Pills To Help Increase Muscle Or Help Training But Under 18

What pills can I get at GNC or Vitamin shoppe that can help me gain weight and gain muscle fast?

Here's the best things you can be doing to add muscle mass besides your high intensity weight training sessions.

Whey protein!!!!! - for you - at least 200 grams per day
glutamine - only if it's affordable
Arginine - I like AAKG, but L arginine is good too.
Creatine - 5 grams per day

if money is tight, then skip everything except whey protein. Whey protein is the bomb!

Forget GNC they are too expensive. Come on to our forum and share your results so we can track your progress

Do burpees increase your height and leg muscles?

Burpees are primarily a form of cardiovascular exercise.They are only a form of calisthenic muscle building to an extent.The problem with burpees is that you’ll get tired quicker doing them than you would working the muscles to exhaustion. You’ll work your overall endurance, but not really your muscle strength.With Calisthenics you can improve your muscle strength, but you have to do A TON of work….think 500–1000 body squats and 500 push ups to see good muscle gain.At first, yes, you’ll improve your leg muscles by doing burpees, any exercise will see an immediate improvement the first time you do it. But those will end up with diminishing returns quickly, and burpees are just too taxing to do to the extent you’d need to to build muscles.Finally: NO EXERCISE CAN INCREASE YOUR HEIGHT.None whatsoever. Exercise is great for you, good for your heart, lungs, musculoskeletal systems…but it doesn’t increase your height.Exercise will elicit HGH release, but the amount that you release is negligible to the amount that you’ll need to grow in height. The spike in HGH production doesn’t even match the levels you have as a child and in puberty, and those are on a constant basis.Yes, exercise. No, don’t do it because you think it will make you taller.

Will a testosterone booster help me build muscle if I am 20?

It will, but is it really worth your hard earned money?Naturally boosting testosterone is a reality. I can share a bunch of ways to increase your own T levels without breaking open the piggy bank.However, if you aren't serious about making some pretty big lifestyle changes, this isn't your reality. So make up your mind before you read any further please.Still here? Good.From my research, the five major pillars to creating your own lifestyle that is conductive to increasing and helping ur T high are these:Getting adequate recovery (not just sleep)Exercising in a hormonally beneficial way (yes, there is a way to exercise that will wreak havoc to your testosterone levels)Eating the correct macros ratio and understanding the vilification of a bunch of important macronutrients like FATAvoiding environmental disruptors to your testosterone like BPA and phytoestrogensCorrecting micronutrient deficiencies (vitamin D deficiency anyone?)Head over to my homie, Ali Kuoppala’s website Home for more information on these pillars.And if this helps you in any way, please smash that Upvote button; it would mean a lot to me Ahmed

I just started taking creatine: is this cheating for high school cross country?

They're not "steroids," but creatine is actually likely to backfire for you.

It's much more beneficial to those doing short-burst anaerobic activity like weightlifting, or possibly sprinting. Though some find a recovery benefit when taken after intense running (as it pulls water into muscle cells), your risks will normally exceed your rewards.

It can significantly dehydrate you with the way it alters water use in the body, and things like hamstring pulls are almost automatic for runners who try to take it. You also risk interfering with your body's own natural handling of creatine, which can have an even bigger negative long-term impact when you're in high school and still developing.

Supplementing with creatine is also potentially banned in high school athletics, and would indeed be considered an attempt at "cheating" by some, whether or not it's formally banned, and whether or not you actually benefit.

Long story short, you're looking at messing up your body's natural abilities and dramatically increase your likelihood of something like a hamstring pull, all without really getting any performance benefit from it as a runner.

Indeed, it's likely to backfire and ultimately harm your running, not help it. If you do ever take it, it would likely solely be to aid recovery following unusually hard and intense efforts... like perhaps in the days off following a marathon when your body has been depleted of many things.

As creatine can occur naturally in the diet in some fish, etc., you'd be far far better off working on polishing your diet naturally than trying to artificially supplement with creatine -- triply so as a runner, and as someone whose body is still developing in high school.

What is the best fat burner pill? Already tried a couple that didn't work for me.?

I am female, 5'6" 130lbs and about 23-24% body fat. I'm trying to shred down to about 15-18% (not by a certain date or anything) but that's my overall goal.

Anyway, I do exercise daily with weight lifting and cardio every other day and try my best at eating a clean diet. But I wanted to try a fat burner to supplement my fat loss.

-Lipo Extreme (Ammo) - no effect whatsoever. at most i felt appetite suppression.
-Phentalene - same, no effect. maybe some appetite suppression but that's all.

^If that doesnt work:

Does anyone know why the Lipo Extreme and Phentalene had no effect on me? They both work perfectly fine on my boyfriend and he's much bigger and active than I am.

Any other suggestions for fat burners? Please don't say OxyElitePRO, I've been told it's weaker than anything I've tried and am going to try.

What happens if an 18-year-old kid starts taking testosterone pills just to get bigger muscle after going to the gym?

Firstly, if you are going to use these kinds of substances, then use injectable Testosterone, as it’s safer in every way (as long as you use clean needles et cetera).Secondly, you would get a mood raise, higher libido, greater self confidence and build muscle faster. You would also gain some water weightAnd then you would get increased risk of cancer, your endogenous production will slow down significantly, et cetera.Some people use it for a long time with no significant adverse effects (in moderate doses) and some can’t handle it.Is it worth it as an 18-year old? Completely impossible to answer.