Pics Included I Want A Death Hawk Will It Go With Me

(pics included) would a death hawk go with me? (what I want) (current picture)

How can I ask my parents to let me get a deathhawk? When they see a girl with her head shaved, they think she's a lesbian. What do I do? I have really wanted one for 3 years now, and yes I thought about it when I was emotionally stable.

You have to ask with confidence and conviction because any sign of reservation will detract from successful approval. You have to be pliable and willing to compromise or negotiate. Make a list of pros to support your argument. Convey to them that it is just a hairstyle and hair grows back. Provide evidence that it will contribute to your overall well-being and sense of self-expression. Also show them pictures of Death Hawks that are favorable and they might approve of. Find as many examples if women who aren't lesbians, to prove the hairstyle isn't only fire lesbians. Assert yourself and have a compelling argument.

Pics included... would a death hawk suit me? (ME CURRENTLY) (WHAT I WANT)

I have a painful spider bite; Can you tell me what bit me? [pics]?

I got this spider bite almost a week ago. It has progressed into something very painful. I'm not sure what bit me.
The red skin around the bite is very itchy and feels like a sunburn when I touch it. The skin immediately around the bite is a dark purple and is hard when I touch it.
Sometimes it throbs, sometimes stabs, and sometimes burns like it's on fire.

Here are two pictures:

What is the meaning of the movie name “The Silence of the Lambs" and what is meaning of the photo of the girl’s face covered with a Butterfly in the movie poster?

SPOILERS AHEAD: The title, "Silence of the Lambs," refers to a conversation between Clarice Starling and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Lecter has information about serial killer Buffalo Bill, but won't give Clarice any clues about his identity until she shares some of her childhood memories. Her superiors warned her about sharing personal information with Lecter, but eventually, she shares it anyway. She tells him about a traumatic moment from her youth: After her parent's died, she was sent to live with relatives in Montana. There was a lamb slaughterhouse nearby. She was horrified by the murder of the lambs, and even tried to save one. She felt helpless because she was unable to stop the slaughter. The moth on the cover/poster has two meanings. LITERAL: When performing an autopsy on one of Buffalo Bill's victims, the coroner finds an object lodged in the victim's mouth. He removes it. It's a brown pupa. He cuts it open, revealing a moth. We later discover the Buffalo Bill has a pupa breeding room at his home, where thousands of butterflies and moths flutter about. FIGURATIVE: Buffalo Bill has an obsession with moths because they represent what he wants for himself. Moths begin as caterpillars, but then enter a cocoon and emerge as fully-formed moth. He is a man who wants to become a woman, but was denied a sex-change operation. Now he murders women and collects their skin to create a "woman suit" -  a cocoon for himself - which he can use to become a woman.

If someone has a picture of me holding weed will i get in trouble if they show the cops?

earlier in the summer i bought some weed cause i wanted to try it... sooo long story short... my neighbors are stalking me and telling my dad lies like im selling weed, and they have pictures of me and my friends holding and smoking marijuana. they watch me everyday and tell my dad lies all the time to make him mad at he is drug testing my all the time now.. and he asks weird questions all the time.. i would like to know if i could report my neighbors for stalking, but not get in trouble for the pictures? please help me :( my life is hell because of them.. i cant even go the the store across the street without them pulling into the parking lot and taking pictures of me. also i live in pennsylvania if that helps any

Would I look good with a Mohawk?

your friends only want you to do it because they are to afraid they will mess up on their own hair.

from what i can see in the picture, you suck at making faux hawks. your hair looks greasy. for faux hawks cut your hair shorter and use a stronger gel and less of it, or use this stuff by bed-head that "freezes" your hair. your hair wont budge.

also, in my opinion i hate the fan mohawks i like the ones that are shorter and have no gel or anything. i think you should do that to start out. it looks so much better and doesn't look like you are trying too hard. do this and you will be good. if you don't like it, you can shave it. it will grow back.

think about it, you are young. are you really going to do this when you are 60? do it so you can tell your kids when you are older that you had a mohawk once.

What birds symbolize death?

Birds can represent death (or rather, the way they act can). Although it's an abstract way of thinking that hasn't really been used for a long time! I don't know any Witches that feel there is still significance in it, but if you would like to know- here's what I know of this!  -The Crow (specifically the large black, or the silent crow), is significant of approaching death or impending doom. If it flies insistently above a place of very close to someone or in circles around a house then that is where the death occurs.  -The common sparrow has a very bad reputation! When someone seems to be very ill, they will fly to that person, and then leave so they don't have to experience the death, and to warn others not to fly near there.  -A bird, whose eggs have not yet hatched, will abandon their nest if it is in the property of a damned mortal.  -If a bird is seen eating chicken or any other poultry food, it is a sign that there is death approaching. The birds will be insane with pity for the person and will resort to eating other poultry foods.  -If birds flap repeatedly without leaving their perch when you go near them, it is to caution you that you are close to death if you do not act responsibly, or that someone close to you is in that position.  -If a bird follows you in the street, it means that it expects you not to walk that street again.  -If a bird does not take flight, or move away, when you approach it at a speed, it means that the bird feels you are already dead and merely a wandering spirit. This is supposed to mean you will die soon.