Persuasive Speech Help Guide

What can be some of the persuasive speech topics?

Great Question!A good persuasive speech topic is…a) Something that you are passionate about - It’s much easier to be persuasive if you believe strongly in the topic you are speaking on.b) Something that you know about in depth - If you know about a topic and have personal experience of it, you’ll have plenty of material to draw fromc) Something that affects the audience - It’s much harder to be persuade others if they don’t believe that what you are speaking is in some way relevant to them. If you are sure that the audience don’t know much about your topic, start by establishing the relevance.Example. I was helping a class of 14 year old school children develop their speaking skills. At the end of the day they all had the opportunity to speak on a topic they felt strongly about. One young girl started her talk something like this.“I want you to imagine that you are 12 years old and that you live in a small village in Africa. There are 25 other children in the village and a teacher visits once a week for a few hours. You only have a few school books to share between all of you.” “What do you think your chances are of getting a good education that could lead to a well paid job so that you could support your brothers and sisters?”After a long pause she went on; “I’d like to tell you how you each and every one of you, sitting here, could do something today that could change the lives of children in Africa, like the ones I just mentioned.”You can probably imagine that by this stage she had our attention and we all wanted to know more. She went on to talk about the School Books for Africa Project and got a standing ovation at the end of her speech.I hope this helpsGavin

What is a good persuasive speech topic?


It can be on anything, but make sure it's a position you truly believe in. As you know, when creating a persuasive paper or delivering a pers. speech, you need to know what opposition you'll face regarding your topic. Include those most-likely possible objections and counter them with your response within your speech. Music interests, peer pressure, family, activities and interests (which breed of dog is best for appartment living... why pink ponies are better than unicorns... whatever you truly believe in will come across as genuine and believable).

Personally speaking, I'd probably stay away from topics that are against school policy, WAY too controversial, or likely to offend people based on their religious or cultural beliefs... Instead you could still come at your topic from a different and more effective angle. An example: Waiting until a couple have matured a bit, developed their careers and know what they want out of life, and are also mentally prepared to accept the responsibility of a child is the point you want to make. Coming at it that way is probably more effective than "teenagers shouldn't get pregnant so use contraceptives." It's also more appropriate to all audiences. Anyway, that's just an example.

Good luck-- I loved my public speaking class in college!

-- Jo

How can I write a persuasive speech?

Exactly how you write your speech depends on the language, the audience, the topic and many other factors but there are three principles that always apply:First of all you need to have a clearly defined and attainable goal. Just talking isn't going to change anything. Make sure you know what you want and make sure that it is not something impossible.Secondly, you need to be very focused on that goal. It is tempting to add extra stories, extra facts and other material that does not contribute to your goal. Remove all of this clutter so people can hear the message.Thirdly, organize your thoughts into a logical structure that makes it easy to prepare, easy to learn and easy to follow.But before you even start preparing your speech you need to do a lot of work, understanding the situation, identifying all the stakeholders and evangelizing your ideas. People normally don't accept an idea the first time they hear it so it is more effective to discuss it before the speech, preparing people's minds, testing you arguments and identifying possible obstacles. This is also the time to reach out to adversaries who might oppose you to see if you can adapt your idea to address their concerns.  Persuading isn't just about speaking but is actually part of the broader art of influencing.

Persuasive speech ideas?

so I am taking a college business and professionals speech class, and our next assignment is to do a persuasive speech. but she doesn't want it to be about legalizing everything, abortion, death penalty anything like that, since everyone seems to want to do things like that. she said for us to "think outside the box" like why people should use car signals or why we should drink more water, simple things like that. but I for the life of me cannot figure anything out. so anybody have any ideas?

What are some possible persuasive speech topics?

How about either local government or school policy?
Young people who cannot vote cannot have a say in some decisions like playgrounds etc, that directly influence them.
Highlight that the more young people involve themselves in local politics, the more they can influence it to highlight their needs.
School policy is one closer to home. Say that the way in which the school is run is not student friendly (unless of course, it is )and that a student council should be working actively in the school. The theme for these is pretty much "Power to the people", and many students can relate to you.Asking questions is always good. Ask the students what they want, and ask them how they could achieve it. Their actions become a way of showing them of what new thinking and determination can start. Involving the listeners keeps them from falling asleep. Use your hands and be confident when you talk, but don't be aggressive, be likable.
Hope this helped

What are those examples of a persuasive speech about cyber bullying?

I don’t have a persuasive speech to offer you, however I do have a comprehensive article that I wrote a few years back for you.Here is the link to it How to Deal With a Cyber Bully: Power Networking Tips & TechniquesAnd here is the opening paragraph to entice you to read the rest of the article.~~~If you are actively marketing and promoting yourself on-line as a part of your networking efforts the likelihood of encountering a cyber bully increases exponentially. It is simply a matter of numbers, the more people that you network with the higher the odds of encountering one.Cyber bullying has featured prominently lately in the media with the unfortunate suicides of several teens in North America. As adults we aren’t immune to the same tactics that these bullies use.So what is a “cyberbully”?From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia … Cyberbullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.Cyberbullying is defined in legal glossaries as:actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others.use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another personuse of internet service and mobile technologies such as web pages and discussion groups as well as instant messaging or SMS text messaging with the intention of harming another person.

How to start of a persuasive speech on fast food?

start with the nutrition that is in the most popular fast food items (things like Big Macs, double cheese burgers, and so on). from there talking about what this can do to your long term and even short term health would be easy. another way to go would be to mention the movie Super Size Me. if you're unfamiliar with this movie, its a documentary about a guy who eats nothing but McDonald's for a month, 3 times a day. there's a lot in that movie that can help you get your point across on how bad fast food is. another movie that may help you find facts to talk about may be Fast Food Nation, but i am unfamiliar with this movie, i have just heard about it. but according to imdb it talks about health consequences of fast food along with the industries social and environmental consequences.

What is the best outline for a persuasive speech?

If you're trying to convince an audience of something, your goal is to influence or change their view on something. Do it like this:State the problem and context. Describe how it affects them in the short or long-term. Depending on your goals, starting with a provocative statement or question may play to your advantage.Explain what it is that you're doing or going to do. That'll be your product, method, idea or thing that you're trying to "sell" to the audience.Provide strong arguments backed by sound evidence. Additionally, if you have the time, you may dismantle predictive rebuttals to those arguments.Call to action. Buy this, choose us, change X, etc.Good luck!from The Super Student's Guide to Presentations by John Ramos

What are some clear steps on how to write a persuasive speech on a topic I don't really feel that passionate about?

First, second, and third, some research about any given topic will guide you to a stance even if you initially have no particular view of an issue. Visit, and you will probably find your issue and how people argue both sides of that issue. Keep in mind that there is a difference between an argument essay and a persuasive essay—in an argument, you’re appealing to your reader’s intellect (logos) and belief system (ethos) to make your points, so you must make well-reasoned (that is, provable, verifiable, observable) points to support your view (your thesis), but in a persuasive essay, you add your reader’s feelings (pathos) to the mix and also appeal to emotions, in addition to logic and beliefs, to move your reader to action. If you are writing a persuasive speech, your goal is to move your listeners to take an action, so tailor your arguments to appeal to your listener’s emotions rather than intellect.

Unique and non cliche persuasive speech topics?

Should people be cleared by the government before being given a license to procreate?

Should all slums be torn down and new housing created for the impoverished?

Should George W. Bush be impeached?

Should the United States make it's citizens aware of how much of the country is actually owned by foreign countries most notably Japan and China?