Permutations And Commutation

Help with this permutation/commutation problem?

Answer 26 + (26 * 26) + (26 * 26 * 26) = 26 + 676 + 17576 = 18278

One letter id's: 26 possibilities A, B, C, etc.

Two letter id's:
26 choices for the first letter and for each one 26 choices for the second letter, so 26 * 26

Same principle for three letters.

How do I solve question 68 on permutations and combinations ?

Since the amount should be less than 1 ReThe task is to Choose only 25paisa and 10paisa coinsThere are 5 10 paisa coins and 2 25 paisa coinsTask = task1 + task 2task 1 and task 2 are independent tasksTask 1 is to Choose 25 paisa coins less than or equal to 2 and 10 paisa coins less than 5 ( because the amount should be less then 1Re)Task 2 is to choose 25 paisa coins less then 2 and 5 10 paisa coins ( because 5×10 paisa + 2 ×25 paisa = 1Re )By product rule .task 1 = (choosing 25 paisa coins less than or equal to 2 ) ×(choosing 10 paisa coins less than 5)# of ways Task1 can be done = 3 ways × 5ways ( 3 ways = 0 coins+ 1 coin + 2 coins and 5 ways = 0 coin + 1 coin + 2 coins + 3 coins + 4 coins )By product ruletask2 = (choosing 25 paisa coins less than 2) ×(Choosing 5 10 paisa coins )# of ways task2 can be done = 2ways × 1 way( 2ways = 0coins+ 1 coin )Therefore #of ways main task can be done =3×5+2×1 ways = 17ways

What is the law of permutation?

I know what it means in terms of propositional calculus and how to prove it using truth tables and convert it to disjuncts and then show that both sides of the "equation" are the same; but what does the law apply to in life or mathmatics? What does the law of permutation apply to in math? What does it mean beyond how it is represented by propositional calculus?

Permutation: How many numbers greater than 3000 can be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4,5 without repetition?

I already got it. Since we want numbers >3000, then the first number would start with 3,4,or 5.We can have a four digit number: 3×4×3×2=72or a five digit number: 5×4×3×2×1=5!so, 72 + 5! will give us 192.

Should be easy combination math?

Suppose you are managing 23 employees, and you need to form three teams to work on three different projects.
Assume that all employees will work on exactly one team. Also, each employee has the same qualifications/skills, so any employee can serve on any team.

The number of employees on each project are as follows: 6 on Team A, 4 on Team B, and 13 on Team C.

Then, how many ways can all teams be selected?

What is the difference between the terms permutation and combination?

Let me first explain meaning of PermutationPermutation means all possible arrangements of Number, letter or any other product or things etc.Before understanding the meaning of Permutation let us first understand why do we need to understand it? Is it have any practical implication in our life? Of course yes!! Let me explain.Our beloved joker is getting bored hence he is going to plan bank robberyHe is planning to enter near the bank main safe at Sunday night 9PM when Bank is closed. Mind it Bank will open and all the bank employees will come at 9 am Monday morning. That is pretty much time for our joker? Isn’t it?Complete 12 hours to crack the code of main safe.Oh But what happened here? Why our joker is crying? It is just 9 digit code which he need to crack and he has 12 hours to do that. What is stopping him to finish his job?Mathematics!! Can Mathematics stop him to do his job? Yes!!I think he has not studied permutation in his math classes.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 these 9 digits can have following arrangements9! = 1×2×3×4×5×6×7×8×9= 362880 (We will explain the formula in detail in next lecture).SO basically our Joker may has to try up to 362880 different arrangement for cracking the bank safe!!!If he spent just one second for trying one arrangement let’s say 234567918 it means he has to spend 362880 seconds for trying all the arrangements.Which means 6048 Minutes!Which means 100.8 hoursWhich means 4.2 days nonstop working!!If we include little Nap, Food and bathroom activity it’s approximately 5 days of work!!LearnX - Android Apps on Google PlayRegardsSourabh Global co founder of learnXLearnX is the social learning app that connects people to learn together! Meet Knowers, people that know things, or Learners, people that learn things. Connect with them locally or online to learn school subjects, languages, computer skills and more!