Petition To Remove An Estate Administrator Vermont

Can a 16-year-old child choose not to have visitation with a parent in full custody situations?

No.What complicates this issue is enforcement. If a parent has visitation, and a 16-year old refuses to go, it isn’t the same thing as a 6-year old refusing to go. A 16-year old is capable of running away, physically resisting, etc. So, if the parent being deprived visitation files a motion for order to show cause, the judge is hesitant to enforce the order being violated. One of the defenses to being held in contempt is that you are not violating the order intentionally, i.e. the violation is happening because of events out of your control.

How can I become wealthy off a non profit organization?

When a not-for-profit organization is properly run, it may have staff who earn appropriate salaries for their work, but those salaries should not be excessively high. Some very large nonprofits pay high salaries to their CEOs, because the organization is so big that it requires very serious management skills and experience, but in many cases those executives are overpaid.The vendors and contractors who work with the organization (selling them office supplies, computers, plane tickets) will also make money, and if they are for-profit companies they will earn a profit for their work, and there is nothing improper in that as long as the contracting/purchasing process is clean and transparent.Having said all that, the nonprofit itself has no shareholders, so any surplus revenues at the end of a fiscal year become part of the reserves of the organization, or are spent in furtherance of the mission. Nobody gets a dividend and takes that money home.Because nonprofits have to file special disclosure forms with state officials (either the Attorney General or Secretary of State in most cases), disclosing how they take in and spend their money, they are subject to significant oversight and can be prosecuted if they spend their money unwisely.