Pick One Name Girls

Japanese girl names, pick one of the three?

personally I like Kana
but I'm a writer too and it helps to choose a name that fit your character. Is your character happy and positive all the time? if so consider Akiko.
If your character is strong and can fend for herself choose Kana
If your character pure, kind and says it how it is? Maeko may be good.
I like all the names and good luck with your story!

Out of these girls name pls. pick one due next week?

I absolutely love the name Meadow. It has a unique fresh quality. I don't really care for any of the others.

This or That baby names? (girls)?

Just pick one from the two :) (all girl names)

Alora or Arianna
Riley or Rowan
Willow or Kaylie
Emmerson or Ella
Clara or Chloe
Natalee or Nicole
Devin or Danielle
Serena or Lillian
Penelope or Brielle
Jaylee or Fiona
Hannah or Hayden
Victoria or Megan

3 boys and 5 girls put their names in a box. The first name is picked up randomly so as the second name. What is the probability that both are names of girls, both are boys names, and 1 is a girl and 1 is a boy?

This problem seems to be pretty straight forward.Probability of 2 girls is prob of 1st girl times the prob of the 2nd girl. (5/8) x (4/7) = 20/56.Prob of 2 boys is prob of 1st boy times time prob of 2nd boy. (3/8) x (2/7) = 6/56.To get the prob of 1 girl & 1 boy, we figure the prob of choosing a girl first then a boy and add to it the prob picking a boy first and then a girl.Prob of girl then boy is (5/8) x (3/7) = 15/56. Prob of boy then girl is (3/8) x (5/7) = 15/56.Adding them together, the prob of the names being for 1 girl and 1 boy is 30/56.As a check, since the three different combinations are exhaustive of the total number of ways to pick the 2 names, their probabilities should sum to 1. Which they do.(20/56) + (6/56) + (30/56) = (56/56) = 1.

This or That: Different Spellings Of One Name? (Girls)?

Below are different spellings of the same girl name and all you have to do is pick which one you like best and maybe tell me why?

♡ Mae or May?
♡ Rebeckah or Rebecca or Rebekah?
♡ Chelsea or Chelsey or Chelsie or Chelsae?
♡ Anne or Ann?
♡ Claire or Clare?
♡ Johanna or Johannah?
♡ Gillian or Jillian?
♡ Jodi or Jodie or Jodey?
♡ Rachel or Rachael?
♡ Vivian or Vivien or Vivienne?
♡ Elizabeth or Elisabeth?
♡ Sarah or Sara?
♡ Daniella or Daniela?
♡ Maya or Mia?
♡ Peyton or Payton?
♡ Kennedy or Kennedie?
♡ Katy or Katie?
♡ Catherine or Katherine?
♡ Caitlin or Caitlyn or Kaitlin or Kaitlyn?
♡ Mollie or Molly?
♡ Millie or Milly?
♡ Lilly or Lily?
♡ Chloe or Khloe?
♡ Madeleine or Madeline or Madelyn?
♡ Alexandra or Aleksandra?
♡ Selena or Selina?
♡ Melodie or Melody?
♡ Rosemary or Rosemarie?
♡ Celine or Selene?
♡ Sophia or Sofia?

So what spellings do you prefer?

Thanks in advance!

Pick one girl name and suggest one...Kaylee..Kaycen..Kaylynn....

i like kaycen!

What is the best way to choose your new name as a trans girl?

I used to work in a clinic where we did hormone replacement for trans patients. I'm going to use words very carefully here but I will explain everything.We had a girl coming into our clinic to begin her testosterone treatments. It' always awkward the first appointment because we only ever had their birth name to call them into the room. And once I was in the room with them I would ALWAYS ask them what name they would like us to refer to them as and it would go into the system so they would never be called by a name that made them uncomfortable.She said that she was going by her given name at this point because A: she hadn' started the testosterone treatments yet, and B: because she hadn' t chosen a name yet. Apparently it' not an easy task.She asked me what I would do and i thought about it for a few minutes as I was drawing her blood, and a conversation that I had had with my parents years before came to mind when I asked them what my name would have been if I had been born a girl.So I asked the patient how her parents were with the whole trans thing and she said they were very very supportive of everything. (Hearing that always put a lump in my throat because of all the terrible things I had heard about some peoples parents.) I told her of the conversation that I had years before and she smiled a HUGE smile.3 months later a young man walked in the clinic doors and he said “My name is Christian and I have an appointment at 1:30".He talked to his parents and they told him that they would have named him Christian and he made the decision right then and there.I always thought it was a really neat way of doing it.

Which names are your favorite? Choose one girl and one boy please?

1. Everlene
2. Everleigh
3. Angel
4. Sky
5. Cory
6. August
7. Felicity
8. Jade
9. Delilah
10. Anameka
11. Saud
12. Aidette
13. Ronan
14. Topanga
15. Lena
16. Amira
17. Dion
18. Sebastian
19. Eden
20. Amorette
21. Seraphina
22. Marinette
23. Reese
24. Maeve
25. Trise
26. Honour
27. China
28. Destiny
29. Charm
30. Zuri
31. Jorie
32. Willow
33. Geneva
34. Fern
35. Nerfeteri
36. Corinne
37. Brielle
38. Jacquelyn
39. Nadia
40. Prescott
41. Asher
42. Phallon
43. Logan
44. Zaira
45. Zaria
46. Chicago
47. London
48. Olive
49. Chanel
50. Paris
51. Mercedes
52. Eden
53. Alaska
54. Arinia
55. Esme
56. Ariela
57. Jarvis
58. Quin
59. Emberly
60. Zella
61. Robin
62. Prayer
63. Naoki
64. Yuki
65. Patience
66. Soro
67. Kotoko
68. Rose
69. Hope
70. Grace
71. Kimberlina
72. Kimberly
73. Blythe
74. Ujean
75. Kemmalyn
76. Devin
77. Lele
78. Sawyer
79. Dawn
80. Dove
81. Kinnosuke
82. Aspen
83. Saber
84. Juliette
85. Mano
86. Jordi
87. Aja
88. Azra

Is it okay for a Muslim girl to have a Hebrew name?

It is okay for a Muslim girl to have a Hebrew name, and any other name that you like. Try to pick one that she will like, too.I know Muslim girls who have names that are Hebrew, or common to Hebrew and Arabic: Sara, Maryam (Miriam), Amira, Asnat, Kawkaba (Kochava), Nof, etc.Rayna is not a Hebrew name, however.