Pls Help Me Make A Summary Of This Site

How do you write a summary of a poem?

Ask yourself this question first:What is the main point of the poem?How is the poem structures?What does the author use to bring us to this main point?What is the overall tone of the poem?I’ll give you a quick example of a popular poem by Robert Frost:“In his three stanza poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” Robert Frost paints a picture with contrast images of light and darknesses to show a dilemma of a man who is in the middle of the woods during a snowstorm. At first, the man considers stopping and staying in the woods because it is so peaceful. However, his horse alerts him to the fact that he has many things left to do in his life. While many people see this poem as a peaceful scene, some look at the images of darkness and see a man faced with a troubling problem and the woods could be his escape.”As you can see, I mentioned the structure, the theme, the images, and the conflict, which is included in most poetry.I hope this helps.

Pls give me a site where i can find the summary of Sonia by francisco b. icasiano?

"Pain I have realized is only beautiful only when one can rise from it's depressing power. I have known people who have become cynical and bitter under the lash of sorrow; and I have known some who never recovered from anguish. My experience is only important only so far as it may help others toward growth; it is worthless to me if it implies vanity."

I never realized pain's beauty since I felt it. I was always cynical and bitter through the months but still, I believed that i'll recover. I was optimistic. Believing that one day, everything will fall back into place. I can finally move on and live a peaceful life, but after recieveing the news that he's leaving, I felt my whole world was shattering apart. Now I believe that friendship is like a broken mirror. No matter how hard you try to fix it, you'll just end up getting hurt. I tried it yesterday, and what do I get? My crushed pride,broken heart and swollen eyes. It's really effing hard when the only one who can understand your pain is yourself. When others would just keep their minds shut and believe in what they think is right. I've lost hope now. Even my closest friends said that I should leave things the way they are for I can't do anything about something that is already done. Now, I finally decided to keep it that way. Be contented and make the most out of the remaining days we have. Cherish his presence and our memories. For after 3 weeks, the former will be gone. Forever.

I've woken up from a dream. Reality must have bitten me hard this time. Coz during my most depressing and devastating moments, I realized that if I don't stop now, i'll be expecting more painful realizations ahead. I can never be like Mikaela. She got the closure that she wanted and surpassed the pain of unrequited love. Nor Denise who strived hard to be worthy for the guy of her dreams. Now, I must turn myself over my art. My outlet of my failed dreams. My writings.

"This realization of reality must make a real artist of a man. Broken with pain, the soul dies to be reborn, stringer and more beautiful; enriched and enobled by sorrow, the artist in the man rises above himselfl shorn of all fineries and prettiness-- all nonessential, in a word-- the artist flows naturally toward the infinited whither of all artistic effort must be directed"

No grudges,no hard feelings, just...

Unbearable pain and sorrow.

What is the site giving summaries for self-help books?

Participating in a research project is a very exciting thing. This is especially true if you are an undergraduate student. After all, what you are working on now could be published at some point in the future. You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in exciting work such as performing experiments, conducting interviews, helping to design instruments, analyzing data, and more. You may even find yourself out in the field. However, no research project is without significant writing requirements. One of these requirements is the research summary.

Can you help me to make some summary of the novel ang tundo man may langit din?

try or

How do you write a summary of a chapter?

Read the chapterRead the chapter thoroughly, without skipping any parts. Write down important points in a notepad or a computer document. It is better to highlight the text in the book.Begin writing the outlineUse letters to denote the most important points in the chapter and elaborate on them. Use numbers and sub-letters for any supporting details.Convert the outline to the full textWhen writing the full text, make sure that all information is covered. Rewrite it if necessary. Not every part of a chapter will need to be included in the summary. The outline is a guide to the information included in the summary, but it can be deviated from.Read and proof the summaryAfter writing the summary, read over it and compare to the original text to see if any information could be added. Check the document for spelling errors and other potential issues and save it.

Can you please help me make a decision about what to write for my research paper?

Research writing develops as you write. There is always a question what to write and what not to, and this leads to confusion. Here are few tips to keep in mind while writing a research paper (based on my research experience so far):Most important: Have a feeling, I need to write the greatest research paper of all times.Each word counts: if a thought can be expressed in 10 words, never use 11.Each sentence is important: Convey as much information in less sentences.Provide enough context: The paragraph should continue the story. Always answer, why do you write this paragraph question for every paragraph.Introduction is the summary of the paper and abstract is the summary of the introduction.Conclusion is additional information to the abstract. It is meant to attract the attention of the reader to your research paper. So, don’t forget to provide the key findings, scientific methodology, and the future scope of your research.Last but not the least: follow the following flow chart:Follow the following flowchart to quickly grasp the fundamentals of research:

Is there a good website or app for book summaries (except getAbstract)?

You have a long reading list and you want to get to all those books.But you have limited time.An alternative is to read or listen to book summaries from apps like Blinkist.While reading books (or listening to audiobooks) is great, book summaries are good too. I love them as they are great for dipping your toes into a book, revisiting a book or getting the main points from a book you may not pick up.But there’s a problem…Book summaries are like long-form articles. You read them. Maybe think about it for a moment and then you forget most of it.It’s not because you have a poor memory. Human brains just work that way.So, what’s the solution?I’ll get to that in a moment, but first, let me make one point clear.Nothing replaces reading books. Don’t skip reading a great book just because you found a book summary on it.But I understand that you can’t get to every book and you still want to get the perspective of different authors.So, here’s the solution I found that is an amazing addition to my lifelong learning arsenal.It’s called the HabitCoach app - Android and iOS (Mobile only link).The app gives you a collection of gold nuggets from the best books on the topics:Psychology & Personal GrowthManagement & LeadershipHappinessBusinessHealth & FamilyThey do the digging for you. They find the nuggets and then; they create a list of the best insights and actionable points from the books.And that’s not all.They list the habit ideas and let you convert the ones you like into habits. This way, you don’t just read and forget.You can read the full post about the app here or take part in the giveaway for 1-year of free subscription.

What are the benefits of using book summary websites?

I think there are a lot of benefits, depending on what you want to get out of a summary.Maybe you are an avid reader and want to get a better sense of whether or not you should invest your time (and money) into reading the whole book. An extensive summary could help with that.If you’ve read the book already but it’s been awhile, a summary can refresh your memory so you can recall the key points without re-reading the whole thing. This could be especially useful if your book club is reading a book you’ve read in the past, or if the book is being made into a new movie or TV show.A summary could also serve as a companion to reading the full book, particularly if it is rather dense and complicated, enhancing the reading experience with further analysis and insight.Or maybe you just really want to get the key learnings from the book and simply don’t have the time to read hundreds of pages of details. A summary can distill the main points into 20–30 pages. And maybe one day you’ll decide to read the whole book when you have more time (leading back into the first example).Full disclosure: I work for a company that has just started to release a series of book summaries called Worth Books. If you are interested in summaries, please take a look at our offerings (which are also available on all major retail sites): Worth Books

How do I start and overall write a proper summary about an essay or a reading? Please help

Mention the name of the author, the date of the article if you are doing APA, and the title of the reading (in quotation marks) first and then make a statement about what you think of the subject matter. Then go on to explain the information and significance of the information.For example:In Doug Hofstatder’s (1989) article “A Person Paper on Purity of Language,” ….

PLEASE help. DETAILD summary on Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli?

does anyone want to give me an EXTREMLY DETAILED summary on the book Stargirl? please include:
things about the main charactors, key points in the book; some for the begining, middle, and end of the book
and the authors message.
PLEASE help me. this is desperate. make sure to be specific and detailed as possible thank you soooooooo much