Physical Pain Caused By Mental Stress

How do you manage stress when stress causes physical pain?

You mean like when it triggers a Migraine attack? :-)The best thing you can do is 1. Try to identify the cause of your stress. 2. Try to minimize that stress by removing yourself from the environment or situation as much as possible. And 3. Find ways to alleviate your stress, be it through meditation, physical activity, engaging in a hobby that you find enjoyable, or whatever brings you to a calmer place.You should also google-search “ways to reduce stress”.

Can too much stress and pressure cause physical pain?

I am under a lot of pressure to be perfect. I a, a sophomore in college and am on 6 executive boards( president of 2, public relations for 2, treasurer for 1 and secretary for 1) as well as give tours, hold seats on many student governnt comittiess, am an a editor of the newspaper and take classes. I barely get any sleep each night and it is starting to get to me. My neck and shoulders often hurt and i get sharp pains in my stomach as well as fevers. Is this from stress? I exercise every other day so its not lack of exercise.

Can mental illness like depression cause physical pain?

Not too sure if you're asking for yourself or just in general. So, sorry it's so long!
But I've have depression/anxiety and am on antidepressants to treat it. Aches and pains are a symptom of depression for some. There are antidepressants that treat the physical pains as well as the emotional aspects. I personally did have aches, and my regular antidepressant wasn't working as well as hoped, so my doctor prescribed Cymbalta ( because it can be added to your other antidepressant to treat the physical aches (and to help when the antidepressant alone isn't working).

So basically yes, depression can cause physical pain (is 'somatic pain' caused more psychologically, you feel the pain but there is no medical reason for it). If you're asking about mental illnesses in general, yes, some can physical pain. Somatoform disorders (ie, Somatization Disorder, Conversion Disorder, and Pain Disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by physical symptoms that suggest physical illness or injury – symptoms that cannot be explained fully by a general medical condition, direct effect of a substance, or attributable to another mental disorder. Schizophrenia can also cause somatic pain with no medical explanations. Sexual pain disorders (is actually a mental illness) also causes somatic pain.

"Pain" isn't limited to aches and pains in the body and can also inlcude fatigue (which is severe, not just tired from a long day), headahces, abdominal distress, etc. Which are symptoms of many mentall illnesses.

In terms of "true"pain that can be explained, there are mentall illnesses such as bulimia. Bulimics can pull a muscle in the back used for throwing up, as well as strain others from bending over to purge. Also, throat pain from the stomach acid. Along with fatigue, and many other physical symtoms. Another examle would be the substance abuse disorders, where there are withdrawl pains, organ damage, seizures, overdose effects (chest pain, struggled breathing, etc.)

To sum up, many mental illness (including depression) can cause either true physical pain, or somatic physical pain.

Can depression cause actual physical pain?

Over the last 20 years, there has been various studies and test focusing on the connection between emotional pain and physical pain. The studies have showed that, stress & depression release a certain chemical that drastically effects an individuals physical well being. For example, these stuides has showed that emotinoal promblems such as stress and axiety has lead individuals to expirences ulcers and/or strokes. In regards to depression, the common symptons of pains are headaches, back aches, and even stomach cramping. Since the last 20 years depression has now been recognize as a REAL chronic diease. I suggest you see a phsychotherapist or a doctor asap to find a cure for the depression.

Can stress cause pain?

Stress can manifest itself in so many ways it's ridiculous. So many people these days poo-poo the idea of learning relaxation techniques, but they are an invaluable tool for surviving our modern, insane world.
I am an excellent example of what stress can do to a person - I've been suffering severe post-natal depression, bordering on psychosis, for over four years. My digestive system is buggered, I get random pains all the time, I can't sleep, I have no patience, I'm suffering adrenal exhaustion, my memory is kaput, and the list goes on.
Besides relaxation, there are many minerals, vitamins and herbs that can greatly assist your body in dealing with stress, as well as exercise.

Can mental health stress/worry cause physical symptoms?

Hi everybody.

I suffer from severe anxiety at times and this hasnt helped my situation. To cut a long story short, I've had this mole for a long time that i was suspicious of, anyway I went and got it checked and he said it was okay but to get it removed anyway. So ever since I started randomly worrying about it, ive started to get this ache on my right breast(the mole is on my boob!). I keep feeling it because i've been worrying like mad, and it doesnt hurt to touch at all, its just a dull ache around the outside of my breast.

My qusetion is, it started to ache as soon as I got madly obsessed with this mole and I can not stop looking and feeling it because I keep thinking its somthing bad. I have tried to stop thinking about it but I keep obsessing over it. Can stress and worry cause physical symptoms? I'm going mad!


Is a headache physical pain or mental pain?

does it hurt? if so whats it matter? take some meds and go on.