People Of Iran Help Me Real Quick

Do the people of Iran actually like their leader?

Im an Iranian and Im not totally against the Govermant

But i think Ahmadinijad does not Desreve the Position he has got.

Seems to me He Just uses the first words that Comes to his Mind without checking them First\:(
(I have too many examples for what im saying)
And then Declares His Deeds The Greatest Achiecment Ever

I Just Wish He wouldnt be Elected Again ..
We Had enough of him.

Ignore ''Setare" she is still too young to talk about politician

And Regime means the Whole Government

Why do people think Iranians are terrorists?

Because people listen to Fox News and believe their propaganda. Of course anyone who is open minded knows that Iranian people are not terrorists.

Israeli Vs Iran War?

Israel would take the initiative, and deal crippling blows to the Iranians. However, it would seal it's fate. Israel is surrounded by "less than freindly" neighbors. You cannot just look at technology or numbers when deciding ability in war. You must look at the political situation. If Israel launched even one nuclear weapon, it would spell it's destruction as all the Middle Eastern States would declare war. Israel won the Six Day War, due mostly to poor coordination and poor military intelligence on the part of it's enemies. That, however, is not to say that their leaders had no skill, but logisticaly, it was a nightmare for their opponents.

"When dangerous, appear complacent" Sun Tzu

Israel will try to draw the David and Goliath reference in a war with, well, all it's neighbors. But David won through strategy, not simply becasue he was an underdog. The "righteous" do not always win, the "evil" do not always lose. Don't believe me? Take a look at the wars in Africa.

"A much smaller army that persists in fighting larger enemies will be destroyed."
Sun Tzu

The truth is, an attack by Isreal will likely be condemed by the international community, even against Iran. This is because the international community sees the United States army struggling against not an army, but a group of insurgents in Iraq-a much smaller country than Iran. Israel will be destroyed in such a case, as no nation will come to it's aid. With the nuclear age up and running, no sensable nation wants another World War. Iran, if they want nuclear weapons, wants them for the deterrent principal, not for vaporizing Israel-which would spell their destrution as well, as Western nations will feel obligated to counter attack with their own arsenal.

I have read many people supporting, even applauding Nuclear War on this site. They do not understand the Ramifications of such an act.

Can Israel defeat Iran?

Israel might have done great achievements in the past, but they had over 60 years to do so.
Iran had only 30 years which Iran have progressed about 40,000% since the fall of the Shah.
thanks to the sanctions Iran is now more self-sufficient and has shown herself a major player in Science and technology, and a major Supplier in the Region.

they have launched 3 of their own satellites with out anyones help. the estimates show that Iran by 2025 will be a fully developed country and Israel sees that as a threat.
the israelis have so much influence in the western world (especially the media) which helps them cook up rhetorics about Iran's nuclear status.
Iran has never threatened Israel to wipe them off the map, since it was a mistranslation to scare people that iran is suicidal.
on the other hand not only Israel has threatened Iran with military but they already killed few of their scientists on Iran's soil, while the world sits back and does nothing.
when iran retaliates the media shows "OH IRAN HAS DONE IT NOW, THEY HAVE BOMBED THE ISRAEL"S DIPLOMATS, after they killed their nuclear scientists" "OH IRAN IS GOING TO BOMB US THIS BOMB ISRAEL THAT" then they show Ahmadinejad and scientists in lab-coates, with missiles firing into the air. Later they show the prophecies from the Bible about the apocalypse that iran is the anti Christ that wants to take over the world.
So people buy their BS and let the hungry machines to be in control once again and make wars to profit.