Personalized Weight Loss Plan Effective Or Not

Where can I get a free and personalized diet for fat loss or hypertrophy?

If you are looking for free personalized diet information, then Philips is the perfect place for you. You will find a long list of blogs covering useful details on a subject of personalized diet, including fat loss and many other health-related issues.Before choosing your diet plan, you must ask yourself the following questions:-What are you allergic to or do you have any metabolic conditions?-What do you like to eat?-Do you like to eat big meals?-What is your activity level?-Do you go out to eat or travel a lot?-How anal are you?

To lose weight, is it better to follow a customized workout schedule, or do you follow a set workout schedule?

Many people will insist that exercise is a poor way to lose weight. That’s pure nonsense. A workout that burns 500 calories is just as good as 500 calories not eaten. Better in fact because it will also probably build some muscle and muscle has a lasting positive effect on weight loss. Working out doesn’t make you hungrier - at least, not hungrier than not eating.The entire reason many people feel a workout is not of much use is because many people think of a workout a a bunch of sets of pumping iron with recovery periods interspersed. Well, that is a muscle building workout and burns few calories. Most of the sets do not address the big strong muscles thus do not do much work. In any case, a set is likely 10 reps spread over about 20 seconds followed by a minute of rest. That’s not heavy work. Even a bunch of them is not heavy work.A calorie burning workout is 60 straight minutes of running (or similar activity) that leaves you sweating profusely - and that burns through about 500 calories. The meathead iron pumpers will burn 100 to 200 calories pumping iron then slug down that much or more in some concoction of protein powder. No wonder they don’t lose weight with their workout.With a running program. one can burn an extra 500 calories daily, reduce their food intake by 500 calories and accomplish a weight loss goal of a couple pounds per week. Try that on a diet only and see just how impossible it is.

Does Green tea actually help you lose weight?

I was told by a mate to buy some green tea to help aid me in my weight loss
Im eating around 1200 - 500 a day
What does green tea actually do and how does it help you?
Also whens the best time to drink it before exercise or after and how many times should you drink it?