeopleUniversity of the People is accredited. Period. The one who must be taken serious is you, not the university. If you don’t have a goal and a plan and if you don’t put an extra effort to be competitive at your job no one cares your fancy university title.

Why do many people with university degrees seem to project themselves as better than those individuals without degrees?

That question has many angles and edges. As with any analysis, start with definitions. "Project themselves" is as much a matter of that degreed person's actual behavior as it is your perception of that behavior. Let's assume, though, that they do project themselves as "better." What do you mean by "better"? Supercilious? Arrogant? Conceited? Cocky?  It's pretty common and understandable that people with degrees may well feel that they're  "better"  than those without degrees. In some cases, their education may, indeed, give them advantages and knowledge that those without degrees don't have. But there are many forms of education--not all "educated" people went to college. It's perfectly common, also, for people without a college degree to "be better" at all sorts of skills and occupations--as well as being "better" human beings--than those who have gone to college. I'm of the mind that those who bother with rating themselves against or compared to others are decidedly inferior to those who rate themselves according to their own innate and developed talents. Take care of your own education, development and "goodness" and let the petty people who worry about how much "better" they are than you wallow in their own self-aggrandizing mire.